A Good Read

 I’ve read recently that Going Gently is now sanitized.
I guess it depends on what you understand the word to mean .
As a nurse sanitized means cleansed 
I will leave the debate there .

Today will be an indulgent and rare day for me as I will be reading
All day.
It’s book club tomorrow and I want to finish Three Hours by Rosamund Lupton
I’ve had to get up early though and have walked the dogs, blogged, straightened the house and tidied Bluebell
Only then can I allow myself to read and nothing else


  1. Traveller9:59 am

    Enjoy your day reading John. I read that book a couple of years ago - a good quick read I thought.

    I have book club tonight and have a couple of hundred pages to go on a book that is a bit of a slog for me.

    1. I’m lucky mine is a real pager Turner

  2. I take that as stopping negative comments.
    The beauty of your blog is you tell things warts and all, along with wearing your emotions on your sleeve. I don't forget that a blog is a public performance and bloggers paint as they want others to see, but clearly your 'honest' blog writing works and you have many devotees, and of course I am among them, having read your blog now for so many years.

    1. I would disagree about your word negative, just a little ….negative comments come and go and debate is fine, I am now lighter for knowing DESTRUCTIVE comments mainly from one person won’t have the light of day
      They were and are insidious
      And most importantly they got me down

  3. The next book on my list. And I LOVE the way you’ve “santitized” going gently. Sorry about the extra work for you.

    1. No doubt moderation will be removed at some stage

  4. I would not have said 'sanitised', but it has certainly been polished-up. I thought you might be honing your literary skills for the long-awaited publication of the journals from a Welsh village we talked about all those years ago.

    1. That was a long time ago Tom lol,
      I just got tired of reading horrible and often personal comments…
      It got me down

  5. Oh no! you have finally turned on moderation. That's the beginning of the end.

  6. I think the term "sanitised" is misleading. You have been very tolerant of unpleasantness over the years - sometimes from anonymous contributors. This blog is your space and the rest of us are visitors. We must respect the house rules - especially when they are not particularly onerous. It's just nice to be nice. There's too much nastiness and arrogance in the world at large. We don't need to battle with it in our blogs.

    1. Hear, hear, YP. I take sanitised to mean cleansed of all dirt, scum and bug(ger)s that make you sick. It's just a shame that you've had to do it. Enjoy book club. xx

    2. Barbara Anne7:04 pm

      Well said, YP.


  7. Sanitised? In what way? Does the writer of that comment mean you don't write enough sex into your blog? Or are they pissed off because their nasty comments no longer get published? Either way, it's up to you both what you write about, and which comments you choose to publish (or not). Enjoy your day of reading. xx

    1. I wish I could write about sex more on the blog

    2. I don't mind if you don't John x 🐛

  8. These two comments were “ rejected” by fat fingers

    Karla has left a new comment on your post 'A Good Read':

    A blog isn't an invitation for the angry trolls to spew their venom, though some see it that way; it's your blog, not the commenters' blog. If they want to write vile things, they can start their own! I am glad you have cleansed yours

    Moran-Newman Farms has left a new comment on your post 'A Good Read':

    I am not sure what sanatized means but I have, and continue to, enjoy everything I have read here. I am often moved to tears, laughter, a look into a world and life not like my own and even now and then come away a little wiser for the read. So, if that is sanatized, then keep up the good work.

  9. Get comfy and enjoy the day!

    1. I’m having a break now with faggots and peas

  10. When you sanitize your toilet, you gave yourself an irritated arse. When you sanitize your blog, the irritated arses are gone. Interesting.

  11. I like it like this - I keep hearing woodpeckers on our walks by the way x 🐧

  12. Yorkshire Liz1:50 pm

    Sanitised is really not the right word, even though it does mean a deep cleanse to avoid passing nastiness onto others......So perhaps sanitised is the right word after all, And certainly not detrimental to the blog, nor our much loved and respected blogger. These trolls are spiteful pieces of work and deserve excluding by the own efforts. No one elses. And why should their unpleasantness be tolerated by kinder and more generous souls? Trolling
    is, if nothing else, an appalling and cowardly abuse of good manners. And direct abuse of the person who blogs. And it is the person who blogs who should and must make these decisions. Onwards and upwards, John! There are many people out here who love and support the honesty and bravery of this blog - sad, funny, honest and wise, as always. Keep it up! And don't you dare change it! (Apart from applying this dose of mental bleach, that is!)

