
 I’m buggered and have just sat down with a very VERY large Spanish Sherry.
Dorothy is licking my feet and all is well
In just three hours, Ian and I with just two helpers set up the whole show after the day care kids had left the hall at three.
In previous years six hours was the general timescale 
True I had a mini meltdown because the classes where run anti-clockwise instead of clockwise , but I pulled myself up by my bra straps and stopped my mini strop 
With the school children’s art entries and their novelty vegetable productions mean that our entries number is heading towards 450

Enjoy the video
A little gem by ex villager kelda 

Update 2


I’m in between jobs and have an hour and a half window before we set the hall up for the show. There’s a children’s activity day booked in the hall today and they finish at 3pm
That means we have to set up the whole show in three hours 
The exhibits start coming in at 6pm
Yesterday we has 220 exhibits entered
By some good fortune today, we have now have just over 400 total 
How good is that?



Well Roger is exhausted 
As I’ve been , baking, and cooking, and constructing novelty vegetable animals and making up hamper prizes, a busy line of villagers has called my name over the kitchen wall in order to drop entry forms in or to donate to the raffle hamper. 
To date we have 220 exhibits booked in!!!!!!!?and enough food to make two luxury food hampers .
Roger has got so excited at the number of visitors he’s bounced himself stupid saying hello to everyone and now is laid out on the carpet with his tongue flopped out and his legs jumping at dreams of multiple cuddles with happy strangers.
He’s the sweetest dog I’ve ever owned 
Deadline for entries is noon tomorrow 
I’m overwhelmed with the support for such a little show 
Thank you to blogger Meanqueen too for her support,  your gift was generous and gratefully received 

Building Up For The Show

It was humid and barmy last night and I sat on the patio for two hours towards dusk sipping some Spanish Sherry, a friend gave me as a gift to remember Barcelona by. 
The Sherry was decanted into what looked like a small Kilner jar and was smuggled in from Spain in hand luggage .
I felt rather pissed when I got up to receive Flower Show entries from Animal Helper Pat and Sue T from London Road.
The Chinese lanterns cheered the wet patio up between showers

Agapanthus, always a showy bloom

The dogs left me though and filled the trendy blue sofa in the living room.
Today I’m baking my “ Against Terry” items for the flower Show
Terry should be doing the same
Auntie Glad and her scones 

We are incredibly competitive and have been going head to head in the baking class  since 2010 
Ideally I should be making my scones fresh the morning I needed them like auntie Glad used to do… mind you she once made 70 scones in one morning before the flower show when she was in her early 90s without drawing sweat. I’m making 5 for my challenge against Terry and I’m sweating cobs! 
We are going head to head in the quiche, scones and fruit cake . 
The cut off point for entries is Friday morning and I’ve already received 140 so far including a single bloom from Bethan from Byron Street who had to be talked into sacrificing one of her beloved blue agapanthus.

Terry and I at the last flower Show four years ago



Other People’s Lives

  I don’t get a lot of rest in Flower Show week.

It’s my second night shift at work and I’ve had broken sleep.
Di from Choir dropped off two jars of jam to be entered as she is away on Friday.
I’ve always relaxed the rules for the benefit of more entries, and am happy to put exhibits in for absent supporters.
I dropped off a cake tin too.
One of the Going Gently characters had asked for it last week and I bumbled into her kitchen like a tubby teenager not initially realizing that she had been crying.
She busied herself inside the pan cupboard and wiped her eyes with her apron.
And I pretended I hadn’t noticed
We talked about the death of Mad Organist of Father Timothy’s recent death ( He was the vicar of nearby Dyserth) and of the Flower Show, of Singing in the Rain and the fact some scrote had stolen two planters of busylizzies that had been donated by the TCA from London road.

