
Tracy circa 1987

 My time in York (1986-1989) is when I grew up. 
I was by no means wild, Gawd forbid that! 
But I chose a new and wide set of friends, I had a moderate amount of sex and I assumed some responsibility at work
Tracey B was a part of this journey. She assumed the position of the two sisters I had left at home.
She liked me, she mothered me but I also made her laugh, which was a skill, I had learned through my psychiatric training. 
You were liked if you were funny..
Over the past 48 hours Tracy and I have shared little snippet's of our lives. 
“ Oh by the way …sort of things” 
Perhaps a little fearful of over facing the other.
I have always been attracted by strong warm characters when I left York for Sheffield, Nu was waiting for me and in a swirl of a red skirt and a twirl of a Spanish like wrist , Tracy was gone. 
No mobile phones or internet then
People did disappear . 
I have the opportunity now to thank her for her warmth and friendship. 
I was gauche and very Welsh and uninformed when I went to York. 
I was just 24 and a young 24, 
She was of similar age but a life time ahead of me and I was dazzled by her Sophia Loren smile and her wild hair and the way that people reacted to her.
My York years were my own very personal salad days.
Through Ally ( an OT friend of Tracy’s) I developed my love of the stage and for Opera. Through Dave was clumsy sexual awakenings and from Cheryl my ability of becoming a good friend.
Tracy made me laugh, though. 
Laugh, long and hard without shame or worry.

Boy, and did she make me laugh


  1. There's no forgetting the friends of our youth, is there? And wow, she did look like Sophia Loren!

  2. Social media, can reconnect us in amazing ways.

  3. Tracy sounds like the ideal friend for a gauche youth. Lucky her to look like the oh so wonderful Sophia Loren.

  4. Remember "Friends Reunited"? Through that, I mostly discovered that I wanted to leave the past and the people who occupied it behind me. Mind you, I would make an exception for someone who, as Debra S.W.S. points out, was the spitting image of the most gorgeous Sophia Loren.

  5. Anonymous12:05 pm

    What a lovely post and such an opportunity to relive your ‘salad days’. Jan in Castle Gresley

  6. What a serendipitous re-connection. I hope you have arranged a meet up with Tracy, to fill in some of the blanks, relive some of the past and laugh some more. xx


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