    1. Sanitized wasn’t my choice of words.

  13. It's been interesting to see how your problematic comments have been affecting you, John. I don't know why anyone should be nasty to you. You are the gentlest of people and never offend anyone. I can see why people are pissed off with me, and expect the worst when I moderate my comments. We all have to sort things out the best way we can. I know you like a lot of chat, I don't mind if I don't get very much.

    1. Yes I’m a needy bitch. I know that, and I know I can argue a point….infact most “ spats “ on line create more page hits to be honest…. But people that go out of their usual way to be contrary have sucked the spirit out of me at times.
      I don’t need it, non of us do

  14. Make a nice cup of coffee, settle in on the couch, and enjoy!

  15. Yorkshire Liz says it all. The odd disagreement is fine but continued negativity is tiring. In particular the “nice” comments cloaked in a shroud of negativity.

    Absolutely love the phrase “mental bleach”. Enjoy your reading (the book that is not all these comments).

    1. Yes, this sums up EXACTLY how I feel

  16. I am reading a good book now also, John - The Whalebone Theater by Joanna Quinn and I am really enjoying it. It was recommended on another blog I read.
    A lot of the blogs I read have moderation and I don't mind at all. Who needs more mean shit in their lives?!

  17. Your blog, your space and only you can deem what is acceptable. This seems reasonable to me. Enjoy your read!

    1. I’m irritated that I’ve had to moderate but thankful I eventually have….no air is given to those negative Rucker’s

  18. A reading day is lovely! I usually read during meals, for company. and then a brisk dog walk is so energizing. Breathe that lovely cold winter air, high oxygen levels, I believe. I hope the book is good?
    I am working hard to keep my comments sweet and neutral. I never meant to be unkind--or as mentioned, ''inane''.

    1. Don’t pull your punches lizzy
      Despite what some may think , I never mind to be honestly challenged at all….I just find the drip drip drip of constant negativity difficult to deal with
      It’s not good for anyone to listen to and for my own mental robustness I no longer want to be bothered by it.

  19. About arseholes, mine. My friend said, "Your ass is sleeping. I know it is because I can hear it snoring."
    I love your blog John, keep on and wash away those who would stain.


  20. Always feel better when I have a book on the go.

    Have started listening to books when do things such as gardening, car washing etc. Last year I listened to a chunk of Wolf Hall whilst pressure washing the patio (ear buds under ear defenders).

  21. Your mention of fat finger errors reminds me of the time my fat fingers text my eldest daughter that her sisters wedding was at 3.30 instead of 2.30. She arrived at the ceremony in a rush minus her makeup and her hair styled. She was not happy with me.

  22. I'll miss Ursula almost as much as I miss a wet patch in the bed.

    1. You and her have butted heads more than I did

  23. Comment moderation only makes sense, as far as I'm concerned. Aside from making sure trolls aren't published, it also means you see all of the acceptable comments, even if they're on an old post.

    I wish I had the self-discipline to do work before reading! Too often it's the other way around for me.

    1. One thing I’ve learned is the number of spam comments I’m getting

  24. Barbara Anne7:01 pm

    I love to read and applaud your plan to read after doing those morning tasks. It's the neareat thing to a vacation without leaving your chair!


  25. Barbara Anne7:15 pm

    Me again ... two lovely books I'd like to suggest:
    The Reading List by Sara Nisha Adams
    "Lost Dogs and Lonely Hearts" by Lucy Dillon


  26. Anonymous8:40 pm

    The Stalker
    I hope I am not sanitised…. I always use The Stalker to let you know I am posting just as I do on Andrew and Sparkling Merlot blogs.. . I share your blogs with my partner and she often hears music clips when I am reading you blog while riding my exercise bike , not that Zi am fit but I need to so I can drink wine and eat bread🤣 i I speak of you with her as if we live next door … actually we live in Adelaide Australia

    Good wishes and onwards and upwards as they say, whatever that means

    1. Yes, you are always honest and up front, I respect that x

  27. I cannot imagine a better way to spend the day than reading all the day. Add some tea and that's a 10+

  28. I needed a new book to read so have just ordered it for the Kindle app! Hope you enjoy it, it has excellent reviews.

  29. Nothing wrong with moderation. As our dear, old Grandma Griff used to say (and she lived to be 100), "Everything in moderation makes for a healthy life."
    ;-) --Elise


I love all comments Except abusive ones from arseholes