Pamper Day

 I’m coming down with a little bump today. Yesterday I was busy coming home, and when I got home, I was busy washing clothes, washing throws and shopping at the supermarket, where not only did I buy provisions and dog food for the week but filled the hamper ready for Flower Show in two weeks time. I have photographed it to publicise the show and to galvanise the TCA volunteers into helping then will put it safely in the hall

It’s the first day of the school holidays and The Storyhouse is nose to nipple with effing kids activities , films and plays. theatre Clwyd only has a comedy on Macbeth and Romeo and Juliet in 40 minutes which sounds dreadful, so I’ve not been tempted to go out.
Now this is good. 
I’ve lived off being busy for a month now, so a day for me alone at home, is the order of the day.
So saying that, the dogs and I went to Dyserth for a walk. 
It was pissing down and I loved it.
There is nothing better than getting that refreshing wet first thing in the morning.
My third best Walking Dead T shirt was steaming nicely when we got home and by 8 am I was planning my “Pamper Day” with the Mokka pot bubbling away on the stove.

Tidy cottage so that I have set the scene
Hot shower and shave after Roger and Mary showers
Moisturise and facepack ( an unused gift from Chic Eleanor from five years ago when my ex left) “ John you must attend to those little indulgences to keep your head above water!” 
Fresh clothes
Catch up And Just Like That and The Great British Sewing Bee
Cry at The Repair Shop
Phone Call Catch up with Nige
Scrambled eggs on hot buttered toast
Bird box Barcelona and Brazilian Zombie Reality Z on Netflix
Hummus and low-fat nachos
Light fire if rain continues
Read another beautifully written few chapters of A Terrible Kindness by Jo Browning Wroe a drama set around the Aberfan disaster.
Beans on toast for supper



  1. Good plans. Just enjoying your home and some you time....but I'm interested in your thoughts on SATC...I've watched since the very beginning but this latest is just....not....good my opinion. x

    1. There are 7 main female characters now
      Three white, two black, one Middle Eastern , one Hispanic
      Too much going on

  2. Anonymous9:34 am

    Sounds like a perfect day to me. Catriona

  3. Sounds ideal. Enjoy it.

    1. I had a snooze too, and a foot soak

  4. Anonymous10:14 am

    Beans on toast for dinner, have not had them for a long time, was going to make pancakes but now I will have the beans that have been in my cupboard since covid when I stocked up on food. I have a stay at home most days now and am finally getting used to, even enjoying them. Enjoy yours John. Gigi

    1. With thick white bread smothered in butter
      Blissfull and nostalgic
      I was a boy again eating those beans

  5. There are different ways of pampering yourself. You've done the dashing about, exploring new places and seeing old friends. Now it's relaxing, doing whatever takes your fancy, eating whatever you want and enjoying your own company. Bliss! xx

    1. Having a long shave without rushing felt relaxing as did the extra long , extra hot, fuck the cost of the bills, shower I had this afternoon

  6. The Aberfan disaster was a disgrace and the subsequent action by governments of Britain and Wales also a disgrace. I hope I am not hearing such a bad disaster outcome in fifty plus years about the Grenfell Tower fire.

    1. I’m not fully aware of the disgrace and have just read up about things , which was a sobering read Andrew

  7. Yorkshire Liz10:45 am

    Sounds like the perfect day to me, especially allowed by the awful weather for the entire weekend (yes, me and the dogs alsoe got very wet on our morning walk; but the rain is clean and refreshing today, and the dogs are all warm and fluffy now, so all to the good.) I would alter your entertainment list slightly, to include a few episodes of Cabin Pressure, the best radio comedy for years, and which never fails to amuse. And I love the look of that hamper. What a prize! So all good to press on with the good stuff Relax and enjoy.

    1. Mindless entertainment is the order of the day
      Sat in my pjs watching Independence Day 2

    2. Yorkshire Liz9:30 pm

      The definition of a man finally at pea e with himself. Nothing better.

