Last meal

 For Leo’s last night we went to dinner to The Goat in Llandudno. Lovely place, and thanks to sister in law Jayne and sister Janet for coming too. Sister Ann and hubby Tim would have been there but are on holiday

I’m buggered, we’ve not stopped for three days xx


  1. Yorkshire Liz9:18 pm

    Never mind! Weekends like that, full on and with wonderful company, are just what you (everyone!) needs from time to time. Proves the heart is still true, and the blood is still pumping. And now relax....but think how exhausted Leo must be as well. Congratukations both of you.

  2. Yes, but think of all the happy memories you've made together! xx

  3. You will be able to catch up on the rest you have been missing soon.I am sure you feel it was worth it, Mary

  4. I bet Leo enjoyed his time with you as much as you did with him. Jayne and Janet joining in adds nicely to the day.

  5. The youngster wore you out, eh old man? Hahahahaha, it's good for you to be out and about going to movies and such!

  6. Last meal...title. With two giggling loving aunts. He was in heaven ,I bet.

  7. Glad you had so much fun!

  8. Splendid! I like to know you are enjoying yourself with good good and company.

  9. He looks like a very happy young man.

  10. It was worth it and he looks as if he has really enjoyed his time with you. Happy photo!

  11. Three days? Why, you party animal!

  12. What a loving boy he looks to be.

  13. Jo in Auckland7:01 pm

    Leo looks like one contented young man. Great memories made all round.


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