Long Day

 I had three clients and a supervision hour today
It felt a long day.
I worked 10am to 3pm
Instead of going home we drove into Cheshire to have tea with an old friend on the last day of his holiday.
He’s recently became a widower after 36 years and cried after Roger hugged him crossed legged in only the way Welsh terriers do 
The dogs loved the pampering.
It rained all the way home and I’ve realised that I don’t enjoy driving at night 
Another nasty realisation that I’m  getting older. 
The twins bounced downstairs when we arrived after dark 
And walked, yowling, inbetween everyone’s legs before dinner was served.
I hate coming home to a dark house,
But the kittens , as Albert did before them, 
Make it feel like home.


  1. Anonymous8:35 pm

    I’ve been waiting all morning and now afternoon, where the HELL HAVE YOU BEEN ! lol


    1. Anonymous9:24 pm

      Stalker alert.

    2. Anonymous9:37 pm

      I’m a dyke dick breath


  2. My fuzzy-feets meet me at the door and I don't feel lonely when I come home to a house without other humans in it.

  3. Barbara Anne9:33 pm

    How sweet to be welcomed home by Weaver and Bun. No doubt Albert told them how much you love that!
    Perhaps you need a lamp on a timer so there is a welcoming glow from the window(s) when you arrive after dark?
    Hope your feet are up after enjoying time with your friend, good food, and delightful conversation.


  4. Anonymous9:35 pm

    My Peggy is always at the door when I come in.. I do miss cats rubbing up on my legs at dinner time. Your house is now a home with the addition of the kittens. Nice that they come to greet you. Gigi

  5. You've had a busy and productive day.
    The kittens are adorable and just what is needed after a long day.


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