As I turned to go I asked her gently if she was alright.
And she nodded bravely through a watery smile
“I will be” she said quietly 

After The Rain (feat. Rachael Wooding & Tom Deering) (Live)

 It’s Yorkshire day today
So says Gabby Roslyn on radio 2 this morning.
I was driving home from work and she was banging on about nothing
She didn’t have much of substance to say about God,’s Own Country
think I know parts of Yorkshire well.
I lived in York between 1986 and 1989
Then Sheffield between 1989 and 2006
I miss the counties very much 
York was my equivalent time to a young man’s university days 
But I grew up in Sheffield…..

In so many ways 

Ghosts and Bones


Next to the Memorial Hall and just across Chapel Street is the old Ebenezer Chapel. 
The chapel and chapel house which makes up the building total used to be a market hall and dates from 1700.
The building has been bought by a property developer in the hope of making a quick buck. We understand that he’s planning to change the whole building into seven apartments which to me seems rather excessive given the limited amount of parking space there is in the village centre.
Affable Despot Jason lives next to the proposed build and his garden will be potentially overlooked by many of these flats and I reminded him on Saturday of the Ghost of John Wynne,  a story he already knew very well.
Now John Wynne was responsible for the growth and development of Trelawnyd around 1700
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trelawnyd and it is thought that his remains were indeed buried under the floor of the Chapel itself. 
A sobering thought for any developer to deal with me thinks, especially as he was obviously unaware of such a tale before he bought the building.
The figure of a man in a long coat, who is thought to be the Ghost of John Wynne has been seen by several locals, including the Randa girls and Graham the sheep when he was a teenager. 

More Singing

 Thank you from anon , who suggested this wonderful video on my last blog 

Singing In The Rain


It’s 70 years since Singing In The Rain was made, and so it’s easy to forget just how buff Gene Kelly actually was as a young man.
He was very easy on the eye.
Around twenty five people turned up for film night which is probably better numbers than the professional Scala cinema in nearby Prestatyn 
And I must admit the film holds up very well despite its age.


This is Hazel
She was my second cousin ( I think) and was a dear friend of my mother and a favourite aunt to my elder sister 
The photo has a sweetness about it
Especially as Hazel died tragically giving birth to a daughter only a few months before I was born
I just wanted to memorialise it

It’s also been a baking day today
I’m made two boiled fruit cakes for the show , one slightly bigger than the other

I may enter both
It’s singing In The Rain at the Village Cinema Club later


Flower Show


My flower show entry for the photograph class “ pet”

The Manley’s came to the kitchen wall this afternoon  with boxes of dog food for my pack.
It was a bittersweet visit as they’ve just had to put down their floppy setter Gilly but I managed to make them laugh a bit as Roger bounced madly in the background like a loon. 
I like the Manley’s, a no nonsense couple in their 50s who love their community and who can be relied upon to do what they say they will do. 
Ma Manley sported a great homemade pair of dungarees and Laurie Manley seemed enchanted by Roger’s welcome. They are entering the flower show and are looking forward to it . 
Minutes later Boffin Cameron’s mum popped around with her old flower show cup.
I have a soft spot for her, as Lorna loves to support the Flower Show and has exhibited for years.
“Is it ok that I enter 20 classes?’ She asked
Is the Pope Catholic ?” I replied 
And she beamed and laughed sweetly

She’s a star.
Mrs Trellis waved at me at teatime too , when I was drinking a brew on the patio
I’m entering the vase of flowers “ she called energetically as she passed  and I suddenly felt like having a weep

The troops are starting to come up trumps 

Me thinks

Gaenor The Mad Organist

With the church now shut, I haven’t seen anything of Gaenor The Mad Organist for an age now.
Never one to hide her emotions behind a smile, she would liven up any village service with a Les Dawson face, usually pulled towards one of the Church wardens who she disliked immensely.
Sometimes I felt I was watching a panto rather than a church sermon.
I heard that she had very recently died 

