Watching The World

 The choice of film wasn’t good this afternoon Women Talking was worthy and painful and an acting masterclass but boy was it grim .

So today, the lightest moment came from Roger

Two male blackbirds have been fighting in the garden with pre spring hormones and Roger, fascinated in the fisticuffs sat himself comfortably in the kitchen doorway to watch them for an absolute age

I photographed him and realised I love him even more than I thought I did 

Women Talking

 I forgot it was half term today.
So no college and no late night home journey.👏🏻
I gave the dogs an extra long walk this afternoon then came to Chester where I treated myself to a beef pitta, coffee strong enough to blow your tits off and a film. 

The film is Women Talking .
Sarah Polley’s version of Miriam Toews’ novel which tells the true story of a group of Mennonite Women in an isolated Bolivian community, is a serious watch. A grim and talky piece with a stella cast, has the women beaten, sexually abused and degraded by their men folk.
Taking what time they have together, the women young and old have to decide whether to fight the abuse from within the community, acquiesce to it, or escape to form a new life , albeit one which is excommunicated from their community . The parallels with Weinstein’s Hollywood are only too clear.

Claire Foy shines with anger as Salome as does Rooney Mara and the powerhouse Jessie Buckley and their scenes are compelling to watch but, after a while the film feels as though it’s constrained and is what it is ….a sort of filmed play 

Gladys ….Auntie Glad


How strange it was that yesterday , I found myself thinking of Auntie Gladys
I posted a blog about her , months and months after I had done so before 
She crept into my head like she often did when she lived in the village,
Vital, and with purpose
Her milky blue eyes, smiling, unless you vexed her.

Aunty Glad’s daughter messaged me this morning. To tell me that Gladys had died yesterday just a couple of months short of 103. She commented on the timing of my post. 
How strange it was.

I took a moment to take the news in.
How strange that a woman in her 80s and 90s could have such an effect on a middle aged gay man who was new to her village .
She was my friend from the day I met her and she accepted me and my husband without falseness so common in many long term churchgoers.

I remember her walking to the cottage to give me a wedding gift when she was 95 and added to it a bag of scones , fresh from the oven. Her head to one side,, looking smart in her winter coat she made her way back to her home after refusing a lift home .
“ I like to get my face to the sun” she explained “ God bless You Both”

I need to go to the village Hall now, it’s the soup and roll lunchtime
But I sat at the kitchen table for a short time 

And had a small weep.

Gladys opening the flower show six years ago

Something Beautiful

Auntie Gladys was famous for her homespun quotes about doing the right things
Many were bible-esque type quotes
Economical and not too flowery 

Having said that I remember her walking around the last  Flower Show, the one that she herself opened as guest of honour , 
She was looking at the baking section with bright , critical blue eyes, 
Her gaze running across, loaves of bread,and tarts and plates of biscuits and mounds of her own scones
And she smiled and waved her arms like a school girl

Always look for the beautiful every day “ 
She said excitedly 


Nice things


My Matsumoto Hogi Frog print arrived yesterday it’s huge and benign and will look lovely in my hallway

I loved this video of a thoughtful gay man sharing a thought about his very straight best friend 

Roger watching The Bourne Identity tonight 

A recent impulse purchase a Japanese tea bowl ( not arrived as yet) 

Raquel Welsh actor and celebrity died aged 82 three days ago 
Never one to take herself too seriously she was a talented actress and comedian 
She was offered the Faye Dunaway part in Towering Inferno 

Day Shifts Again

 I haven’t done day shifts for ages
Up before 6 am, 
Five pairs of blurry eyes blinking in the light.
LBC radio on the alarm
Dogs walked,
Avocado on toast with egg
Proper coffee( no time for bucket)
Shower very hot.
Clinique happy on uniform
Put Roger in his crate with an egg to play with, Trendy Carol won’t be long
Storm Otto is outside
Albert is up late for breakfast
Noodles and left overs for lunch, with fruit and Diet Coke
Radio is silenced

I want to go back to bed

A Quiet Day

 Coffee time at the kitchen sink 
David Sidaris then Lesley Manville on Desert Island Discs
Both nice people .
I’ve put a bacon joint in the slow cooker and covered it with butter beans 
That will do for supper.
Lunch will be noodles, with walnuts and some boiled rice 
Apart from dog walking, I’m not leaving the house today
The weather is blustery 

