Middle Class & Homosexual

One of Wathen’s massive paintings

I treated myself to an art gallery day today.
Richard Wathen’s New Eyes Every Time at The Mostyn Gallery 
Salad in the cafe, shopping in the atrium 
I know the girl on the door and she asked me what I was doing today 
“ I’m being all middle class and homosexual today!” I told her 
“ Spend wisely “ she laughed
In the end I treated myself to two things . A driftwood bird with nail legs by Rachel Sumner and a fox platter by Jenny Murray. I have other bits by both artists.

Thank you Andrew and Rachel
And to Fleetwood Mac of course

I was in the audience for this one


All Green

 It’s Tuesday isn’t it?
I wasn’t sure. Weigh in day
I’ve lost 8 lbs 
Bloody hell
I’m off to Mostyn Gallery today.
Theatre with Gorgeous Dave tomorrow night
A new book to start to read tonight after gardening.
The road remains closed , but hey , I rather like the peace with no rat run traffic
It wasn’t a big deal in the first place.
The sun is shining, and the view from my bedroom window is all green

In The Heights - Washington Heights Trailer

Lin Manuel Miranda ‘s In The heights 
Is something I’m looking forward to 
A bit of sweetness...it looks such a celebration ........

I’m not moaning , I’m just saying that I’ve not been myself recently
I’m  quick to upset and easy to anger.
I’ve been prickly and defensive and probably have been a bit depressed 
Depressed people arnt good company and I’ve always prided myself on being good company 
Which fucks me off even more.

I’m getting back to normal but it’s a work in process and it’s slow.
So don’t walk on eggshells with me
I’ll try a bit harder.


The plastic box kinda kills the photo but it’s a must as the postman refuses
to use the letter box due to Mary’s game of bite the postie

It’s hot and humid today and just like the matriarch Winnie , used to do ,Dorothy has laid her nipples to cold concrete in an effort to remain cool.
The honeysuckle over the front door is heavy with perfume which can be smelt from halfway up the lane.
Just by opening the lounge window allows the perfume to creep around the cottage scot free.

Monday we will learn if the final covid restrictions will be lifted on June 21st. 
I suspect they will in place for yet another month so hopefully the 19th of July will be the final cutoff point.
I hope so as I’m back in London for a whole three night weekend July 23rd
Look At him! Galavanting again ! I hear you say 
My next jaunt to the city will be another eclectic visit. 
The main thrust will be Nu’s post covid party where her friends from all over will finally meet together but on the Friday I have arranged to be a real geek for the day and will accompany my nephew to comic con at Olympia which will be a total first for me.
He asked me to meet up with him with typical Asperger’s understatement, and my emotional joy at being asked was probably lost with him as, to him the request was pragmatic and clear cut.
After all we have been in regular contact for the past three years.
I told an old friend that I was meeting up with him and the friend voiced some surprise that was the case which intrigued me.
Why wouldn’t I keep in touch ? even though I wasn’t a blood relative. I’ve known the boy since he was born! 

Perhaps thirty years ago Nu and I took her wisecracking Liverpudlian nieces to Chester Zoo. 
It was a magical  afternoon with the pre teen girls playing up with me as their favourite aunt’s bestie and three decades later they have asked to recreate the afternoon with another visit with their own children in tow.
I shall be delighted to attend too.
So Leo and I will be geeks for the day very soon.
I shall wear my very best Walking Dead T shirt for the occasion .

I shall leave you with two late entries from the view from my window competition 
And a poem about post covid mingling by Babs

by Kim Stafford

Remember how we used to do it—
weaving through the crowd, brushing
shoulders, fingers touching a sleeve,
adjusting a lapel—first an old friend here,
then turn to banter with a stranger, finding
odd connections—“You’re from where?...You
know her!”—going deeper into story there, leaning
back in wonder, bending close to whisper, secrets
hidden in the hubbub, as if in the middle of this
melee you have found a room and lit a lamp…
then the roar of the crowd comes back,
someone singing out a name, another
bowing with a shriek of laughter,
slap on the back, bear hug void
of fear? Imagine!
Just imagine.