In more recent times, I would bump into her in the supermarket, where I would infuriate her with the game of Fill The Basket.
Now fill the basket is a cracker of a sport.
You first pick a victim ,( ideally this is a person you already know) and you follow them around the supermarket unseen .Then you start to fill their trolley with arbitrary items from the shelves, gaining more kudos for adding the most bizarre bits and pieces.
For The Mad Organist , I once managed to add two packets of durex,a packet of tena lite incontinence pads, budgie seed and a pair of fluffy ear muffs into her trolley before she stopped dead at the checkout

Such fun


Seventeen years ago 
I wrote this, on one of the very first blogs I shared publicly, I was reminded of it today by an odd comment, overheard 

It’s just one small reason I love my sister so much

little actions of kindness

Today I have been thinking of something that happened on a Christmas many years ago.
It was a little action of kindness that had a profound effect on me and made me believe in the humanity within man.

One sunday, I think it was around Christmas, we were having lunch at home, all of us "visiting" my parents. My twin sister and I would have been around 26, my elder sister and her husband in their forties. My mother was a not-so-secret drinker and was pretty smashed as I recall. She carried on preparing the lunch and serving it as though sober, but it was all too apparant to all how much she had indeed drunk. In typical English/family secret way we all tried ignore her slurring and clumsiness, but as she tottered off into the kitchen my father could not bare it anymore and burst into tears.
We were all mortified!, and concentrated on our lunches as though they were the only meals we had ever been presented with. Only My elder sister reacted. Immediately and gently, and withour undue fuss she lent over and cupped her hand on my father's cheek. It lasted but a moment, but in that one tiny act of kindness she gave him her support,affection and control, it quietened him and he carried on his meal as we all did.

That gesture strengthened us all, and I have never forgotton it, it was something unique and special andthese things are often surprisingly overlooked in our self absorbed lives.

Real Life

Its all been rather busy.
I was planning a blog entry yesterday and  ended up catching myself unawares from behind
Today, has been a similar day and I won be home until after 9 pm
tomorrow I'm working in the community in the Hospice @ Home team
Real Life gets in Blogging way just occasionally

I’ve seen it all before


Ok we had a fight at a glamorous party set in Venice at night
Lots of CGI face recognition shots at an airport
Facial masks that shouldn’t work as everyone knows they’re being used.
A vertical orient express coach reinacting the trailer-over- cliff sequence in Jurassic Park 2 
The obligatory car chase through the Rome back streets
An over complicated but slick plot
A feature stiff Cruise doing his own stunts 
A movie Nearly three hours long

It’s not a bad movie, it’s just a movie that we’ve all seen before and that fucking  bored me.
Ok the set pieces were fun ( Venice looked as lovely as I remembered it ) and the obligatory Asian villain turned good ( Pom Klementieff) was great fun but the film lacked drama as the tight knit family IMF was alluded to rather than really shown .
And it’s the people that matter.
Ilsa ( the impressive Rebecca Ferguson ) was underused and clearly killed off to make way for new love interest and Cruise foil character Grace ( Hayley Atwell ) which is a shame. 
Ferguson is a class act and has a warmth Mission Impossible so obviously needed.
I always liked what the franchise did with her….

Adding to this, Simon Pegg who used to show so much boyish charm and warmth in previous Missions  is now a haggard old guy who is just irritating to watch in this update.
The franchise has run its course.
Of course if you like big scenes, on a big screen, with big music, big sounds and big rollercoaster feel, you will love this movie……but that’s a rollercoaster ride and NOT a proper movie experience 

In the end
All this noise reminded me that apart from being good to look at, this movie is sadly rather vacuous 

Baddie Esai Morales was a real dish btw 

Moving On


Several of the hospice staff are moving on to other things this week. Today we are all meeting for a beach party on West Shore. I will post some of the photos after I go later as I am writing this from last night's night shift. 
You will be.
I shall miss all three of the clinical staff that are leaving. Beth and Klea (who is Greek) are excellent nurses and will blossom as they move forward in their careers. Mandy, a previous spinal injury Physio is retiring 
I have a soft spot for all of them.
when I was a ward manager, I could spy a good nurse from fifty yards and over they years became very adept at headhunting nurses with potential for my own ward. 

