Is it me?


Is it me ?
Or instead of one past-his-sale- by-date homosexual living a pretty hum drum single existence in a picturesque Welsh cottage 
Does it look ( and smell ) like four hormonal smelly teenage boys live in my house? 
Finishing nights, and after a few hours sleep , I’ve reviewed the wreckage .
Now some of the blame must be given to Roger who not only has gleefully stockpiled three discarded pairs of underpants in his crate but who managed to locate my new beard trimmer from inside a wash bag hidden underneath the bathroom sink and dismantle it over the living room Carpet when I was sleeping.
The rest of the mess , I’m afraid is down to me.
Cups and spoons clutter the kitchen tops, the bed looks like I’ve had a troupe of strippers in and I can’t even share what the bathroom looks like without an antiemetic 
On Friday the place was pristine 
Bugger knows how it happens

I took the dogs around to Trendy Carol’s when I did her shop ( she’s still got covid )  

And I made myself a late bucket of coffee before getting stuck in


  1. It's your house and you've been working nights. Be kind to yourself:)

    1. The veg artist had it right when she wrote “ no wonder he uses bleach “( I deleted the comment by accident

  2. Anonymous4:50 pm

    You will soon get tidied up and shipshape! You always do.

  3. I laughed and laughed, how does that happen? Here too. And that Roger, what a little imp he is, so smart, so naughty.

    1. It’s Sod’s law, his stash in the crate often gets me smiling, he had Mary’s rubber chicken and the lobster soft toy from the living room in there the other day

  4. Mess does seem to just happen when your back's turned. Just think how good you'll feel when all is returned to clean and pristine. Are you sure Roger doesn't moonlight as a cat burglar? xx

    1. It’s obviously my fault , he’s still a puppy and when I’m sleeping , I used to the older dogs sleeping with me. He sleeps an hour then gets bored

  5. Barbara Anne5:01 pm

    What marvelous word pictures your paint when you write, John! Like Pixie said, be gentle with yourself as you're coming off nights and caring for a sick friend. Methinks your shaver etc needs to be in a metal lunchobx with a latch to thwart Roger The Busy Imp.


  6. Anonymous5:14 pm

    The stripper line was a bit sexist but funny

    1. Never been to a male strip show then? ; }

    2. Lol yes who said the strippers were either men or women ? Or both?

  7. I am a 63 year young lady but my abode has become a house of disarry - The lockdown and ill health are my excuse - But Your cottage John is a home to be proud of x 💐🛀

  8. How deeply unfair that your bed looks like you've had a troupe of strippers in, when you've done no such thing. All the disarray without the fun!

    1. The bed frame couldn’t take the strain

  9. Traveller6:23 pm

    It’s the same here - things can be tidy and then before you know it looks an absolute mess. One of the reasons ai like having people round - gets us to dig out the house.

    I hope you enjoy your newly sanitized space.

    1. Sanitized space…..hummm

    2. Traveller7:57 pm

      Apologies…couldn’t resist it. Enjoy your ship shape cottage.

  10. Did Hurricane Joyce ransack the North Wales coastal area? I didn't hear about it on BBC Radio 5 Live.

  11. Yorkshire Liz6:39 pm

    You just have to blink and breathe and these things just happen. It's just Life and the living of it; plus one very naughty young dog!

    1. I’m naturally rather neat too, which complicates things

  12. With your busy school, work, social life schedule - a housekeeper might be a good idea. Roger is a little scamp, does he need to go to doggy day camp for a few hours a couple times a week? Forced to get along with other new dogs and follow day camp rules might be good for him. My dog, Caesar, did this and it improved him by a magnitude.

    1. Oh he gets one with everyone and anything in a skippy , “ hullo” kind of way …
      He just loves wrecking stuff……
      As for a housekeeper, I wrote a post recently about having one looking like Rosemary Harris

  13. But the tidying will be so satisfying.

    That’s what the house used to look like when I traveled on business. SG is a disaster. One time, he didn’t get it cleaned up before I came home from 5 days away. I think even you would be in shock.

    1. Yes…lol I like this story , it made me smile…

  14. My dogs - thatch especialy get up to mischief even whilst I'm sitting in the same room happily chatting on the phone - Books, newspapers shredded, boxes ripped frantically into dead pieces, a glove, my scarf used in a tug of war with his brother and sometimes a pair of my disguarded drawers - They know the weekly routine of me distracted for a couple of hours and play havoc - even my lovely lily joins in x

    1. Some dogs are irascible

    2. Anonymous3:46 pm

      My goodness flis you must be completely absorbed in your phone call if you don't notice when all that is going on!

    3. Anonymous3:46 pm

      And that Anon was me - Jan

  15. It's everyone. The detritus of life x

  16. You'll have it spic-n-span in no time, John! :)

    1. But I want someone else to do it

    2. Oh how I'd love a cleaner, sadly now beyond my budget.

  17. So easy when there is just the one human at home!
    Or only one who does the housework... that's worse!!

  18. I think it's truly remarkable that you manage to have a gorgeous, tidy and well curated home on any days at all.
    I almost never have a house I would be happy to photograph

  19. Do you think Roger was drawn to the scent of your whiskers in the razor? Hopefully he didn't eat any of it. Have you tried putting it together again yet? :)

    Here it's cats. They can make such a mess with food, water, litter, and shedding!

  20. No. It is not just you. And that is all I'm going to say about that.

  21. Love the picture you just painted in my head.

  22. Do not let others, steer your ship. Take the helm, and steer for the course you wish to travel. This is the best course

  23. I once was asked to visit a next door neighbour GIRL's bedroom to fetch something. I am not over-tidy myself, but I'd never seen anything like it. The mess was horrendous. I did find what I'd been asked to find, but it wasn't easy. The girl's father (who was in a wheelchair) was very grateful; I remained shocked.

  24. Anonymous7:41 am

    I tried a cleaner once and spent hours tidying before she arrived it's a two edged sword. Messy isn't the same as dirty

  25. One hormonal teenager, one aging diva, one aging queen, one feisty cat, and you . . . or maybe that is two . . .

  26. Small spaces get cluttered and messed up so easily, and your lovely cottage is quite small. And of course we both have dogs and a cat that loiter around with their things like furry teenagers, and continually need clearing up after.
    I only have to leave a dirty cup and a biscuit wrapper laying around and my tiny place looks messy!!

  27. This comment has been removed by the author.

  28. I had cleaners in years ago. They did a good job--at first. I've never tried it again. But you'll set the house right, one room at a time, and Roger will grow up and settle down.


  29. My house is always a mess... I have a tiny kitchen that you walk in the house into and as much as I try it always looks in disarray; no drawers to put things in so there are numerous "receptacles" on the counter top to put things in. Teaspoons in a repurposed milk jug, utensils in a purpose bought ceramic plant holder, a ceramic oblong saucer for the washing up brush and scrubber and plug and on it goes. Drives me bonkers but it is what it is until I can cough up the $25,000.00 it would probably cost to rectify the horrendous DIY mistakes of a previous owner and add a new kitchen. On a much brighter note we survived Cyclone Gabrielle with minimal flooding and our roof didn't fly away. Many things there to be grateful for considering the anguish many others faced from flooding and deaths.

    Jo in Auckland

  30. My sons room looks like a tornado hit. He refers to the mess on the floor as his "floordrobe".


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