

Well Roger is exhausted 
As I’ve been , baking, and cooking, and constructing novelty vegetable animals and making up hamper prizes, a busy line of villagers has called my name over the kitchen wall in order to drop entry forms in or to donate to the raffle hamper. 
To date we have 220 exhibits booked in!!!!!!!?and enough food to make two luxury food hampers .
Roger has got so excited at the number of visitors he’s bounced himself stupid saying hello to everyone and now is laid out on the carpet with his tongue flopped out and his legs jumping at dreams of multiple cuddles with happy strangers.
He’s the sweetest dog I’ve ever owned 
Deadline for entries is noon tomorrow 
I’m overwhelmed with the support for such a little show 
Thank you to blogger Meanqueen too for her support,  your gift was generous and gratefully received 


  1. Sweet, sweet Roger. Wonderful to hear of the fantastic interest & support for flower show! What a wonderful community you have. Looking forward to many photos and stories of this event.

  2. Is Roger an airedale? They're a whole different sort of dog, perpetual social motion. What a keen place you live in, such enthusiasm for the show.

    1. He’s a Welsh terrier
      And typical of the breed he watches the world and loves the world he watches

  3. Anonymous7:57 pm

    Great that the prep is going so well for the show.
    It sounds like it will be a lot of fun x
    Alison in Wales x

  4. Clearly, the people of Trelawnyd and surrounding areas MISSED the show tremendously!

  5. Sounds like everyone is excited! Hope it's great fun!

  6. Wow! 220 exhibits and so much interest from the locals, it's bound to be a success. Darling Roger has made his mark on the villagers too, by the sounds of it. xx

  7. Hah! Roger looks quite adorable splayed out across the rug, exhausted from his need to socialize! I suspect Welsh terriers and Wheaton terriers have a fairly similar personality…… our Wheaton behaves very much like you describe for Roger. :)


  8. With 220 entries and potentially more to come, the show is going to be outstanding. Roger wants to be your official house greeter. Sweet boy.

  9. All that meeting and greeting, now Roger knows how King Charles must feel at the end of a week - as knackered as Santa Claus on Boxing Day. Good luck with the village flower show. It's great that it didn't die after all!

  10. What a heartwarming post.

  11. Yorkshire Liz9:20 pm

    Would love to have been a fly on the wall watching all that flurry in the kitchen! Not to mention all the washing up and putting away. That man needs a medal. Have a wonderful show!

  12. It IS exciting to see all those preparations, and visitors and everything!!

  13. Anonymous10:06 pm

    You and Roger will sleep well tonight. Show will be so much fun, wish I was over there. Gigi

  14. Anonymous10:40 pm

    Roger's finding out its hard work being adorable.


  15. I know this must be so gratifying. Auntie Glad would be so proud of you.

  16. Barbara Anne11:26 pm

    I'm delighted to hear how the villagers are enthused abour the Flower Show and are participating. Auntie Glad would be so pleased and she may even be there in spirit.
    Roger is a joyful greeting committee of one - and worn out loving soul!
    John, it's I think I can I think I can from here on.


  17. Anonymous12:23 am

    Fantastic post John. Thank you for sharing your world with us. Jackie

  18. Anonymous12:25 am

    All the way from Minneapolis, I’m looking forward to your flower show. Tell the dogs no food samples until everything is packed off. Enjoy!
    Bonnie in Minneapolis

  19. When (back in 1984-ish) I re-established my Shropshire village show, I was totally amazed by the amount of entrants. The show hadn't been held for several years, and the villagers were delighted to have it back. I wonder if it's still going?

  20. Congratulation. Heavens 220, and climbing, that's truly incredible! What a clear vindication of the decision to resurrect the village show. I suppose he (and the gang) will have to be left at home tomorrow? I do hope one of your entries get the judges top marks. You'll be a very tired boy tomorrow night John.

  21. Anonymous6:11 am

    It sounds like everyone in Trelawnyd is really looking forward to the show. It's going to be a wonderful day for you all! Wish I was there :) Sharon x

  22. Roger seems to have an extra large dose of sweetness! Must have been a wonderful day for him.

  23. It's going to be a wonderful day. Roger is lovely.

  24. It's fantastic that the show has so much support. It will be wonderful.

  25. Show day here in Suffolk on Saturday too.
    Hope you get lots of red stickers on your entry cards!

  26. weaver10:15 am

    Best of luck for tomorrow - hope you are able to flop out like Roger by the end of the show - hope everything is a success.

  27. I think your Flower Show was missed dear John... I think everyone can see how much heart you put into it. Hugs! deb

  28. A lot of mud slinging coming my way, John. It was to be expected. I hope your Flower Show is a wonderful success.


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