After the beach party Im meeting Gorgeous Dave for Mission Impossible

Roger sirt of behaved himself

Funny Feeling Day

 Each one of us should have something beautiful to experience everyday.
The older I get, the more I believe this.
Today it was this bit of mindfullness initiated by Jacob Collier 
Humbling, extraordinary and profound.
I watched the video a few times, caught by the shared joy it captures

I feel a little lonely today. 
Just a little
I’m not complaining, just observing 
The weather is atrocious and at the last minute I said I’d cover night shift sickness tonight.
Over the last few weeks I’ve been spoilt with good weather and company
The video underlines company , and unity , and something shared 
How great is that.
And it’s ok to miss that a little. 
I’m not beating myself up with it.

As I type this I’ve seen a mark on the kitchen table, I’ve cleaned it now I have to scrub the whole thing, 
I can see Albert marks on the wall near his window shelf, so I’ve bought paint on line to freshen things
The patio is sodden but the flowers look vibrant
I’ve photographed them in the rain

I had an argument with a friend too. I don’t like the fact the argument took place but I needed to stand up for myself too.
It’s a funny feeling day

Pamper Day

 I’m coming down with a little bump today. Yesterday I was busy coming home, and when I got home, I was busy washing clothes, washing throws and shopping at the supermarket, where not only did I buy provisions and dog food for the week but filled the hamper ready for Flower Show in two weeks time. I have photographed it to publicise the show and to galvanise the TCA volunteers into helping then will put it safely in the hall

It’s the first day of the school holidays and The Storyhouse is nose to nipple with effing kids activities , films and plays. theatre Clwyd only has a comedy on Macbeth and Romeo and Juliet in 40 minutes which sounds dreadful, so I’ve not been tempted to go out.
Now this is good. 
I’ve lived off being busy for a month now, so a day for me alone at home, is the order of the day.
So saying that, the dogs and I went to Dyserth for a walk. 
It was pissing down and I loved it.
There is nothing better than getting that refreshing wet first thing in the morning.
My third best Walking Dead T shirt was steaming nicely when we got home and by 8 am I was planning my “Pamper Day” with the Mokka pot bubbling away on the stove.

Tidy cottage so that I have set the scene
Hot shower and shave after Roger and Mary showers
Moisturise and facepack ( an unused gift from Chic Eleanor from five years ago when my ex left) “ John you must attend to those little indulgences to keep your head above water!” 
Fresh clothes
Catch up And Just Like That and The Great British Sewing Bee
Cry at The Repair Shop
Phone Call Catch up with Nige
Scrambled eggs on hot buttered toast
Bird box Barcelona and Brazilian Zombie Reality Z on Netflix
Hummus and low-fat nachos
Light fire if rain continues
Read another beautifully written few chapters of A Terrible Kindness by Jo Browning Wroe a drama set around the Aberfan disaster.
Beans on toast for supper


Keep Going

Such fun, Colin 

The National Portrait Gallery

 I’ve missed The National Portrait Gallery. For the last few years it’s been closed for renovations so my go too place for a quick mooch, coffee and think disappeared for what seemed like an age. 
The gallery is open now.
Brighter and more airy.
I liked it 

Marlene Dumas’ Amy Blue was a standout version of Amy Winehouse as was Colin Davidson’s Ed Sheeran. 

I also slightly fell in love with Lady Colin Campbell by Giovanni Boldini who was the La Traviata of her day and in my minds eye the perfect Violetta.

We had a nice meal at Côte in St Martins Lane then ambled to the Duke of York’s to see the revival of The Pillowman with Lily Allen.
The Pillowman proved to be a dire, badly acted , gloomy affair which has a lot to say about Child abuse and man’s inhumanity to man .
Too much so.
Nu and I walked out, which was a shame 

The train system is messy this morning.
I hope to be home lunchtime
Im going to take the dogs to be the beach