  8. Sounds like a lovely day. Enjoy! Methinks that hamper needs a bottle or two more wine. :)

    1. There’s one white and one Prosecco …? Perhaps a nice red .?🍷

  9. I worry that you may have left the moisturiser a little too late darling x

  10. I'm sure the dogs are glad to have you home today!

    1. They have been particularly badly behaved when I was away

  11. Sounds like a perfect day.

  12. A wonderful way to come down after so much activity.

    1. Yes…sometimes I think I try too hard in enjoying myself or keeping busy

    2. Anonymous7:37 pm

      Keith here

      I understand and ‘get’ just why you push yourself
      Singletons like us have only ourselves to get what we want and what we need.

      Resurgence was a mess of a movie

    3. I’m watching it now, and I agree but it’s better than I remember once I understood the plot.

      Pushing myself is a habit
      Not always a good one

    4. Anonymous7:48 pm

      If I lived in the UK , I would ask you on a date

      Keith x

    5. You old flirt, if you lived in wales I’d accept lol

  13. I am stringent on moisturising my face morning and evening if nothing else - We got wet too on dog walk but I prefer it to the heat - My thatch (dog) has gone all curly x 🌦

    1. Anonymous4:38 pm

      Try writing' my dog Thatch ', instead of always making, or sounding like you are making, smutty comments, refering to 'your Thatch' !. Not funny, not needed

    2. Flis, not everyone enjoys your double entendres
      I always find an DE funny

    3. I never find it offensive but it is rude lol in the Victoria wood way
      Ie have you seen my Clint?

    4. Don’t sweat the troll flis xx

    5. Flis can't help but answer the troll and seems to revel in it hence the numerous and ridiculous replies on past posts. Also despite you requesting that this shouldn't continue. What a shame it's started up again.

    6. I laughed, Flis. I thought it was funny.

    7. I, too, had a giggle, Flis. We must all have smutty minds! xx

    8. I have a tichy ( large dog ) too - also named at a different dogs home x

  14. You've been busy and a bit of R&R is always good. Have you considered going to a spa? A day spa can be very pampering and relaxing, with no distractions.

    1. I would never spa on my own and I’ve only been once with my husband
      I loved it actually especially the fluffy dressing gowns

  15. Anonymous1:22 pm

    Enjoy your pampering day it sounds idyllic x
    Alison in Wales x

    1. I found some ice cream in the freezer too

  16. I Was waiting for the other shoe to drop and am glad it didnt. What does "bump" mean? I thought you had fallen.
    Interesting that school just let out on holiday. Here is Pennsylvania USA, they get out mid June to late August.

    1. I hate school holidays, the films on show tend to be kiddie based which I think is unfair

  17. Barbar anne1:35 pm

    Perfect: 'Time to let your soul catch up with your body.' as my Grandma Hall used to say.
    How about adding a nap?


    1. Oh Babs , after my extra long shower, I took the dogs for a week walk and we all went to bed for a kip

  18. Nicely done. It's too easy to arrive home and not give yourself time to settle

    1. I get on my own nerves being too busy sometimes

  19. weaver4:50 pm

    All I feel like doing today is 'flop' as my mother used to say after a hectic few days. Beans on toast - good flop-day food.

    1. With lashings of butter pat, it was the best supper EVER

  20. Wishing you a calm, quiet & restful evening.

  21. Traveller7:11 pm

    Re your comment about getting on your own nerves. I can remember being in a really foul mood, my partner made a comment about my awful mood, and I responded “at least you can leave the room and get away from me, I can’t!”

    1. Lol, I’m very happy in my own company, but I do expect to always push myself to do things
      Whenever possible
      I know sometimes it’s great to just “ be”

  22. Ay, john. You're such a lovely man. Hope your pamper day has recharged your batteries. Xx

  23. I was startled by the number of things in your basket that I could find at the local chain grocery. Globalization, I suppose.
    You deserve to treat yourself, we all do occasionally.

    1. Anonymous10:47 am

      Most are available in Canada too.

  24. Those last few lines read like a poem. You could call it "Bliss" by John Gray (The poor man's Dylan Thomas).

  25. That does sound a good pamper; good for you!

  26. I've missed the sewing programme this year. I don't quite know why I like it, but I do. I love the repair shop too. Is the hamper a prize?

  27. You have such a gift with words and creating images. And I don't just say that because I like the sound of “nose to nipple.”

  28. Wow, that sounds like bliss. Waddaday!


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