Meatball Mary

Both dogs have been clingy after my two long days at work

Mary fell asleep tonight, well after nine, she was  sitting up on my knee 

With a single Swedish meatball still in her mouth 

I’ve just messaged my sister saying I hope we will have fun at the wedding 

Swan Song

 Trendy Carol has sorted Mary’s haircut today and has offered to take her to the groomers with her own dog
Her husband Euan will look after Dorothy when I’m at work .
They are looking after the dogs too when I go to my nephew’s wedding. 
Filling in for Boffin Cameron, who has been struck down with Covid
I couldn’t cope without the both of them

I see William Shatner is going into space today ( albeit for ten minutes ) 
He’s 80 and I thought what a marvellous swan song it is for him to be part of this mission.
Off to work….

Crisps Standing Up

 I’m late home
I’m Working again tomorrow. 
And I’m too tired to make a planned meal of chicken and udon noodles all left out neatly on the kitchen worktop.
After some rummaging I found a packet of fish and chips crisps in the back of the larder and ate them all standing up as the dogs and Albert eagerly slurped their suppers. 
I couldn’t tell the flavour for the life of me.

I will leave you with one of a whole series of my favourite tiktok videos 
It’s a simple illustration of a Chinese country man cooking for himself and his son 
Quite hypnotic and rather magical 
I’m off to watch the half season finale of The Walking Dead in bed 
Gracie and Judith are in trouble 



Chic Eleanor had originally agreed to act as my fashion guru today but was unavailable for a trip to Liverpool so my friend Colin stepped into her expensive Italian Bruno Cucinelli sandals and gave me the benefit of his fashion advice.
Anyone who knows me well knows that I have an “eclectic” type  of fashion sense which is complicated somewhat by colourblindness and a limited budget but with Colin flexing his impressively sartorial gay muscles I was in safe hands. 
I did make things a little difficult when I bought a jacket before I met Colin. 
It’s wool and nicely heavy, but he pursed his lips just a little and said with a bit of exasperation  “hummmm  I see we are going for an obvious country theme here” 
We entered John Lewis skipping.
The salesman had an interesting take on formal ware shopping. Because of covid he said suits and jackets just haven’t been selling until a few weeks ago when everyone either needed a new outfit for work, to replace ones not fitting because of lockdown weight gain or needed to purchase wedding outfits , weddings open to more than a handful of guests. 
The shelves were pretty empty .
Having said this almost two hours later, Colin had picked out two pairs of trousers, two dress shirts, a belt, a pair of shoes and a trendy tie. 
I was exhausted but satisfied we had made the right decisions so we had chips and curry for a late lunch in way of celebration .
I even bought a handkerchief for my top pocket 
Hey ho

Herding Cats


I’m herding cats
I think it’s going to be that sort of week
I’ve got my bucket of coffee ready and am trying to sort out “ when and where!”
But it’s a case of too much to do
God knows when I’m going to get the pilgrim paperwork sorted out for the Church and Chic Eleanor texted me a darling John where are you text last night when I was unconscious on the couch after night shifts.
I’m off to Liverpool shortly to get the wedding clothes ( more stressful than looking after a poorly patient on a ventilator)
Tuesday and Wednesday I’ve got two thirteen hour day shifts 
Thursday it’s Bluebell’s MOT, a funeral , a vets appointment and a concert
Friday is the wedding
Sunday and Monday more long days at work 

Saturday I’m scheduling a lie down in a darkened room with a wet face flannel over my face


The Daily Post’s on line article came out today click on link below

Mave left me a message which simply said “15 minutes of infamy “

All Change

 The village pub The Crown has had a facelift recently .the main old farmhouse is now a smart battleship grey and sports a smart new “ Crown” logo with white trim. 

It’s nice to see the old girl looking a bit spruce so to speak.

The two chapels, now closed and sold are waiting their conversions into houses. The older building on Chapel street, which was originally a “ corn” market hall built way back in 1700 will undergo its last transformation hopefully soon, as will the red brick more utilitarian chapel on London Road. 

