Ghosts and Bones


Next to the Memorial Hall and just across Chapel Street is the old Ebenezer Chapel. 
The chapel and chapel house which makes up the building total used to be a market hall and dates from 1700.
The building has been bought by a property developer in the hope of making a quick buck. We understand that he’s planning to change the whole building into seven apartments which to me seems rather excessive given the limited amount of parking space there is in the village centre.
Affable Despot Jason lives next to the proposed build and his garden will be potentially overlooked by many of these flats and I reminded him on Saturday of the Ghost of John Wynne,  a story he already knew very well.
Now John Wynne was responsible for the growth and development of Trelawnyd around 1700 and it is thought that his remains were indeed buried under the floor of the Chapel itself. 
A sobering thought for any developer to deal with me thinks, especially as he was obviously unaware of such a tale before he bought the building.
The figure of a man in a long coat, who is thought to be the Ghost of John Wynne has been seen by several locals, including the Randa girls and Graham the sheep when he was a teenager. 


  1. Seven apartments does seem excessive. One tastefully converted home would be more appropriate I would have thought but obviously less profitable.
    Apparently a previous vicar was buried beneath our Chapel floor. I think the remains were moved before it became a house. I hope.

    1. Three in the chapel and apparently another 3 to 4 in the house next door which was part of the original hall

  2. Has the developer got planning permission yet, because lack of adequate parking and overlooking existing properties are good grounds for opposing it

  3. People are happy to live in little boxes for homes these days, sad another part of your village history is being changed.

    1. Well the building has gone through changes since it was a market hall….then it became a private dwelling and a chapel…it’s just evolution I guess

  4. Maybe if the apartments are contained within the building, the development could be a good thing. Parking, yes a problem. .75 parking spaces for each bedroom needs to be included.

    1. There is perhaps parking for three cars but no more when the developer incorporates the house

  5. I went off to read about the Ghost of John Wynne and had a good laugh. Graham saw him as he headed home, and then saw the same figure dressed the same way in front of his own home. It is said that he wisely returned to the pub for the moral support of his friends.

    1. Yes, he was and is a good historian Debby , as he’s not prone to flights of fancy


  6. I know this train line is not really close to you, but as you mention Conwy at times, maybe it is of interest. Of course I have not forgotten how close we were to you in 2019 when we were in Conwy. Of regrets, I do have a few.

    1. I have a cousin who lives in Blaenae an atmospheric little town in the middle of no where

  7. Hopefully, the developer won't get permission for 7 flats. That does seem excessive! I hope John Wynne's ghost makes its feelings known! xx

  8. According to my enquiries the developer plans to turn the building into a halfway house for teenage boys from Liverpool who have been in custody and just need a fresh start. I feel sure that Trelawnyd will welcome them with open arms.

    1. Y.P. My enquiries have established that you're partially correct, but the teenaged tearaways are from Sheffield!

    2. the village has received and indeed welcomed families from difficult backgrounds who have been moved into social housing here. a difficult transition for some who have never lived in rural locations

  9. I hope I'm wrong here, but our local towns seem to be overrun with this sort of development, often promoted initially as 'high-end', they often turn into less desirable places. YP is not far off the mark.

  10. Hmm, a mention of possible human remains buried on site, is likely to trigger the need for an archeologist before work can begin. We spent six months looking through an orange grove one time.

  11. weaver11:52 am

    We have problems round here which are verysimilar John - our two banks have closed (Barclays and HSBC) and the buildings lie empty and deteriorating. Both lie on busy main roads with no parking space. I can't be bothered thinking about it though - still reeling and dancing (in my head) from watching Singing in the Rain just before reading this!!

  12. I doubt they would get planning permission for that many flats without at least one parking space available for each one, so John Wynne's bones may be able to rest easy.

  13. Anonymous12:16 pm

    The planning application is for 3 apartments with parking. Jones

    1. That’s just the chapel, apparantly the house adjoining it has plans for 4 flats, that application is pending

  14. Prepare for some paranormal activity!

  15. Anonymous12:43 pm

    The same is happening here too, but unfortunately we do not have a potential burial site so all systems are go for 300 apartments and little parking space and no public transit. Hopefully, as Travel suggests, the burial site will slow (or stop) this. Better yet, the planning application will be rejected. Fingers crossed for you. Jackie

  16. I doubt that Affable Despot Jason is happy about these plans at all.

  17. Anonymous1:16 pm

    Yorkshire Liz
    Too much multiple occupancy development squashing too many units into too small a space as greed tries to defeat common sense - rather like converting farm buildings into "courtyard developments" and squashing homes together with neither space nor privacy, yet in the middle of open countryside.
    Our old chapel is now a carpet warehouse, apparently still with the ghost of Albert, a former caretaker who met a sad end.

  18. Given the building dates back to 1700 it should carry some protections. Converting a historic structure to homes requires lots of architectural restrictions.

    1. its not listed as far as I am aware. The village hall however which post dates it is grade 2 listed

  19. Some people would consider a ghost to be a good selling point!

    1. if a family of badgers lived underneath the floorboards no building would ever take place

  20. everything is being converted into holiday cottages and Air BNB in our little village its all very grim . their converting the barns across the road and planting more unaffordable housing in the yard itself , ho hum more moaners about the smell of shit

    1. yes thats happening here too, luxury lodges on grazing land adjacent to Trelawnyd and an airbnb already in an old house near me

  21. Anonymous5:12 pm

    Well this will be a test for the good folks of Trelawnyd. Will they get their pitchforks out or will they welcome the newcomers with open arms? A bit of both I guess!

    If the rumours are true about young people from liverpool/sheffield then this is a chance for the village to step up and support.

    Kids end up in trouble mainly due to neglectful parenting and bad communities. Trelawynd could welcome them if it chose to with support from authorities.

    1. i suspect with apartment prices so high only the working young will be able to afford them.. im not sure if they will be sold or rented as yet
      The TCA is presently fighting to keep the village hall and its activities open, without a centre trelawnyd will be at risk of being a housing estate in the country

  22. A ghost would serve the developer right, I think. Though he'd probably name his project Haunted Hollow.

  23. Anonymous7:05 pm

    Jason may be doing his gardening now in the buff or at night.

  24. The first time I saw my Dad was as the congregation stood to sing a hymn and suddenly I could see Dad standing beside me, holding a hymnal, and rocking back and forth toes to heels like he always did. He was crystal clear and I knew if I blinked he would disappear. I did and he did disappear.
    The next time, I was talking with my Mm and there he was, standing beside her like always but she didn't see him or feel him near-by. Again, when I blinked, he was gone.

    I cannot explainn how that was possible but it happened.


  25. Hope this development is better in the end than it sounds from the first planning requests. It could be good for the village maybe but I feel very sorry for your friend Jason who will lose any privacy in his garden if it goes ahead as it stands.

  26. At least they're not going to tear it down and replace it with a fast-food restaurant.

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