Real Life

Its all been rather busy.
I was planning a blog entry yesterday and  ended up catching myself unawares from behind
Today, has been a similar day and I won be home until after 9 pm
tomorrow I'm working in the community in the Hospice @ Home team
Real Life gets in Blogging way just occasionally


  1. weaver4:36 pm

    Relax, take it easy when you can - I look forward to hearing about it all when you are back in the old routine.

    1. Anonymous6:40 pm

      Investing on the cryptocurrency market has been a main source of income, that's why knowledge plays a very important role in humanity, you don't need to over work yourself for money.All you need is the right information, and you could build your own wealth from the comfort of your home!Binary trading is dependent on timely signals, assets or controlled strategies which when mastered increases chance of winning up to 90%-100% with trading. It’s possible to earn $10,000 to $20,000 trading weekly-monthly in cryptocurrency(bitcoin) investment,just get in contact with Mr Bernie Doran my broker. I had almost given up on everything about binary trading and never getting my lost funds back, till i met with him, with his help and guidance now i have my lost funds back to my bank account, gained more profit and I can now trade successfully with his profitable strategies and software!!
      Reach out to him on Gmail (BERNIEDORANSIGNALS@GMAIL.COM) , or his WhatsApp : +1(424)285-0682 for inquiries

  2. Anonymous4:41 pm

    We are all here , when you have time and feel like it.

  3. Barbara Anne4:53 pm

    "Mama said there'd be days like this; there'd be days like this my Mama said ..."
    Fret not. Relax, Get back to your blog when time and energy allow.


  4. Oh no John - You don't want to be caught unawares from up behind x

    1. All the other comments to John are supportive and kind. Your comment is just crude.

    2. glad you like me πŸ€—

    3. Anonymous7:28 am

      Read Deb's comment again flis - you couldn't be more mistaken. Smutty, crude and distasteful comments aren't welcome here.

    4. That's wonderful πŸ˜‡

    5. Despite being asked by John to stop you're STILL replying to Anon's comments - what on earth is the matter with you? It's JOHN'S blog not yours.
      Get that in your thick skull.

    6. Thick skull !! πŸ™…

    7. Anonymous6:55 pm

      You just can't help yourself can you flis. Do carry on until you get barred like Ursula. Wait - yes of course - you are Ursula. That explains a lot.
      We don't like you - go away please.

    8. Anonymous6:55 pm

      You just can't help yourself can you flis. Do carry on until you get barred like Ursula. Wait - yes of course - you are Ursula. That explains a lot.
      We don't like you - go away please.

    9. We ? 😏

    10. Oh FFS flis feck off, you're not being clever just annoying. Catching up on posts and comments then it's you and your bloody annoying persistent comments yet again. Why can't you do as John told you to do?

    11. As it is most clear that I am bullied here and targeted by the Bully - I find it most disappointing Mike that you support a bully 🐩

    12. Anonymous4:52 pm

      Comment above from Mike.

    13. Charming 😏

    14. Flis please just don’t respond

    15. I responded also to "Deb" , " P" and " Mike" - So are they anon too ? x

  5. Glad that you're OK.

  6. Anonymous6:07 pm

    Funny how real life can be such a bitch sometimes. I have been riding the roller coaster of life for several days now and it just won't slow down enough to get off. Must be the alignment of the planets.

  7. Sometimes, life gets in the way of living. We'll be here when you get time to breathe! xx

  8. Enjoy and fret not... we'll all be here whenever things slow down a bit. 😊

  9. Anonymous6:49 pm

    Hi John ..just to say thank you for the recommendation re z hotel Covent Garden. I have to fly home in 2 days but being here a mini vacation on my own ..a new experience for me..has been enriching and given me confidence. The lovely St Paul’s next door with its peaceful garden has been a bonus.Jean/Winnipeg

  10. Ready and waiting when you are, John. No rush, Dearheart!

  11. Yorkshire Liz8:13 pm

    Terrible how real life gets in the way of living, isn't it? One of the worst versions is waiting half an hour listening to The Four Seasons waiting for some/any/every customer services on the phone..... Your dose of real life getting in the way is much more useful and interesting than that! Onwards!

  12. "Catching myself unawares from behind"... I like that phrase. Had to think about it a bit though... Unfortunately I've been beating myself to a pulp from the inside, but it passes. I could not do your job for a single day. It would destroy me.

    1. If I think think about it too much, it can destroy me just a little…..( by little)

    2. I think about everything too much John. I wish I had an off switch for that. Anyway, you take care of yourself friend.

    3. It’s been an emotional day , and one that stretched me…I’m tired

  13. Anonymous6:15 am

    I invested 165k to an online brokerage company, which I got stuck having challenges of making withdrawal of my investment profit , all access to withdraw was denied until I got to know about a recovery specialist called Gavin ray I sent him all he needed to place a Recovery of my withheld funds and I got a call by the bank confirming the payment on my bank, kindly get in touch with Gavin on mail: gavinray78 @ gmail. com or WhatsApp ‪+1 (352) 32 2‑2 0 96, if your investment funds is been withhold online

  14. Are we safe? That’s the question I keep on asking, the internet is becoming more unsafe and so many unethical people derive joy from defrauding victims whenever they can. I have fallen victim to their scam tactics and lost $300,000 worth of Bitcoins from my Binance account after I tried to invest in cryptocurrency. I was unlucky to be one of the many victims who have fallen prey to these scam artists, with their usual tactics of cryptocurrency manipulation. My advice to everyone out there is to be cautious and seek enough information before investing in cryptocurrency. I would be in serious financial trouble and probably would have lost my house without the intervention of Cyber Asset Recovery, a cryptocurrency and digital currency recovery company, I was very fortunate to be referred to them by my cousin who was a client of Cyber Asset Recovery, for many years back. It was remarkable that a team of cyber security professionals and ethical hackers was able to recover my funds for me. I’m grateful for their service and I recommend Cyber Asset Recovery, to everyone out there. Kindly contact them via E-Mail if you need their services.
    Telegram: @CyberAssetRecovery & +1 501 725 1653


I love all comments Except abusive ones from arseholes