Conversions such as these are often sympathetic to the original design and flavour of the original architecture and will , I hope, be assets to the village

I’m waiting to go home.I have a headache. My lateral flow test , just taken because of said headache ( a rarity for me) is negative.

Day staff are wandering in, in drips and drabs and it’s almost time to go home.


 I make a point of going out for a walk when I’m on night shifts. 
Even the shortest of ambles breaks the claustrophobic monotony of working all night and sleeping all day.

We walked down the lane at six pm. It was overcast and cooling rapidly and the sky had a slightly yellow tinge to it. 
It suddenly feels like autumn.
And of rain.
Untidy black “V’s” of Canada geese move east in the sky and the ponies, fortified  by being fed and watered by their owner Sue cantered up and down field neighing and whickering excitedly .
Albert remained home, hunched on the lawn, pretending not to be watching out for the house sparrows chattering inside the honeysuckle by the front door.
We amble home. 
Under the new arch over the gate, which still sports the final sweet pea blooms of summer.
The dogs curl up together on the couch to keep warm as I get ready for work. 

Life plods on

The Royal Opera House


Although I have seen several productions live at the cinema, I haven’t been physically back to The Royal Opera House since I went with my husband over three years ago now.
I thought it was about time to return.
Last night, on my break, I trolled the internet and found two reasonable tickets for the acclaimed ballet production of Romeo and Juliet , showing in February and bought them quick sticks.
The auditorium of the Opera House is a breathtaking over indulgence in gold and red.
Shaded lights cram the balconies and boxes and when full over 2,200 people share the view the place seems to glow in a golden light…it’s a view I have never tired of over the years.


 I made Gyoza dumplings to take to work last night

I always eat with chopsticks when appropriate 
They make you eat smaller portions at a time

That’s all my news

Sentimental Value

It’s been a bit of a heavy week all told.
A funeral, a few work issues, a friend’s partner’s suicide, more vet visits
All varying in their direct effect on me , 
I’m not complaining, there’s never one thing
Boffin Cameron has tested positive for covid so can’t dog sit next week….
That’s only a minor brickbat, but it’s my nephew’s wedding 
I will sort something out.

Last night I sat down in front of the tv to watch The Repair Shop
It’s a real indulgence and remains the best emotional romp on tv at the moment.
Now for those that don’t know The Repair Shop is a show that has the demographic of blogging individuals ( genteel folk of a certain age) they are asked to bring in a usually damaged personal item which holds a great deal of sentimentality and importance to them. A group of talented restorers are then challenged to see if they can return the item to its former glory and the results usually get everyone involved sobbing gently into their jumper sleeves.

Marcia at the reveal

Last night we had fifty something Marcia who brought in her broken childhood doll Diana.
Marcia had been placed into care with her brother because her mother , one of the Windrush generation and a single mom could not look after them single handedly. Diana was the only thing Marcia had of her own and the significance of the cheap plastic doll was all to evident when the repaired toy was returned to a quietly dignified and emotional Marcia 
I bawled buckets 

We all have items at home that hold varying degrees of sentimentality and importance to us
What would you say is your most treasured item?
I was thinking about this this morning

My gargoyle , who is presently camouflaged amid the houseplants

Feather Boas, Welsh Terrier Sex and Trefor’s Two Mile Hike


It’s been a funny old day all told.
I went to a funeral this afternoon where all the pall bearers ( male and female ) were wearing fluffy pink boas
The coffin was carried out of the church to the graveside to the tune of  Big Spender By Shirley Bassey
It really suited the character of the guy who had died so that was cool .
During the service my colleague , who must have thought I needed a tissue delved into her handbag and offered me a sanitary pad, which flummoxed me just a little.
What would Thora Hird do in such a situation ? I thought quickly
And didn’t burst into my usual go to of schoolboy chuckling

Yes it’s been a funny afternoon all told.