In The Pink

 I complemented Bethan on her corner garden this morning. I’d say she has the fourth best garden in the village behind Marion Jones, Animal Helper Pat and the lady who lives in the London Road cottage whose name has just escaped me. She told me she had just scattered her mothers ashes into a new herbaceous border filled with only pink flowers .
She always said she was in the pink , when you asked her how she was” Bethan quipped “ Now she is!”

The velvet voiced Linda at the coffee morning

The Memorial Hall was open today, the shenanigans with it’s insurance sorted by the Community Council.
It was nice to go to the first coffee morning of the year.
The first person I saw crossing the road very carefully with his wife was Mr Poznán.
Now Mr Poznán is perhaps my most favourite man in the village. 
In his late seventies, he has the most benign and friendliest faces of anyone I have ever met and with his crinkled smiling eyes and broad grin he always reminds me of a soft featured Polish Farmer ( hence the nickname).
When I separated from the Prof and was in danger of losing the cottage , it was Mr Poznań who originally proposed the idea of buying the cottage so that I could stay in it.
He is a gentle quietly spoken man, who is popular in Trelawnyd.
It is well known that Mr Poznań has a cardiac history and catching his wife’s worried eye, I realised that he was more breathless than usual so I popped over to take his pulse and to share some nursery advice.
We sat and talked for a while.
It was lovely to catch up.

I cut my visit short as I’d planned to meet another old friend in Chester. 
I’ve known Nigel, who now lives in Manchester for nearly thirty years, and we talked solid for three hours. Drinking Turkish delight tea in the Storyhouse restaurant and eating Mr Whippy ice cream by the Dee

Inside the Storyhouse

The Dee

Touching base with friends, over the last couple of weeks 
Life feels normal once more

Dinner Out

Chic Eleanor ( right) with Mimi Pèrez
In the Crown Tonight


A Quiet Place II


Finally , an evening trip to the cinema ! 
I met up with friend Colin for supper PRE CINEMA ! which was a real treat in itself and we sat in a restaurant outside, on a picturesque Chester street, eating pizza as if on holiday .
The film, too was a treat as unlike most sequels it holds its own against film no 1 which monopolised the silent linch pin horror genre.
Director, hunk of spunk  and star of film number one John Kraninski stars in a short, action based catch up sequence which sets up the film in true crank-it-up-a-notch style as the audience gets to see just how the Abbott family first comes to grips with the aliens who only hunt by sound.
The narrative then switches to a more industrial backdrop as mom ( Emily Blunt ) siblings Marcus and Reagan ( Millicent Simmonds & Noah Jupe) and the baby in the suitcase try to illicit the help of a shocked survivor Emmett ( Cillian Murphy) to help them find safety.
Wisely Kraninski gives the film several directorial twists to stop reinventing the wheel. 
He cranks up the tension in several narrative branches at once, flitting from one to the other with confidence without ever losing out on the pressure and intensity of the story.
He also shys away from letting his wife dominate the action as a sort of Ripley in Aliens character , enabling  the two elder children to take the lead as unlikely heroes of this dangerous new world.
Millicent Simmonds, as the deaf, serious faced, slightly lumpy but bright as a button daughter shines in this  movie and will I am sure provide all teenagers watching, regardless of gender,  with a new age role model .

If you want to sit through a well crafted , thriller with heart and intelligence  you can’t go far wrong with A Quiet Place II 
It’s great fun

Wild Flowers

I’ve slept a lot of the day , apart from walking the girls twice and collecting wild flowers from my field.
Years ago I made sure there was a wild border of flowers amidst the animals and without the chickens they have eventually flourished 
I collected flowers today before venturing off to Chester for cinema and supper.




