Flower Show


My flower show entry for the photograph class “ pet”

The Manley’s came to the kitchen wall this afternoon  with boxes of dog food for my pack.
It was a bittersweet visit as they’ve just had to put down their floppy setter Gilly but I managed to make them laugh a bit as Roger bounced madly in the background like a loon. 
I like the Manley’s, a no nonsense couple in their 50s who love their community and who can be relied upon to do what they say they will do. 
Ma Manley sported a great homemade pair of dungarees and Laurie Manley seemed enchanted by Roger’s welcome. They are entering the flower show and are looking forward to it . 
Minutes later Boffin Cameron’s mum popped around with her old flower show cup.
I have a soft spot for her, as Lorna loves to support the Flower Show and has exhibited for years.
“Is it ok that I enter 20 classes?’ She asked
Is the Pope Catholic ?” I replied 
And she beamed and laughed sweetly

She’s a star.
Mrs Trellis waved at me at teatime too , when I was drinking a brew on the patio
I’m entering the vase of flowers “ she called energetically as she passed  and I suddenly felt like having a weep

The troops are starting to come up trumps 

Me thinks


  1. Oh, how I wish I could visit and see the flower show! I love Trelawny and I've never been there. Sigh.

    1. Be lovely to see you here x

    2. Anonymous7:43 am

      Let’s get a coach party together! I’m coming from Dorset!!

      If only

    3. Anonymous9:20 am

      I'd love to visit too :) Sharon x

  2. I envy you and your friendships.

  3. The flower show is being well supported and everybody seems to be looking forward to the event. You must be very pleased.

  4. Is The Pope a Catholic? I thought he was a vegan.

  5. What joy it must be, to live in a village where everyone knows you, and you have emotional connections to your life there. You're a lucky man, John.

  6. I love this little snippet, a glimpse of a town turning out. How nice to be a part of it.

  7. The excitement is spreading!

  8. That pan is just the right size for Roger.

  9. Anonymous2:01 am

    Maybe enter that photo of your 3 pooches sitting on the chair along with that cute photo of Roger in the pot! Gigi

  10. Anonymous3:24 am

    Roger is adorable.


  11. Good for them. I think there's nothing village folk like more than a bit of competition.

  12. Barbara Anne4:34 am

    Clearly, you're not the only one who has missed the flower show!
    The picture is one of my favorites of your many wonderful pictures.


  13. Have you ever heard one of Garrison Keeler's broadcasts of “Lake Woebegone”? Your stories of Trelwanyd remind me.

  14. If you build it, they will come! xx

  15. One of my favourite photos. Still makes me chuckle.

  16. It will be great fun I'm sure.

  17. Yorkshire Liz9:09 am

    A perfect post to illustrate a lovely community and how it works and flexes it's muscles as well as showing your heart at the heart of it.
    There is no-one better than someone who says they will do something - and then does it. I hope they are soon ver their loss and turn their minds to a new dog; a rescue one, of course.
    Good luck with rolling in all thoese entries for the flower show!

  18. Lovely entry!!
    I miss the Manleys..the next smallholding down from us in Garn Dolbenmaen..
    Pirate's one is "does the Poe wear a dress?"!!

  19. Replies
    1. Karen spoke of you yesterday

    2. I wish we could've met when they were up in this direction

  20. Always a beloved community event.

  21. You are a man much appreciated John x

  22. Best photo of the pooch ever

  23. Anonymous2:44 pm

    The community feeling in your town is just amazing. (With enough flower foam I bet you could replicate Roger with marigolds.)

    1. Now there’s an idea, but it’s Mary in the photo

  24. Anonymous3:56 pm

    Feeling like a proud papa when his children do well. I feel your gush , your heart welling in your words.

    1. I get emotional very quickly, it’s a curse

  25. How lovely that everyone is getting behind it again. We had hoped to be able to visit the show from our Welsh flat, but now we have visitors coming to stay at home.


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