
 I haven’t worked two twelve hour day shifts over a weekend for a long time.
I leave at 6.30 and return at 20.45.
It’s well after 9.15pm when I sit down with my bean and chorizo soup made from the slow cooker.
The dogs are eating their dinner in the kitchen
The twins I think are upstairs eating theirs. 
I miss Winnie as my feed need sucking
I’m buggered
Another similar shift tomorrow. 

I’m Watching some nameless reality shit on tv  for a half hour
Then either Bun or Weaver balanced their arse over the side of my mother in law’s tongue on the window ledge 

And gently shat in it! 

I’m off to bed!!!!!!


  1. Perhaps it's a bit early to leave the twins with full run of the house when you're out. Either that or make certain the litter box is clean before leaving the house.
    Wishing you a sound & restorative deep sleep, John dear.

  2. Sort of getting the right idea!

  3. Anonymous9:07 pm

    Hahaha ha


  4. Oh dear, do the twins not like their litter box?

  5. I hope you cleaned it up before toddling off to dreamland!

  6. Hope you sleep well, John!


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