
 I watched the paper thin but entertaining comedy crime drama Ludvig tonight in my underwear,
My uniform lies next to the washing machine 
Only a few minutes are left in a long day.
Not enough time to read blog comments 
Mary is stalking BUN and Weaver, hoping for a Bottom lick 
They are United and a force to reckon with 
Roger is on my knee looking worried, if he was a real toddler 
He’d be sucking his thumb 

I watched two minutes of the following news and gave up
To depressing.
My counselling day tomorrow
Bed again 


My thoughts are with fellow blogger Yael tonight 
As the bombs reign on Israel in this fruitless, mad stupid conflict 

I’m tired after a full day in college and I’m off to bed early before another 12 hour shift tomorrow
Bake Off then bed. 

Very rock n roll 

Bun melts

 Mary and Bun 

The affair continues, almost side by side tonight during Call My Bluff 

Weaver remains aloof but confident 

Roger is frightened of both kittens 


Tracy circa 1987

 My time in York (1986-1989) is when I grew up. 
I was by no means wild, Gawd forbid that! 
But I chose a new and wide set of friends, I had a moderate amount of sex and I assumed some responsibility at work
Tracey B was a part of this journey. She assumed the position of the two sisters I had left at home.
She liked me, she mothered me but I also made her laugh, which was a skill, I had learned through my psychiatric training. 
You were liked if you were funny..
Over the past 48 hours Tracy and I have shared little snippet's of our lives. 
“ Oh by the way …sort of things” 
Perhaps a little fearful of over facing the other.
I have always been attracted by strong warm characters when I left York for Sheffield, Nu was waiting for me and in a swirl of a red skirt and a twirl of a Spanish like wrist , Tracy was gone. 
No mobile phones or internet then
People did disappear . 
I have the opportunity now to thank her for her warmth and friendship. 
I was gauche and very Welsh and uninformed when I went to York. 
I was just 24 and a young 24, 
She was of similar age but a life time ahead of me and I was dazzled by her Sophia Loren smile and her wild hair and the way that people reacted to her.
My York years were my own very personal salad days.
Through Ally ( an OT friend of Tracy’s) I developed my love of the stage and for Opera. Through Dave was clumsy sexual awakenings and from Cheryl my ability of becoming a good friend.
Tracy made me laugh, though. 
Laugh, long and hard without shame or worry.

Boy, and did she make me laugh


 This piece gave me shivers, when he was singing the woman next to me grabbed my arm briefly in a gesture of pure astonishment. The lisping choir have just performed a glorious Beethoven which I would have loved to see.
It’s 6.16 am and I look like a panda 
I feel happy this morning , nothing to do with work but everything to do with Facebook which allowed to me to reunited with an old friend from psychiatry who I lost contact with in 1986. 

Tracy B looked like Sophia Loren, she was an exotic creature who always wore red skirts and dresses with high heels to match. A brunette with piles of curls , framing a Mediterranean face and a smile like a split watermelon, she was a beautiful creature that charmed everyone who met her. 
Why she would “ adopt” me as a friend bugger only knew, what with my sad jumpers and bow tie, but during our shared work on Ward One at Bootham Park Hospital in York we were good friends. In a vein of  Holly Golightly mates in Breakfast in Tiffineys. 


 I haven’t worked two twelve hour day shifts over a weekend for a long time.
I leave at 6.30 and return at 20.45.
It’s well after 9.15pm when I sit down with my bean and chorizo soup made from the slow cooker.
The dogs are eating their dinner in the kitchen
The twins I think are upstairs eating theirs. 
I miss Winnie as my feed need sucking
I’m buggered
Another similar shift tomorrow. 

I’m Watching some nameless reality shit on tv  for a half hour
Then either Bun or Weaver balanced their arse over the side of my mother in law’s tongue on the window ledge 

And gently shat in it! 

I’m off to bed!!!!!!

California Suite (1978) |

A good thirty years before she was made infamous for her washpish one liners in Downton, Maggie Smith proved herself to be an incredibly comedy actress in the likes of Neil Simon’s Californian  Suite.
She died recently, reducing the living British Natural Treasure tally to just, Judi Dench, Alan Bennett and Ian McClellan.

Any National Treasures I’ve missed?

I’m working long days this weekend so now I have been cooking some healthy meals 
A hearty bean and chorizo soup, pandan noodles with prawns, a Cumberland sausage stew 

Long Day

 I had three clients and a supervision hour today
It felt a long day.
I worked 10am to 3pm
Instead of going home we drove into Cheshire to have tea with an old friend on the last day of his holiday.
He’s recently became a widower after 36 years and cried after Roger hugged him crossed legged in only the way Welsh terriers do 
The dogs loved the pampering.
It rained all the way home and I’ve realised that I don’t enjoy driving at night 
Another nasty realisation that I’m  getting older. 
The twins bounced downstairs when we arrived after dark 
And walked, yowling, inbetween everyone’s legs before dinner was served.
I hate coming home to a dark house,
But the kittens , as Albert did before them, 
Make it feel like home.