I’ve just been talking to my neighbour old Trefor , who was out for his daily walk.
He’s 97 so “ old” seems somewhat of an understatement , but he’s still going strong and had just walked 2 miles up and around the Gop without stopping. 
As we chatted over the garden gate another villager passed and stopped his car. He has a welsh terrier and after the hellos were done and on the spur of the moment I asked if he would be interested in introducing his young male to Mary next time she was in season . He said he would especially as your average Welsh terrier now costs up to and beyond two grand.

I’m quite giddy at the thought of puppies in the cottage.

Photo Shoot


The reporter from The Daily Post was lovely and very balanced and professional . He’s hopefully going to run a story about the Church and Trelawnyd’s general wishes for it’s change of status.
It’s an interesting story, he said after a good hour on the phone.

I promised to take a few photos of the Church for him to use and he sneaked in with a request.
Could I be in the photo too? ….
I went cold.
I hate my photo being taken at the best of times, let alone have it splashed to the great and the good of North Wales but needs must and when I bumped into Meirion out for his daily constitutional I conscripted him as my official photographer 
I was like Edina out of Absolutely Fabulous during the shoot ….his nerves must have been shredded 

The Day A Crapping Dog Stopped The Traffic

Cro’s recent post Dogs Have No Shame reminded me of a post I wrote several years ago. 
Incidentally it is Affable Despot Jason’s favourite post from Going Gently
Lazy blogging, but, like Fawlty Towers  it’s worth a repeat

We have only one zebra crossing in the village, and this as you would expect is located in front of the school. Given the amount of speeders on London Road, I always make for the zebra crossing when out with the dogs and will often launch myself ( keeping the dogs safely behind me) onto the first " stripe" in order to bring the speeding cars screeching to a halt, often just inches away from me!( readers of going Gently from years ago..may remember I had an altercation with a man in a pick up van at the very crossing which resulted at me throwing a bag of poo into his open boot!)
Today, I tend to use the crossing more because both Meg and George prefer to amble rather than gallop when out for their walk
This morning I used my tried and tested, " foot on the first stripe" challenge to an overly fast thornhill skip driver, who had to break so hard his mobile phone slithered off his dashboard.
The driver gave me a withering look but waited for several cars to come to a halt from the opposite direction before I marshaled the dogs in order to cross the road.
Now when four cars and one lorry are waiting for you to cross the road, what you don't want is a 26 kilo bulldog to stop dead in the centre of a zebra crossing, but stop dead she did and without a hint of embarrassment , Winifred brought the dog convoy to a scrum, squatted with a loud grunt and started to push out one of the largest and wettest turds in modern day history, right in the centre of a wide white stripe.
The lorry driver rolled his eyes, and I could see a woman in the car behind craning her neck to see what the hold up was.
When bulldogs poo.....they cannot and will not be rushed!
I smiled apologetically at the traffic and tried to pull Winnie onto the pavement, but she wasn't for pulling, so I made a show of retrieving a doggy poo bag from my pocket to show just how responsible I am as a dog owner.
Yes, you've guessed it
I had run out of doggy bags!
Mind you, by the look of Winnie's offering as it slowly and surely arrived, I really was in need of a large black bin bag rather than a dainty pooper scooper bag.
So there I was, standing in the road with three dogs in one hand and a bulldog squeezing out a turd the size of a small child in the other!..... No bags......and a captive audience of increasingly irritated drivers watching every move.
Finally, Winnie finished the caramel coloured " mr whippy" and red faced I had to mouth to the lorry driver a rather lame " sorry no bags" to which he mouthed out a reply something on the lines of " fucking disgusting "
I dragged the dogs to the curb as the lorry and the first car on the opposite side of the road moved forward. The woman driving the car was shaking her head at me as she swerved around the turd, the massive wet turd which was then flattened with a sickening squelch a second later as the car behind hers smacked into it.
Oh the shame

The Girl At The Desk in The Window


My darkest time of lockdown was last winter
I was on months of nights and like many of us, was physically and mentally isolated from the real world
All I saw was work, death, colleagues and bed.