Sometimes I feel I’m slowly morphing into Elaine Stritch
No ,I haven’t got a voice like glass strewn sandpaper, 
No, I don’t breathe whiskey fumes from behind eye glasses the size of the Titanic’s portholes
And no I don’t burst into a rendition of I’m Still Here every time the fridge door is opened 
But we do have something in common, with this old Broadway Babe and that is humour.
I have used humour all my life, well later on in my life as I , like Stritch admitted in her famous 2008 interview with Robert Faires. 
You make people laugh and you can get them to do anything for you she rasped 
My family may question this statement as they have experienced a more reflective, quieter John these past few years , but in general I can perform just as stridently as the old hoofer with an attitude, when the wind is in the right direction and the mood takes me.
And people like to laugh, and smile and giggle
It’s a powerful skill, especially in nursing

Strange as it may seem, like Stritch I have hardly any memory of life before I was eleven.
I am sure there are psychologists from all over who would have a lot to say about that one

I’ve just been making a co worker laugh after an ok shift
You won’t go to heaven
She told me in between giggles
I hope not I said, channelling my best Stitch, scenery munching expression
Humour giving me much more back .....

Darling John

 “ Darling John! “ was all I needed to hear, I never even had my mobile on speaker phone, but “darling” resonated through the air like birdcall and I knew who it was before the phone went to my ear.
Chic Eleanor was excited and you could almost make out the wild sweep of her pashmina as she called down the phone “ Darling John, dinner is booked for Friday 7.30 ! Sara and Pask are coming too so it will quite the reunion” 
I smiled. The last time we all met up was last summer where we had an Italian dinner party in our friends’ garden. 
“ I will be there “ I told her and she burst into happy laughter
“How joyous !, friends , good food and lots of wine !!!!.......” she sang out

Oh I wish I could bottle Eleanor’s positive nature. She has the enviable ability to be able to see the world in a wholly good and efficacious way.
She is charming without ever being false 

So that’s Friday booked . Thursday I am meeting my friend Colin for supper and cinema.
We are going to see A Quiet Place 2 which has got rave reviews, a rarity for a movie sequel. I shall be back writing proper film reviews , a thing I have sorely missed .
The rest of the time I’m on night shifts

On Saturday I’m catching up with another old friend Nigel, but not before I go to the first of the village Coffee mornings which will be back in the Memorial Hall. I had an idea that the villagers could organise an “ impromptu “ get together soon on the green with people bringing their own food and drink.
We will see if it gets off the ground....
I’ve very good at giving my ideas to everyone else to run with.

And finally some more views from windows....I used to live next to one of these


A lovely day 
Enjoy my gardens


The Underpants Hammock

My friend Ruth enjoyed her time at the cottage.
The dogs were well behaved, polite and even helpful  ( smart arse bum lickers! ) and suddenly Albert presented himself as  her new best friend.....turncoats every one of them! 

 But It was busier than I expected she admitted yesterday much busier
I asked her to explain 
It turned out that the toing and froing of villagers caught her somewhat by surprise.
Village Elder Islwyn popped round for a few chats , Trendy Carol too, and Hattie popped around to collect Mary for a gentle walk seeing that shes pregnant.
Old Trev got a bit tongue tied after he had knocked on the kitchen window and found Ruth smiling at him and Mrs Trellis found the presence of a new lady at Bwthyn y llan  rather “intriguing” 
I await that fallout 
“ Will you be coming back to house sit again.?” I asked hopefully
“ Of course “ Ruth laughed “ I loved it ! “ 
Big sigh......

The last of my birthday gifts arrived yesterday too
My nephew sent me a photo of himself and his dog 
I love candid shots where you can almost hear the person photographed laughing and talking
And this photo captured just that 
A great gift.

Tonight I’m just pottering as I’m back on nights tomorrow
I know I’ve been  missed as Dorothy is shadowing me a little more than usual.
As , when I Sat on the loo for a very satisfying number two
Her head rested, quite neatly in the between knee hammock left by my underpants
Her eyes never leaving mine 

I will leave you with some more “ views from my window” competition
Please send more if you have them, they are a delight to view 
jgsheffield @hotmail.com 


And my favourite which I suspect is a fake