Herding Cats


I’m herding cats
I think it’s going to be that sort of week
I’ve got my bucket of coffee ready and am trying to sort out “ when and where!”
But it’s a case of too much to do
God knows when I’m going to get the pilgrim paperwork sorted out for the Church and Chic Eleanor texted me a darling John where are you text last night when I was unconscious on the couch after night shifts.
I’m off to Liverpool shortly to get the wedding clothes ( more stressful than looking after a poorly patient on a ventilator)
Tuesday and Wednesday I’ve got two thirteen hour day shifts 
Thursday it’s Bluebell’s MOT, a funeral , a vets appointment and a concert
Friday is the wedding
Sunday and Monday more long days at work 

Saturday I’m scheduling a lie down in a darkened room with a wet face flannel over my face


  1. Oh wow! What a week!

  2. Joan (Devon)9:51 am

    You're always on the go, you make me tired just reading it. Still, it's better to be busy than stuck at home twiddling your thumbs.

  3. Yorkshire Liz10:50 am

    I've just had a week like that! Wedding dentist, health review flu jab garage vet. The only way is to look no further forward than each day as it comes, otherwise the weight is too heavy. Onwards me duck! And enjoy every morsel you can!

  4. If I lived near I would leave a casserole on your doorstep. xx

  5. Don't forget to keep hydrated. You don't need another UTI in the middle of all that! Hugs. xx

  6. Go with the flow John x

    1. I think I should add-my patch is not all roses it's like wading through sticky treacle or something else-doggy got diarrhoea,car playing up and someone upstairs mental problems kicking off which switches on my wobblyness-Chic Eleanor will be a salve for you John x

  7. You DO have a busy week! Try to take things as easy as you can!

  8. Push through and look back at all that was accomplished.

  9. I've just read your earlier blog with the attached newspaper article. That is a really interesting, informative, well written article, and the photos are great (!!). I think the reporter did exceptionally well.

  10. It is feast or famine, isn't it? Either too busy or not enough to do... Altho, you seem to be pretty busy ALL of the time!
    Treasure the happy moments! xx

  11. Barbara Anne2:17 pm

    Goodness! You're going to meet yourself coming and going with your tres busy schedule this week.
    Be sure to put dinner in the slow cooker for long those work days. You'll thank yourself if you do this.


  12. Oh, Lord. That's way too much excitement for me.

    1. Me too,I'm on the way home , with clothes galore

  13. We will all understand a week's break from blogging.

  14. New clothes! Be sure to show us.

    You need to consider lighter schedule for Thursday so you can enjoy the wedding Friday.

  15. I think you're right about Saturday! x

  16. Yess Please John-perhaps you would invite us into your boudoir for a peek?x

  17. Time for a list!!
    The feeling of success when you tick items off it...

  18. You have lots going on. I hope all goes well and you especially enjoy the wedding.

  19. What a week! Keep that Saturday open for the R & R you will need!

  20. You may have to start penciling in your rest time.

  21. Sometimes it's a feast and other times a famine. This week is your feast week. Pace yourself, drink heaps of water and try to get decent nights sleep.

    Jo in Auckland

  22. Oh my what a week, but I know you will make the best of it have fun along the way !!!


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