As I drove into work, in the dark, I always drove through the slightly less salubrious suburbs of Llandudno.
It was the ordinary people’s Llandudno. Not the small hotels, and genteel Victorian flats of the Promenade and Mostyn Street, but the flats of the working people and the smaller terraced houses of the older locals.
Ordinary land.

It was then I generally spied the girl.
She always sat very upright at a table or desk in the window of her first floor apartment ( I use the word apartment because I’ve already overused the word flat)
The lights were dim in the room but she was always illuminated by a pink desk lamp, either with her head down , presumably writing or reading or looking forward , seemingly ,in thought.
She looked around 35, so was hardly a girl and with her hair pulled back into a ponytail , she always looked plain, and studious and thoughtful.
I never saw anyone else in the flat

Every night I came into work, she was there , and every night I came into work I looked for her.
She was a constant in a dark and depressing lockdown winter.
Reading or working or thinking in her window, next to the pink light.

I contemplated waving as I passed, but that would have been strange as I’m sure she never noticed the blue Aquila with the empty bike rack on the back, passing her window at 7.20 pm every night.
But she intrigued me, as things do to people who have a small ordered life with very  little interest or drama in it.

Last night I came into work and I saw her again. 
It was dark and she was at her desk again. Upright and still serious and
I was reminded of those dark lockdown nights of last year and breaking the spell I waved my hand and smiled as I passed

But she didn’t look out of the window 


It’s soup time. 
Overnight on Friday I left butternut squash and sweet potatoes in the slow cooker with garlic and chilli
And Saturday morning , as I opened the door, the cottage was filled with the spiced scent of the most delicious soup.
Saturday night I’ve left mushrooms cook down with ginger, garlic and potato and that will be ready for my Sunday morning breakfast.
The weather is atrocious and I’m glad I have only two weeks night shifts before returning to days.

And the land of the living

The Stranger


My gargoyle had a fall in the garden yesterday
He was decapitated 
I managed to reattach his head with the help of some extra strong glue and he lay forlorn  in the supportive  
recesses  of Dorothy’s favourite blanket on the sideboard all day.
Irritated by his presence Dorothy has checked on the “ stranger” every half hour with an angry snort each time she realised that he was still there

A Kiss

 I will leave you today with these rather sweet videos. The cute barber asked his customers to turn their heads to presumably sniff his aftershave . As they turn he kisses each one and the reaction from them
Is priceless and rather charming 



I’m back on nights tonight.
And so I wanted to plan something interesting to do today.
Weigh in , takes 2 minutes ( I’ve lost over 32 lbs!!!!!)
Pony sniffing only lasts for ten minutes or so.
Dog walking another hour.
And I’ve finished a couple of chapters of Miriam Margolyes’ autobiography This Much Is True lying in bed with a bulldog chipping away at my last remaining kneecap psoriasis scab 

I contemplated watching the new James Bond but the tickets are selling so fast I didn’t fancy dealing with a full cinema.
And so I decided to tick another small wish off my bucket list

I made sushi from scratch.

I chose to make two types of  Chumaki sushi rolls
Ones filled with salmon, wasabi and garlic and the others filled with strips of avocado dipped in lemon, cream cheese and onion.

Preparing the ingredients was therapy in itself.
Cutting the  avocado and salmon into strips , washing the rice free of excess starch it all slows you down quite nicely
And the results, rather surprisingly were rather pleasing 

The Ponies

At least once a day I go and visit the ponies
I go nose to nose with each one in turn, and blow gently.
They always respond the same way
They inhale and watch with calm brown eyes.



I lost my temper with someone tonight
And I went up like a fucking firecracker 
It was the first time I had done so for over 3 years
I hate losing my temper but all I can say that it was fucking justified .
I will say no more
Apart I was ugly 
