Funny Feeling Day

 Each one of us should have something beautiful to experience everyday.
The older I get, the more I believe this.
Today it was this bit of mindfullness initiated by Jacob Collier 
Humbling, extraordinary and profound.
I watched the video a few times, caught by the shared joy it captures

I feel a little lonely today. 
Just a little
I’m not complaining, just observing 
The weather is atrocious and at the last minute I said I’d cover night shift sickness tonight.
Over the last few weeks I’ve been spoilt with good weather and company
The video underlines company , and unity , and something shared 
How great is that.
And it’s ok to miss that a little. 
I’m not beating myself up with it.

As I type this I’ve seen a mark on the kitchen table, I’ve cleaned it now I have to scrub the whole thing, 
I can see Albert marks on the wall near his window shelf, so I’ve bought paint on line to freshen things
The patio is sodden but the flowers look vibrant
I’ve photographed them in the rain

I had an argument with a friend too. I don’t like the fact the argument took place but I needed to stand up for myself too.
It’s a funny feeling day


  1. I think we all have days when everything is a little off-kilter. When the weather is grey, dark and very wet, it's easy to overlook the little joys all around us. Looking out, I can see my garden adorned with jewelled necklaces of raindrops. It doesn't always have to be the big, earth-shattering joy, does it? xx

    1. ive always enjoyed the "little things"
      the important thing is to remind yourself to see them

  2. Anonymous12:33 pm

    My only friend invited me to her house for coffee later but I refused. I don’t like going there maybe because it is a few houses away from where I grew up.. I always feel sad when I pass that house. That house was a happy place. Anyway, she is coming here instead. Now I feel like a sh*t. Sorry your weather is bad as we are having a really nice summer so far. Your flowers look like they are happy with all the rain. Up and onward John. Gigi

    1. gigi
      perhaps you can explain just why you felt tha you couldnt pass an old house with bad memories, im sure she will understand fully

    2. Anonymous12:27 am

      House had very good memories, I just feel sad, I guess because my parents are no longer there. I did explain to my friend and she understood. Gigi

  3. Anonymous12:43 pm

    Oh yes, one of those days when things are a little sad around the edges........
    Alison in Wales x

  4. A true friend should then understand your views after an exchange - I had a friend who became selfish and angry one too many times x

    1. Anonymous1:46 pm

      But shouldn't we all look at our own behavious, it isn't always the fault f the other person flis.

    2. Only to a limit

    3. Didn't John ask you not to reply to anonymous comments?

    4. R** ?

    5. What's your question?

  5. That video is superb. I wonder if that would work with any audience?

    1. i have a feeling it would once he had won them over

  6. Barbara Anne2:03 pm

    Lovely corus of strangers!
    We all have days that are a little off baalance. Fret not.
    Hope you and your friend share coddee soon.
    Sleep well before the night shift.


    1. Anonymous5:11 pm

      Coddee....I was thinking the same thing. A thing to anticipate with glee.

    2. Anonymous5:12 pm

      Gemma's Person above comment

  7. John, I really like the idea that we should treat ourselves to one beautiful thing a day. I just love that. Beauty is there, just waiting to be noticed, and sometimes, we forget to notice. The idea of intention, of believing it to be there, and seeking it out, is a such a simple yet profound act.

    Thank you for this.

    1. thank you, i am a big believer that searching out the positives and the wonderful kick starts your head into something more positive

  8. The choir is remarkable. I tell myself, a bit of an off day will be over in a day and it usually is. Rain or no rain, the flowers in your garden are very beautiful.

  9. Anonymous3:22 pm

    I have what I’ve always thought of this as a Sunday feeling and I have it today. Managed to exchange cross words with my husband as he was trailing about the supermarket like a tired toddler. Lovely and sunny now so we have been doing some outside jobs and chatting nicely. Catriona

  10. Rainy days can do that. Good idea to lift yourself up by looking for beauty!

  11. Anonymous5:14 pm

    I listened to the audience choir...I almost want to call it a miracle.

    1. interesting, its so magical isnt it, how a few thousand people can follow one man so well

  12. Traveller5:45 pm

    The dark mark on white door trim at cat height.

    1. yes, funny that a simple little mark can bring a lump to the throat

  13. Photographing flowers in the rain, what a beautiful thought. Take care in caregiving overnight.

    1. its cool tonight, what with the rain. and so far its peaceful xx

  14. Yorkshire Liz8:33 pm

    A thoroughly natural come down to earth after such remarkable weeks and trips and outings. Don't beat yourself up about it.

  15. That audience choir thing is amazing. I too have watched it several times. Thanks for that, Gentle John.

    1. it lightens the soul, literally doesnt it, so powerful yet so simple

  16. you havent bored me, im just surprise that The Duke would be so touchy feely in his comments lol

  17. Anonymous11:20 pm

    I agree that we all need something uplifting everyday. I'm grateful for the beautiful music videos you share. Because I don't have dogs or cats (allergies, boo hiss), I also look to animal videos on YouTube, or fun things like vlogs of people hiking beautiful trails or this guy who lives on a ranch in Montana and videos the horses running free and the occasional bear snacking on dandelions. Whatever cheers me up on any given day!

  18. As Three Dog Night said, "Mama Said There'd Be Days Like that." Does anyone remember Three Dog Night?

    1. I do Ms. Moon...loved that particular song too.

      Jo in Auckland

  19. I don't often enough comment to tell you how I enjoy your posts. John, I wish we could have met, I think we'd have hit it off, to use an american idiom. Living out my days here, I have things around me that sometimes do trigger memories, the woodcut Cary and I got in Hiroshima in 1968, the oil Alice Hardwick of a pine forest we often had in the living room. Now, they exist I think to remind me I have a past, and it was well worth living.
    Cheers, my friend.

    1. I know we’re would have been good friends because we are good friends xx

  20. Actually, I think the Shirelles said that. Three Dog Night said "Momma Told Me Not to Come"!

    1. I was thinking exactly the same thing when I replied above. Now listening to Momma Told Me Not to Come! Love it.

      Jo in Auckland

  21. Have just sent this to my Singaporean friends, thought it was beautiful.

  22. Days like that happen - I find it best just to ride them out. Acknowledge the feelings, maybe treat myself to something tasty, and wait for the next day You have so many gorgeous pictures and mementos and artwork, you could choose one, look at it and think about the good times it inspires. Sometimes I do that, and it (almost) always makes me smile a little more.

  23. I find most of my days are off balance in some ways and balanced in others. Being able to appreciate that they’re observations and not judgments is a gift. And then there’s a Collier choir to bring it all in tune for at least a moment.

  24. Wow! That choir made the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. Amazing to listen to and watch. Pity I can't sing; I would love to be involved in something like that.

    Jo in Auckland


I love all comments Except abusive ones from arseholes