Book Club

 Book Club was an interesting meet tonight
Smaller in numbers than meeting one , I missed the presence of the cheerful Faisal but the group was certainly buoyed up by two new members, a bright, chatty lesbian couple from Savannah, Georgia .
Our book was Three Hours by Rosamund Lupton which is an exploration into white supremacy radicalisation within a private English School and the subsequent armed attack on teachers and pupils one snowy morning.
I enjoyed the book , unlike most of the group , but the conversation grew rather intense when one of the facilitators asked the American couple their take on it, given the fact they had only just arrived in the country and that school shootings were very. Much a product of the US
The women looked at each other carefully and the dark haired girl told her story of when she experienced a school shooting as a child where many children , her friends,  were killed.
It was a sobering, moving and total unexpected moment that shocked us all.
And in the silence that followed ,the blonde partner , smiled a big smile and said simply
why do you think we have come to the UK to live?”
These two women, bright democrats both  then told us stories of their experiences of guns, gun crime and gun mentality .
They were neither exaggerating or angry, just resigned and tired of it all
And when they had finished 
Discussing a novel didn’t quite seem the most pressing thing to do

People Watching

 After dog walking, I treated myself to breakfast in Sainsbury’s cafe.
I also bought two large coffees and read my book in a comfortable booth.
When I was eating breakfast I people watched .
Next to me two middle aged friends met up for tea and sympathy.
They hadn’t seen each other since December and hugged a greeting
Their conversations were animated and warm and loud and as I looked around I noticed a frail slightly older lady with a crutch leaning against her table watching them.
Her expression looked sad but there was more to it and I know I read it correctly 

It was envy.


This tiktok video has been made by recent Trelawnyd resident Kelda as she climbed up Gop Hill which stands guard over the village 


A Good Read

 I’ve read recently that Going Gently is now sanitized.
I guess it depends on what you understand the word to mean .
As a nurse sanitized means cleansed 
I will leave the debate there .

Today will be an indulgent and rare day for me as I will be reading
All day.
It’s book club tomorrow and I want to finish Three Hours by Rosamund Lupton
I’ve had to get up early though and have walked the dogs, blogged, straightened the house and tidied Bluebell
Only then can I allow myself to read and nothing else

Paradise Road-

I miss choir 
So tonight I watched the film Paradise Road,  a fictional account of the true story of Margaret Dryburgh a gentle hearted Scottish missionary who championed the prisoners of the Japanese  in WW2 Sumatra and formed a choir to raise morale 
Her story is an inspiration .
Look for the moment where the lumpy and always a burden Mrs Roberts ( Elizabeth Spriggs) gets the harmony right ….heartbreaking 

Valentines Day Flirt

There were eleven of us in my morning class on line.
The film class was interesting Horror Stereotypes with a heavy biased towards Jamie Lee Curtis
Three of the participants were from the US and one very attractive middle aged man was from New York and was drinking lots of coffee as it was 4.30 am over there.
His name was Richard and he wrote screenplays ( so he told us) 
He had a lovely thick beard, glowing American teeth and academic specs so he looked the part.

He also called out his name in his thick New York brougue ( before anyone else could when asked if we could introduce ourselves ) and added a rather friendly and flirtatious 

And who is that big handsome charmer on the love seat  John Gray?” 

I was flummoxed for a second as I had my second best Herbivore T shirt on as well as a cheap Sainsbury’s green hoodie and hadn’t even washed my face, but I started to preen at the potential prospect of an early morning Valentine’s Day flirt

Then I realised that the American was in fact referring  to Dorothy who was sat on the sofa behind me

Is it me?


Is it me ?
Or instead of one past-his-sale- by-date homosexual living a pretty hum drum single existence in a picturesque Welsh cottage 
Does it look ( and smell ) like four hormonal smelly teenage boys live in my house? 
Finishing nights, and after a few hours sleep , I’ve reviewed the wreckage .
Now some of the blame must be given to Roger who not only has gleefully stockpiled three discarded pairs of underpants in his crate but who managed to locate my new beard trimmer from inside a wash bag hidden underneath the bathroom sink and dismantle it over the living room Carpet when I was sleeping.
The rest of the mess , I’m afraid is down to me.
Cups and spoons clutter the kitchen tops, the bed looks like I’ve had a troupe of strippers in and I can’t even share what the bathroom looks like without an antiemetic 
On Friday the place was pristine 
Bugger knows how it happens

I took the dogs around to Trendy Carol’s when I did her shop ( she’s still got covid )  

And I made myself a late bucket of coffee before getting stuck in


 Apart from walking the dogs in the middle of the day ,I’ve slept the whole Sunday.
I woke at 5.30 with Dorothy gazing at me like a worried Buster Keaton, had a shower , got dressed and took the dogs out again, this time with Albert in tow
I leave the cottage for work around 6.30.
It’s silent at our part of the village. I presume Mandy & Sailor John are busy with family and trendy Carol remains a bit poorly. Their houses are dark and quiet. 
Only mine shines a light.
We walk down the lane and I look at the sky 
It’s a Gone With The Wind red and looks magnificent .

