Gaenor The Mad Organist

With the church now shut, I haven’t seen anything of Gaenor The Mad Organist for an age now.
Never one to hide her emotions behind a smile, she would liven up any village service with a Les Dawson face, usually pulled towards one of the Church wardens who she disliked immensely.
Sometimes I felt I was watching a panto rather than a church sermon.
I heard that she had very recently died 

In more recent times, I would bump into her in the supermarket, where I would infuriate her with the game of Fill The Basket.
Now fill the basket is a cracker of a sport.
You first pick a victim ,( ideally this is a person you already know) and you follow them around the supermarket unseen .Then you start to fill their trolley with arbitrary items from the shelves, gaining more kudos for adding the most bizarre bits and pieces.
For The Mad Organist , I once managed to add two packets of durex,a packet of tena lite incontinence pads, budgie seed and a pair of fluffy ear muffs into her trolley before she stopped dead at the checkout

Such fun


  1. I remember her well from older posts and it's sad that she died.
    Your supermarket game amuses me. I wonder if I could to that to my partner. Maybe some of Aldi's weird specials.

    1. The best bit of the game is to approach your victim from the front and still NOT get detected

  2. Such fun indeed, although not if the recipient ended up paying for the extra unwanted goods if they hadn't been taking much notice when unloading the trolley! ;-) I had a workmate years ago who lived with her widowed 60-something mother, friend used to leave her shopping list on the kitchen worktop at the beginning of the week for both of them to add items to when they thought of them. She picked up the list and went shopping one day, halfway through the shop she came across an item that her mother had added to the middle of the list, unnoticed by her...."A big willy".

    1. We all have those on our shopping lists sooze

  3. Fun for you maybe! ;-)

    Sad to hear that she's died, you've mentioned her quite a few times on her, it's like one of the characters from our favourite village soap opera has gone.

    1. It’s been a few years since I’ve seen her properly

  4. I suspect that the reason you haven't seen Gaenor for an age is the little matter of her death. There is surely a connection.

  5. weaver11:18 am

    You wicked old devil!

  6. You do have a wicked streak, John! xx

    1. I know, I’m one crazy arsed bitch

    2. Anonymous7:33 pm

      Now that comment did make me laugh


  7. Sad to hear of the loss of a local legend.

  8. Sad but funny at the same time!

  9. Anonymous12:37 pm

    That is a fun game that can help with the tedium of grocery shopping. My ex-husband used to do a version of it, but he would take things out of my basket (never essentials) and return to the shelves. So I would get home and discover, no, we didn't actually buy the M&M's that I put in the basket! He was a fun guy.

  10. No offense, John, but I would not like that grocery store "game" at all! Too confusing for me!

  11. A talented character like Gaenor is unforgettable. They like to stir things up. Did she ever trick you? One good deed deserves another.

    1. Not a lady to be crossed susan , she had the spirits that won the war

  12. You are so naughty John - It does sound fun though - My aunt was known to partake in the odd sherry or gin - I bumped into her in a shop -several bottles in her basket - "fetching for a friend" and on another occasion " you've not seen me " x

  13. Barbara Anne1:30 pm

    Ah, I fondly remember stories about Gaenor. Ma she rest in peace and enjoy heavenly music.
    As for your grocery store antics, oh, dear!


    1. She knew I referred to her as the mad organist
      And never really approved lol

  14. Too bad you couldn't sneak a few items into her coffin!😇

  15. That list made me laugh out loud.

  16. Yorkshire Liz2:57 pm

    You are very naughty.

  17. I'd never heard of Fill the Basket. I would have died of embarrassment if you had dropped those in my “basket.”

    1. The biggest thing I got into a trolley undetected was a plastic watering can

  18. Diane7:13 pm

    What a fabulous game I’ll have to try this out 🤣😂🤣😂

    1. It’s cheap fun Diane
      And all rather silly

  19. The ear muffs were obviously the last straw.

  20. I hope that's not what killed her!

  21. Anonymous11:39 pm

    P plays the same game, condoms are essential and he usually tries to add KY jelly then behind them at the till shouts “ oh you’re going to have a good weekend “ but you’ve topped him with the earmuffs..Tweetart


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