Leo & Mary

 Croissants and ham and cheese for breakfast, and although Roger has spent most of his waking time with Leo, it is old lady Mary that seems to have captured his heart the most this visit. 

It’s rather moving to see.

Today is Leo’s last here and we are going to Chester today for lunch at the market stalls. Later he will be meeting Janet and sister in law Jayne for dinner at the Goat in Llandudno 


  1. What a lovely few days spent with a smashing young man. xx

    1. Driving in the car has allowed us to talk too, which I think was very important

  2. Oh, the tenderness in those photos! I thought it would be Roger who stole Leo's heart, but he and Mary have formed a deep affection. If Leo doesn't return for time with you, He'll certainly be back for Mary!🤣 xx

  3. weaver10:03 am

    Deeply touching photos of Leo with Mary John.

    1. His relationship with the dogs and his ability to find humour about their stories has been wonderful

  4. Leo seems at home with you and the dogs. Maybe such visits could become twice a year events. Something good for him to look forward to - you as well.

    1. Tonight he asked me about my sister in law Jayne
      And he was interested that my family saw her regularly even though my brother died in 2012
      She is my family I told him
      As you are mine he answered

    2. What an insightful reply to you, John. I can only imagine how you felt. xx

  5. Old dogs are often so sweet and mellow.

  6. This is beautiful

  7. Anonymous11:39 am

    These photos make me teary. Thanks for sharing them with us. - Jackie

  8. What a lovely thing, to have Leo with you, to have the dogs adore him, and he them. The uncle/nephew relationship that you two have is so very sweet. I have a grown niece whom I adore, and our relationship is without any of the parent-like tendencies. We can each be our true selves. Love your photos, John.

  9. Anonymous1:04 pm

    How very heartwarming these photos are x
    Alison in Wales x

  10. Yorkshire Liz1:07 pm

    A boy and a dog. Nothing simpler, nothing sweeter. Great photos. What a rare and lovely young man Leo is. Dogs always know!

  11. krayolakris1:09 pm

    Can Leo come visit here next? What a lovely young man.

  12. Such sweetness. I do think Mary has claimed Leo as her boy.

  13. Anonymous2:42 pm

    He is so lucky to have you in his life. I wish my kids had had some non-parent adult to take a real interest in them.

  14. You, Mary and Roger will miss Leo when he goes home. Hopefully, another visit will be planned in the not to distant future.

  15. Better check Leo's luggage when he leaves -- he might have a couple of stowaways trying to go home with him!

  16. That's a tear jerker moment you've captured there John x

  17. Barbara Anne3:43 pm

    What heart-warming pictures and you've captured the love between Leo and the dogs so perfectly. What a fine visit you've all had together!


  18. Mary would appear to have a new love interest. xoxo

  19. Anonymous4:29 pm

    A lovely post giving us all a smile.

  20. Thank you for sharing the heart-warming highlights of Leo's visit. The photos of sweet Mary and dear Leo are so tender and filled with love.
    Have a wonderful evening meal with Janet & Jayne.

  21. I can only echo all the comments - heart warming photos.

  22. Jo in Auckland7:12 pm

    What a sweet photo of Mary and Leo, must be smashing to have a young person in the house for a time. The dogs have certainly taken to him which is understandable, he looks a very gentle young man. You'll all miss him when he goes but then there's the possibility of a return to look forward to.

  23. It sounds like it's been a great weekend. You are proving to be one of those brilliant 'Uncles' that you read about in books and wish you had yourself. Leo is lucky enough to actually have one, and with lovely dogs too. xx


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