Building Up For The Show

It was humid and barmy last night and I sat on the patio for two hours towards dusk sipping some Spanish Sherry, a friend gave me as a gift to remember Barcelona by. 
The Sherry was decanted into what looked like a small Kilner jar and was smuggled in from Spain in hand luggage .
I felt rather pissed when I got up to receive Flower Show entries from Animal Helper Pat and Sue T from London Road.
The Chinese lanterns cheered the wet patio up between showers

Agapanthus, always a showy bloom

The dogs left me though and filled the trendy blue sofa in the living room.
Today I’m baking my “ Against Terry” items for the flower Show
Terry should be doing the same
Auntie Glad and her scones 

We are incredibly competitive and have been going head to head in the baking class  since 2010 
Ideally I should be making my scones fresh the morning I needed them like auntie Glad used to do… mind you she once made 70 scones in one morning before the flower show when she was in her early 90s without drawing sweat. I’m making 5 for my challenge against Terry and I’m sweating cobs! 
We are going head to head in the quiche, scones and fruit cake . 
The cut off point for entries is Friday morning and I’ve already received 140 so far including a single bloom from Bethan from Byron Street who had to be talked into sacrificing one of her beloved blue agapanthus.

Terry and I at the last flower Show four years ago




  1. Anonymous9:28 am

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Anonymous10:58 am

      Go away

    2. Anonymous10:36 pm

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  2. Anonymous9:34 am

    Always good to enjoy balmy conditions outside in the garden.
    Off topic....I just saw something online saying Aldi in UK refuse to take cash now. WTF ??? Margo

    1. Traveller3:56 pm

      Always best to take what you read on line with a large spoonful of salt - especially if it is commenting on supermarkets refusing cash, 15 minute cities and the big reset!

  3. I love agapanthus, I'm hoping to plant some here once Steve has lost interest in the garden.

    1. I lost all my agapanthus last year. Winter was too cold

    2. A good choice for a best bloom

  4. We had a canning competition every year with our next door neighbor at the Guilford agricultural fair when we lived in Guilford, Connecticut. We took blue ribbons and best in show ahead of her every year. She was so happy when we moved to California. (Jokingly happy.)

  5. Good luck with the bake-off between you and Terry. A little heads up, if you make scones right up until the putting them on the baking tray stage and then refrigerate them overnight, you can bring them back to room temperature and then bake them on the morning of the show. They will still be cooling on the plate on the show table.
    I cannot wait to see what your Anonymous twizzok makes of your admission of 'smuggling'. ;-)

    1. Noted deArheart
      I loved the year you came and entered and WON

  6. I love scones! I used to make them all of the time and I got pretty good at it. But alas, I no longer make them. I had to laugh because as I was reading your post, and saw that you were "pissed," I thought, "Why would John be angry?" Then I realized that pissed in British English means to be tipsy, not angry. I love the nuances of languages. Good luck!

    1. Two nations separated by the same language

  7. Good luck with the bake-off! I hope the weather is kind to you all, so much better when the sun shines (or at least not peeing down!). xx

    1. It’s all indoors so hopefully we will be ok

  8. Best of luck. Hope you get to taste all of the entries afterwards?

    1. I’m with the flower judge this year , village leader ian is with the food judge !,

  9. It sounds like it's going to be a great show this year. I am looking forward to reading all about it.

    1. I’m impressed and moved by the sudden support for the old show

  10. Anonymous11:07 am

    My scones are like hockey pucks and I haven’t found any decent ones this side of the pond. Maybe the flour is different. The best ones I have ever had were in Devon. What is the secret to a good scone? Don’t tell me till after to beat Terry at the flower show! Gigi

    1. I think I made a video of auntie Gladys making her scones , I will find it out

  11. Replies
    1. Oh yes and to be honest it won’t be either of us

  12. I thought you were angry st the flower show entrants, same mistake as Michael! Great Flower Show Bake Off! Go you.

  13. Wish we were there to judge the baking contest.

  14. And the tension is building!

  15. The lanterns on your patio are fantastic glowing spheres. Nice touch. What's a little competition among friends? Good fun for all.

  16. What happens to all of the entries after the contest? Does everyone get a bite of the edible entries?!

    1. My cakes will be sold in the refreshment stall, everyone else takes the home

  17. I still remember the noise that the scones that I had made in my first school cookery lesson made when my brother tapped them against a plate. No, we did not eat them. I improved!

    1. Mine are so pale compared to Gladys
      She made those without even looking

  18. Anonymous2:01 pm

    you and terry look to be a fine couple
    no need to rush things though
    Pam x

  19. weaver2:54 pm

    Good luck with it all and here's to you beating Terry.

    1. He’s passed the cottage today doing this

  20. Best of luck, Jonno! Looking forward to pictures of the Flower Show.

    1. Oh I’ll bore you all silly with them x

  21. Best wishes to all! Love the agapanthus.

  22. Traveller3:58 pm

    Best of luck with the head to head. I made two batches of cheese scones for a fundraiser. One I followed Paul Hollywood recipe (strong bread flower and a shed load of baking powder).. The other I followed Felicity Cloake l perfect recipe”.. Hollywood better by a significant margin.

    1. My scones are tasty but far too pale

    2. Traveller8:54 pm

      Light paint with something brown?

  23. Anonymous4:40 pm

    Good luck with your baking. Catriona

    1. The show has always been held in much esteem by going gently readers who join in the fun albeit vicariously xx

  24. Barbara Anne5:17 pm

    I love your Chinese lanterns and they should add joy to the gloomiest of days.
    Wishing all participants well at the Flower show, especially you, John!
    So good to see Auntie Glad and her world-class scones again.


  25. The Chinese lanterns are fabulous, great photo. Are you busily washing and ironing all your mum's embroidered tablecloths for the FS tea time? That and the bunting was always my favorite part.

    Hope your cakes win!

    1. They were “ lost” for a while but Irene the old matriarch had them and there are indeed ironed and washed and ready for Saturday xx

  26. Good luck John!

    I sure miss Auntie Glad stories. She was a treasure.

    1. She lives on as we remember her, I have incorporated her into my speech on opening day

  27. Anonymous9:50 pm

    Good luck and have fun.
    A milk wash on the scones will result in a lovely golden brown. When I made scones at school, the stray dogs at the railway wouldn't eat them !🤣😂 Margo


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