
 This piece gave me shivers, when he was singing the woman next to me grabbed my arm briefly in a gesture of pure astonishment. The lisping choir have just performed a glorious Beethoven which I would have loved to see.
It’s 6.16 am and I look like a panda 
I feel happy this morning , nothing to do with work but everything to do with Facebook which allowed to me to reunited with an old friend from psychiatry who I lost contact with in 1986. 

Tracy B looked like Sophia Loren, she was an exotic creature who always wore red skirts and dresses with high heels to match. A brunette with piles of curls , framing a Mediterranean face and a smile like a split watermelon, she was a beautiful creature that charmed everyone who met her. 
Why she would “ adopt” me as a friend bugger only knew, what with my sad jumpers and bow tie, but during our shared work on Ward One at Bootham Park Hospital in York we were good friends. In a vein of  Holly Golightly mates in Breakfast in Tiffineys. 

1 comment:

  1. I think most of us who read and comment on your blog would adopt you! You are loyal, funny, intelligent, friendly, earnest, interesting etc, etc. I'm glad you've been re-united. You seem to attract friends like bees to a honeypot (I was going to use the flies analogy, but thought that wasn't quite right!) Hope the shift is quick and easy and the kittens have decided the litter tray is easier to use than a plant pot. xx


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