
 I’m buggered and have just sat down with a very VERY large Spanish Sherry.
Dorothy is licking my feet and all is well
In just three hours, Ian and I with just two helpers set up the whole show after the day care kids had left the hall at three.
In previous years six hours was the general timescale 
True I had a mini meltdown because the classes where run anti-clockwise instead of clockwise , but I pulled myself up by my bra straps and stopped my mini strop 
With the school children’s art entries and their novelty vegetable productions mean that our entries number is heading towards 450

Enjoy the video
A little gem by ex villager kelda 


  1. Well done on getting the hall set up so quickly! And that video is HILARIOUS! "Sconegate" starring Kelda and Mom -- who will win? will Mom sabotage Kelda's cheese? can Kelda steal Mom's crown? I'm looking forward to the next instalment!

  2. Bloomin' well done! 😅

  3. Anonymous9:23 pm

    Bravo on record time set up and calming down too. I hope it's terrific sucess and that you win many categories. (great video as well.)

  4. Anonymous10:36 pm

    Steady on! You need to calm down, the last few posts show you're getting giddy. Mini melltdown! The show will go on regardless of your efforts. Take a chill pill! Goodness knows what you'd be like in an emergency, it's a village show for goodness sake.

  5. Anonymous10:38 pm

    Highly recommended blog❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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    Great Blog❤️❤️❤️

    1. You know where you can stick your bitcoins!

    2. Yorkshire Liz7:50 am

      Get off this blog! You should know exactly when to put your bitcoins.

    3. Anonymous1:00 pm

      Pudding and Liz do you really believe someone from that comment is going to return to read your comments? If so you know very little of how thr internet works.
      (it's only the likes of flis who continually return to the same comment)

  6. SueJay10:41 pm

    Back in the day when my daughter was about ten (she is now 48) she took a first in the children’s classes with her scones. Mine, in the adult class came second, I have never lived this down! Hope all goes well tomorrow. We are battening down the hatches for Storm Anthony but I think it will miss your part of the world.

  7. Maybe Kelda's TikTok video will inspire you to do some of your own but please don't trip up as you are filming yourself! I hope it all goes well later today (Saturday).

  8. This mum and daughter are very competitive. I want to know who will win. Your show is truly amazing.

  9. Anonymous1:50 am

    Funny video, have a great day at the flower show. John. Gigi

  10. I laughed out loud at Kelda's video. Good to know families are the same everywhere! And good for you, Ian and your two helpers for setting up so quickly. A sherry seems in order. Best wishes for the show. --Elise

  11. Love the video. Sounds like a typical Mother/Daughter relationship.

  12. These things can be so stressful. At least the time pressure part is over now hopefully and the fun bit to come.

    Love the video Kelda! "Sconegate" and "cheating ways". So funny! Hope we get a follow up one.

  13. Well done on getting everything ready. I hope the predicted storm doesn't deter too many. Family rivalry - happens everywhere! xx

  14. A family shouldn't break up over scones. Some counseling may be in order. Or maybe the mother or daughter should switch over to cupcakes instead.

  15. I am now a fan of Kelda and can't wait to follow all of Sconegate.

  16. Yorkshire Liz7:47 am

    Sconegate! The Archers have nothing on this (and nor does the pathetic Cakegate 'row' currently in the press.) The complexity of village life in all it' glory. Go for it girls! (And John!) Have a great day everyone. And no fisticuffs!

  17. Who won Sconegate? Kelda or her Mum? Is this the reason Kelda is an ex villager? Good luck today John. x

  18. Ahahahaha! My vote for "Sconegate" is pizza scones! Being from NJ, USA, I'm a bit afraid of marmite (although I love pork roll, which is prolly scarier). My other "concern" is how competitive the baking categories are in the FLOWER show. Enjoy, and I look forward to John's tales of the outcome!

  19. Looking forward to the results of the BIG SHOW.

  20. Looking forward to the results of all the catogaries in the flower show.

  21. Barbara Anne3:56 pm

    What a delight! Well done to you and the others in getting it all set up in just 3 hours! Whew! More pictures, please and the results, too.
    Happy dancing!


  22. Wow, Sconegate!!! Between two good bakers..

  23. I'm with Simone. Who won Sconegate? That video is a hoot.

  24. Looks amazing. Wonderful produce, great photos. Jan Bx

  25. Absolutely stupendous job! John you deserve a BEST OF SHOW for this beautiful flower show.... Well done.

  26. Anonymous9:12 pm

    Hahaha... love Sconegate!! Which star baker won??
    Love Kelda's video.

    Jo in Auckland


I love all comments Except abusive ones from arseholes