Something Beautiful

Auntie Gladys was famous for her homespun quotes about doing the right things
Many were bible-esque type quotes
Economical and not too flowery 

Having said that I remember her walking around the last  Flower Show, the one that she herself opened as guest of honour , 
She was looking at the baking section with bright , critical blue eyes, 
Her gaze running across, loaves of bread,and tarts and plates of biscuits and mounds of her own scones
And she smiled and waved her arms like a school girl

Always look for the beautiful every day “ 
She said excitedly 



  1. She seems a wonderful person, an example for us all. Hope you're well, John.

  2. Mike , I’m ok, just tired xx

  3. Traveller11:02 pm

    No words

  4. It's great advice, looking for beauty every day.
    Some people are missed forever xo

  5. A simple philosophy but a good one and a hard one to follow day after day.

  6. I wonder who gets to gobble all those goodies.

  7. You were slimmer back then. Too many scones? X

  8. Barbara Anne11:45 pm

    What wonderful words from a wonderful and memorable woman. Sweet Auntie Glad! Ta for sharing her with us, John!


  9. A wise woman. There's always something beautiful to be found, but often we're often too busy and preoccupied to notice. Sleep well. xx

  10. Auntie Glad knew finding beauty in each day is a great way to live. Living positively is a choice that we all have. Negative energy helps nobody.

  11. Your Auntie Gladys - A beautiful lady x

  12. Anonymous3:43 am

    Makes one wish they could have known her too. You're a lucky man, John. Thank you for sharing her.

  13. I love that table filled with cakes. A classic village show.

  14. Yorkshire Liz8:01 am

    I love that photo; a wonderful lady of great wisdom and style. And that table, full of the most wonderful scones; not as easy as they look. I used to steward the judges at our village show, and it was extraordinary to see 100 plates of scones, all made to the given recipe, yet all different sizes, colours, textures and tastes.

  15. Always. And if it's hard to find that day, then that's when our own store of happy memories are precious. Someone said once that you can never have too many holds on happiness.

    That is a beautiful video.

  16. A lovely memory and such handsome looking scones!

  17. She was always such a joy to read about.

  18. It was a real privilege to meet her and put a face to the lovely lady that you always spoke so beautifully about on your blog. xx


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