
 Just to let everyone know 
Going Gently now has Comment Moderation which means your post comments may not be published immediately .
What I didn’t know, is that anonymous comments will be published as long as I sanction them 
I’m sorry for the wait in publication. 


  1. No problem, John. Comment moderation and not allowing Anonymous comments are wise choices, given the number of trolls you get.

    By the way, please come and collect Albert -- he is causing havoc and mayhem over at my blog:


  2. Good idea, John. Then you can delete "the abusive ones from arseholes".

  3. Anonymous5:23 pm

    Ta! Good information.
    Happy day to you!


    1. Barbara anne5:23 am

      That was my comment just above.


  4. Did I miss more comment drama?!

    1. Yes but only the usual

    2. For what it's worth, I don't moderate comments but I also don't allow anonymous ones. That seems to keep away most troublemakers. Maybe that's an option for you?

    3. I allow anon comments with names attached as blogger has blocked many legitimate readers with Google accounts

  5. You shouldn't have had to deal with the unpleasantness anyway though should you - I hope it isn't too troublesome to sort out x 🖥⌨

    1. It’s a bind to be honest but I dare say I will get used to it

  6. Sad that it is needed, but great that the option exists. It's only a pity that you will have to see the comments yourself, which is what the person wants. :(

    1. I won’t read the comment in its entirety Marie but will get the gist

  7. Good for you, I have had mine moderated for a long time, not because of people I know or nasty comments but from unknown folks from all over the world trying to sell me things.

  8. It is sad, but needed. Some will still slip through, the system isn't perfect..

    1. Indeed , but the ones I am thinking about will never post on going gently again which is a bonus

  9. Oops! Now I see the comment I left on the Takashimaya post - but I also see I'm coming up as 'Anonymous' after all these years of following you John. That's odd! BTW that was me who posted about shopping at the store, wrapping etc.
    Moderating comments is the way to go - I've done it that way for years.
    Mary in North Carolina (Blog - A Breath of Fresh Air)

    1. I’ve deleted a could of comments by accident as my fat fingers have hit the delete button which is alongside the publish button

  10. If you don't want your blog trashed its the best way to go.

    1. Exactly more work for me , but the benefits outweigh anything else

  11. It gets everyone and moderation has to be done, And why are you using bleach, vinegar spray cleans just as well and easier on your soft bits!

  12. Anonymous9:53 pm

    I’m a fan of bleach too, John, in the toilet pan. Comment moderation is best if you want to avoid unpleasantness from ignorant keyboard warriors. Catriona

  13. I think in your case, with the number of 'followers' you have, it's a good idea. I'm stopping my blog, I have lost interest, and my 'followers' certainly have, Hope you're well, my friend.

  14. Yorkshire Liz10:15 pm

    Good idea, John. Stops the saddle getting their oxygen of publicity. Think of your time moderating as a Zen moment of personal empowerment!

  15. Yorkshire Liz10:16 pm

    My predictive text turned saddos to saddle. Apologies.

  16. Traveller10:33 pm

    Bugger, I missed the drama. How is Albert?

  17. Anonymous11:48 pm

    We agree with Ilona. Your blog is so special to us that it is heart-breaking when we see horrible undeserved comments to 'our friend'
    Wendy (Wales)

  18. Anonymous12:07 am

    Yep, all for it. It's a strange sort of illness, wanting negative power. Well, they can piss off and get it somewhere else and leave us in our cosy corner. Hopefully never getting published will end the fun. Tina in west oz.

  19. It has been a couple of years since I opted for comment moderation. I still feel a little sad about that but it seemed the only way I could block upsetting trolls, know-alls and points scorers. Occasionally, they still leave comments behind the scenes but I delete them without bothering to read them. That feels good.

  20. Well if you can't bleach their bums I guess the next best thing is to delete them!
    Enjoy your Sunday!

  21. Well, it is about time. I don't mind waiting one bit.

  22. A shame that it will be more work for you in what should be your own pleasure time. Hope it helps though.

  23. Sorry you have to do this, but I sure do understand. And thanks for protecting the rest of us from the cruel comments and personal attacks.

  24. Anonymous10:09 am

    Thanks for telling us John (Weaver)

  25. Don't blame you. Every time someone mentions trolls I think of that woman who killed herself having been outed as trolling the McCanns.Enough bad things happen in the world without people creating more nastiness.

    1. I had never heard of this. After reading, it sort of validates just what I have always believed...that trolls are deeply disturbed individuals who feel better by attacking others. It is their opportunity to feel superior to someone. Anyone.

  26. It's sad, but better that you do this. One can hope the trolls give up once they realise they have no audience.

  27. Sad that the trolls are so bad, may they all turn truly green with envy.

  28. Anonymous1:43 pm

    You already know that I completely understand. Jackie in Georgia USA

  29. I am glad you have the option.

  30. I used to have comment moderation and did away with it for a while. Then I got 5 vicious comments from one of my older sisters. She made the same comment over and over because she didn't like one of my blog posts. I don't know why she went out of her way to call attention to something she didn't want people to read, but that's what she did. I enabled comment moderation again. I'll keep it from now on. I got rid of the sister, too. I can't have toxic people like that in my life.


  31. I wonder why my comment disappeared on one of your posts; I thought I had accidentally deleted it. So had to laboriously type it out again, trying to remember what I wrote. I see now that both have published and the second is littered with spelling mistakes lol. Trying to rush to remember doesn't help my fingers! Glad I know why it happened.

    Jo in Auckland


I love all comments Except abusive ones from arseholes