I’ve seen it all before


Ok we had a fight at a glamorous party set in Venice at night
Lots of CGI face recognition shots at an airport
Facial masks that shouldn’t work as everyone knows they’re being used.
A vertical orient express coach reinacting the trailer-over- cliff sequence in Jurassic Park 2 
The obligatory car chase through the Rome back streets
An over complicated but slick plot
A feature stiff Cruise doing his own stunts 
A movie Nearly three hours long

It’s not a bad movie, it’s just a movie that we’ve all seen before and that fucking  bored me.
Ok the set pieces were fun ( Venice looked as lovely as I remembered it ) and the obligatory Asian villain turned good ( Pom Klementieff) was great fun but the film lacked drama as the tight knit family IMF was alluded to rather than really shown .
And it’s the people that matter.
Ilsa ( the impressive Rebecca Ferguson ) was underused and clearly killed off to make way for new love interest and Cruise foil character Grace ( Hayley Atwell ) which is a shame. 
Ferguson is a class act and has a warmth Mission Impossible so obviously needed.
I always liked what the franchise did with her….

Adding to this, Simon Pegg who used to show so much boyish charm and warmth in previous Missions  is now a haggard old guy who is just irritating to watch in this update.
The franchise has run its course.
Of course if you like big scenes, on a big screen, with big music, big sounds and big rollercoaster feel, you will love this movie……but that’s a rollercoaster ride and NOT a proper movie experience 

In the end
All this noise reminded me that apart from being good to look at, this movie is sadly rather vacuous 

Baddie Esai Morales was a real dish btw 


  1. I don't know if I have the stamina to sit through a 3 hour movie anymore...I'm too old.

    1. When everything is too frenetic , the whole ride is exhausting

  2. Kinda sounds like this set of Tom Cruise movies has run its course in the same fashion as Harrison Ford and the Indiana Jones sequels.......

    1. It had its good bits , and the set pieces were little movies in their own right

  3. I have less than no interest to see this movie. Tom Cruise disturbs me greatly. Scientology. Really? Cult on, dude. If that's rude, please forgive me.

  4. I have never seen any of Tom Cruise's movies and I see no reason to start now! ; )

    1. Rogue nation was a cracker of a movie I thought

  5. Yes... Esai Morales is lovely.

  6. I loved the movie... guess i don't have very high standards but enjoyed every minute.. I too was sorry to see Ilsa killed off. In my opinion she's a much better actress than the new love interest.

    1. The way she was “ removed” was incredibly cavileer

  7. Barbara Anne5:11 am

    0 interest in this movie. 0 interest in Tom Cruise. I so agree with Ms Moon!


    1. He’s made some interesting movies and whatever you think of him, his dedication to the art of filmmaking and stunt work in particular is impressive

  8. Based on your review, I'm in no hurry to see it.

    1. Don’t mind me, plentry of people loved it

  9. That's why I like my old-fashioned DVD's, of old-fashioned films. a) they're usually 2 hours max. b) I can stop them to go and do something else. c) I'm in the comfort of my own home. d) I can watch in my PJ's! xx

  10. Traveller7:31 am

    Given some glowing reviews I have read elsewhere, I wondered what you would think of this.

    There was some talk of showing it at the village film club, once it has been released to DVD. Based on your description, and the length, I think we might pass.

    Great review

    1. We’ve got singing in the rain this week

    2. Traveller2:18 pm

      We had Elvis last Friday. I was on cooking duty - Thai Green Chicken Curry. The most exciting thing (irony font needed) was someone in the village owns the guitar that was used in the film - so the lucky punters got to see the guitar before the film started. I was so distracted I dropped a tray of mango dessert on the floor.

  11. I've not seen it as I couldn't sit still for 3 hours! Everyone I know that has seen it, loved it! I may have watched it had it been half the time.

  12. Esai Morales is always a dish. I could very happily live without ever seeing Tom Cruise again, which is why I read your review from start to finish. Not a chance in hell I'd be seeing this.

  13. A good newspaper should publish your reviews. This sounds like a good movie to avoid.

    1. It’s slick and very exciting in bits and well made. Like I said, ive just seen it all before

  14. The trailer that I watched made it all seem so far-fetched and over the top. Tom Cruise needs to re-evaluate the films he chooses to do ... or just retire gracefully.

    1. Sue, I think you’ve hit the nail on the head. Credibility
      It’s incredible

  15. Yorkshire Tiz11:28 am

    a haggard old guy who is just irritating to watch
    You have a lot in common 🤣
    You sound angry 👿 and depressed 😿💅🏻

    1. And you sound bitter, sad and mentally ill

    2. Yorkshire Liz3:38 pm

      You know this comment is not me, John! This almost appropriation of my name was sussed at the staft. Boring now.
      Yorkshire LIZ

    3. Yorkshire Tiz4:26 pm

      This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    4. Yes Yorkshire Liz I know it’s not you.
      Just some ridiculous time waster

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. Swoon - Mr Esai Is a dish isn't he x 💋

  18. As you mentioned, I respect TC for all he does to keep the movie I dusty going. Was never a huge fan but I found what he did to get Top Gun made was really wonderful of him. I try not to let politics or religion color my perception of actors.

  19. Anonymous1:35 pm

    Never was able to sit through a movie, either fell asleep or needed to wee so I always missed the point of the movie. Don’t like Tom Cruise and just wish he would go away. Enough is enough. Gigi

  20. Somebody would have to pay me to watch a film like that and I would probably fall asleep anyway.Not my cup of tea at all.

  21. I've not seen this, but I think I've sat through most of the others, and many other similar films. I cannot really tell the diference!

  22. Yorkshire Liz3:28 pm

    There's nothing like a punchy last line! And I very much agree. Tom Cruise has not been a good actor for a long time and this franchise is past it's best and should be retired for everyone's sake. Cruise's refusal to accept his age and his obsession with stunts as personal validation is conc ering a

    1. Yorkshire Liz3:33 pm

      Sorry was ambushed by technology.......as I was saying: is concerning.
      And three hours for a top of the head action movie is just indulgent. Looks like a seen it all before movie. I like a good action movie but not this. Sorry.

  23. This one was a bit of a disappointment. Next one will be better!

  24. Get up, Get out, and for any others reasons, regardless of what they might say. Kick'em to the curb..

  25. I still say if you want to see an action movie you cannot go wrong with Tom Cruise. My favorite is Edge of Tomorrow. I loved Simon Peg in Hot Fuzz. My friends didn't get the humor.


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