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 I haven’t  made breakfast this morning .
Today’s final treat is a macDonald’s on the way to Chester. 
I’m dropping Leo off in Chester so he doesn’t have to brace himself against the vagaries of Aviva trains Wales. It makes going home easier for him.
He’s an easy guest.
Last night after dinner he curled up with his ipad, something horrific called Love Island , and covered in dogs enjoyed his last night here.
It’s been a lovely, slightly tiring  weekend, with occasional memories that have  stirred up more melancholy memories of days gone by.
The weekend however was Leo’s and not mine. I hope he will continue to laugh at the animal stories shared over long drives. And the two Welsh terriers that never left him alone for a minute.

The cottage seemed quiet on my return, I walked the dogs and collected Hawkbit from the hedgerows which I put in the little IKEA jug I bought years ago

Last meal

 For Leo’s last night we went to dinner to The Goat in Llandudno. Lovely place, and thanks to sister in law Jayne and sister Janet for coming too. Sister Ann and hubby Tim would have been there but are on holiday

I’m buggered, we’ve not stopped for three days xx

Leo & Mary

 Croissants and ham and cheese for breakfast, and although Roger has spent most of his waking time with Leo, it is old lady Mary that seems to have captured his heart the most this visit. 

It’s rather moving to see.

Today is Leo’s last here and we are going to Chester today for lunch at the market stalls. Later he will be meeting Janet and sister in law Jayne for dinner at the Goat in Llandudno 

New Routine

A vodka cocktail !!!!

 The Bikeriders partially interesting , partially boring
Frankie and Benny’s ( nice hotdog, new to me) 
Rope ( pretentious director fucks it up) 
We ended up tired but laughing and it was nice to answer Leo’s question of  “ Have you liked having me visit” in the affirmative as we drove home .
We’ve just had beer and pizza and Gogglebox 

And he’s gone to bed with Mary galloping up the stairs in front of him , happy at her new routine 

Table Manners


It’s a rainy day……after bagels, salami and scrambled eggs we are off to the village Coffee morning ( something that didn’t  faze Leo at all event though he was introduced to affable despot Jason and Claire, Mrs Trellis, Bridget, The Manley’s, velvet voiced Linda and Nick, and a score of others 

Seeing it’s raining we’re off to the cinema again to see his choice of The Bikeriders

Tonight we see Theatre Clwyd’s production of Rope

A Quiet Place Day One

 I had to laugh at the premise of A Quiet Place Day One where hospice resident Sam ( a luminous Lupita Nyong’o ) meets up with a man from Kent (Joseph Quinn) in a suddenly alien infested New York .

I work in a hospice and you’re from Kent I shared with Leo during the second reel 
He wasn’t impressed, lol
But I was impressed with the movie.
Shot for the most part without dialogue , 
The action ( and there’s lots of it) scares the shit out of you but doesn’t dominate a wonderful lead turn by Nyong’o who plays the terminally ill Sam, with intelligence, dignity and with great presence. 

Anyhow it’s been a nice day all told. Leo shared with his friends on Facebook that he’s staying with family in wales which I was moved by. 
He’s in bed now, tired after a travelling day, this time with Mary in tow. 
She followed him up to bed without a murmur

Boys and Dogs

 I picked leo up at 11 am in Chester and we went for lunch at Bryn Williams, walked the dogs ( who adore him) then chilled for a bit before thinking of going to see A Quiet Place Day One 

The dogs won’t leave him alone

Dog snot removal Day

 My nephew won’t give a stuff if the cottage remains a tip for his arrival tomorrow but old habits 
die hard and later I will be reverting to my tried a trusted dog snot removal activities.
This morning and early afternoon I’m busy. 
I’ve met Chic Eleanor for breakfast and coffee at the impressively refurbed The Red  then I will go to MIND to see my counselling client, before shopping and cleaning 
I will leave you with this charming video