Moving On


Several of the hospice staff are moving on to other things this week. Today we are all meeting for a beach party on West Shore. I will post some of the photos after I go later as I am writing this from last night's night shift. 
You will be.
I shall miss all three of the clinical staff that are leaving. Beth and Klea (who is Greek) are excellent nurses and will blossom as they move forward in their careers. Mandy, a previous spinal injury Physio is retiring 
I have a soft spot for all of them.
when I was a ward manager, I could spy a good nurse from fifty yards and over they years became very adept at headhunting nurses with potential for my own ward. 

After the beach party Im meeting Gorgeous Dave for Mission Impossible

Roger sirt of behaved himself


  1. Won't their moving on make you extremely understaffed or are there new people coming in? I foresee longer hours for you and exhaustion looming.

    1. Things will be tighter for a while .hospice turnover can be quick for obvious reasons

    2. Anonymous11:36 pm

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  2. When you identify a good nurse, do you see specific traits or is there something intangible you notice?

    1. Calm , efficient and practical .
      Ability to act on own assessments
      Warm, empathetic
      Sometimes there’s a spark in them
      Humour, a must, a team player too.

  3. Anonymous2:58 am

    Just read your previous blog post, John. Take care and go slow when removing all marks and traces of Albert. I kept a post that my feline, Bonny, used to sharpen her nails. Later, I was glad I did as it brought fond memories of our shared living over 16 years and made me smile.

    1. I understand
      For a couple of years I left Williams bum scratching marks on the hall corner

  4. I have been trying to do a bit of catch-up on some of my favorite long time blog friends. It is very hard as the right eye is very bad and I have a hard time reading now. The injections into the eye are very painful but.......
    One of your posts you ended with how you felt happy and i must tell you I left the post feeling happy also.
    cheers, the gud dugs

    1. Gayle
      Lovely to see you back …your artwork stands out on my art wall still xxx

    2. So lovely to read that ! Thank You

  5. I just watched the trailer for 'Barbie'. It looks wonderful, I'm sure you'll want to see it. It's totally psychedelic.

  6. Barbara Anne4:30 am

    Sorry your nurse friends are leaving for other jobs and I know you'll miss the laughs and shared caring for the patients.
    In the States, it's quite common for nurses to change jobs and there is no problem on their CVs
    Hope you sleep well befor e the barty and movie!


    1. In the states many senior nurses work an extra shift on the shop floor
      I noticed that when I worked in Pittsburgh

  7. Always mixed feeling when esteemed colleagues move on. I wish them all well. I hope the beach party isn't a washout! xx

    1. Just seen the photos. Glad the sun came out for the beach party. xx

  8. The nurses I have been treated by here at our cottage hospital Minit Injuries Unit have all been very good but one stands out in particular. He has all the qualities you describe in your first reply, above.

  9. weaver9:23 am

    I have three carers John and - as you say - you can spot a good one from a distance. I try not to compare them - only one at once - one morning, one evening and one who fills in when neither of the other two are free. One of them is outstanding and I can't help but compare the other two with her.

    1. Confident , not overly so, but careful to get things right

  10. Have a great going away party, I need to plan one of those for later this year. :)

    1. There should be a great many at yours x

  11. I hope the people who fill the spaces they leave behind them are just as good

  12. I would feel pangs in my gut - whilst knowing though the need to evolve x

    1. Every job can be filled but it’s always nice to make the effort and go

  13. Anonymous7:41 pm

    It looks like the party was a success by the remains. Such a nice looking beach and co-workers. Gigi

    1. Klea and her boyfriend made plates fully of Greek savoury dishes

  14. Diane8:48 pm

    Fabulous weather for a beach party beautiful beach too

    1. We’ve had a week of torrential rain, how lucky we were having a fantastic sunny day

  15. Looks like a fun day at the beach! I'm sure you will miss those leaving.

    1. There is something sweet and old fashioned about a picnic on the beach ..I’m glad I started the habit

  16. It's a shame when people move on but it is their journey; let's hope the people who come after are just as competent and easy to slot into the roles. The party on the beach looks lovely. It's freezing here I could do with some sun!

    Jo in Auckland

    1. I think the fact you touch someone else’s life and they yours is important
      It’s been a nice day

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. Traveller10:06 pm

    A picnic on the beach - how wonderful

    1. Greek food and lots to eat , what’s not to like


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