It’s at these times solitude turns into loneliness but fleetingly so.
The time when you want to say to another human 
“ Look at that marvellous sky “
So Instead I photograph it 
And send it to you my friends here
And from now on, no one will sneak in a comment of how indulgently depressed I am being, or now inappropriate  it is to feel a feeling and share it .
I’m not depressed , or generally indulgent. ( no more that most regular bloggers I guess.) but I am sharing a feeling and this wonderful photograph of the sky
Taken over the cold fields of Trelawnyd Village on Sunday the 12th of February 2023
Before I leave for work.


 Just to let everyone know 
Going Gently now has Comment Moderation which means your post comments may not be published immediately .
What I didn’t know, is that anonymous comments will be published as long as I sanction them 
I’m sorry for the wait in publication. 



Over twenty years ago I walked onto Takashimaya the now long gone Japanese department store on 5th Avenue.
A beautifully dressed sales assistant was placing flowers, one by one into a glass vase of sparking water and she bowed her head in greeting.
I bowed mine in return and allowed myself to walk around one of the most exquisite shops I had ever seen.
It felt as if I’d come home.
On the fifth floor I bought a ridiculously expensive pair of glasses both of which had a delicately design etching of a lobster surrounded by tiny fish.
The pair have been two of my most cherished items for years
I fell in love with them as soon as I saw them.

Last night I told my dinner guest to dig out a glass for herself for her wine when I prepared the food.She picked the Takashimaya glass thinking it was the safest option as my much cheaper ( but more delicate looking wine glasses frightened her)
She noticed my look and offered to put the glass back immediately .
I refused.
It’s nice to see the glass used

As intended

Bum Itch

I’ve got a friend coming to stay later .
I’ve made a lasagne and treacle tart from scratch, but bought custard and nice Italian bread to accompany it. 
Mary disappeared from the garden whilst I was preparing the food and I eventually found her inside the old coal bunker where she had fallen through the opening.
She never thought to bark.

I’ve shopped again for Trendy Carol and planted out cheerful primulas in pots to brighten up the doorways 
It’s a Friday but feels like a Sunday.
There’s a burial in the Churchyard today.
Little news to report except that

I’ve burnt my bum on the toilet again 
After over bleaching the seat yesterday.

It’s itchy and sore

Move On


Where as  Monday was all London and glitz and ABBA,
Yesterday and Today is all Trelawnyd and country and home.
The catch up sub committee meeting of the TCA took up most of Wednesday  night 
Chairman farmer Med is worried about the Upcoming TB testing of his cattle 
It’s a big problem locally.
I did shopping for Trendy Carol who has covid yesterday  
She answered the door in a mask and something ethereal and a bit flowing 
Mandy & Sailor John lost Mandy’s mum, who had been poorly for a long time , so I took spring primulas around with a card 
Over 16 years Mandy and I have supported each other with flowers 
I went to the village shop to buy a couple of gins and caught the velvet Voiced Linda doing the same 
We giggled like schoolgirls .
I’ve just been threatened on line by email by a troll which has been an incredibly stupid thing to do given my blog history 
I hope things will now settle down properly  
Now, as they should 
The video has a strength of its own 
It has nothing to do about today
But boy I love it 
Hey ho




My bedroom is now sorted. The bare old floorboards, all of different widths that echo their age have now been washed clean and as the morning sun flows into the room , they are almost dry.
I always think my bedroom feels like a little boy’s room.
It’s tucked up in the eaves, and feels cosy because of that.

And it warms quickly when the sun shines down from the South. 
Mary knows this, and has sneaked onto her favourite sunny corners of the bed.
She sighs loudly .
I climb onto the bed to write today’s blog and fall asleep within minutes, only pressing the publish button after stirring at dogs barking from the kitchen