New Routine

A vodka cocktail !!!!

 The Bikeriders partially interesting , partially boring
Frankie and Benny’s ( nice hotdog, new to me) 
Rope ( pretentious director fucks it up) 
We ended up tired but laughing and it was nice to answer Leo’s question of  “ Have you liked having me visit” in the affirmative as we drove home .
We’ve just had beer and pizza and Gogglebox 

And he’s gone to bed with Mary galloping up the stairs in front of him , happy at her new routine 


  1. I can see that you two are going to have lots of good times together x

  2. I understand that it's reciprocal, but we should all have an uncle like you!

  3. After watching "The Bikeriders", I hope you have not been inspired to buy yourself a motorbike. Deadly things.

  4. It seems no time at all since Leo was a small boy!
    Looks like a very good visit, maybe you'll make a regular event

  5. No Cockles with Lava Bread?

  6. Good times. Mary will miss Leo when he goes home I think.

  7. You're all (dogs included) having a great time! At Leo's age I discovered a cocktail called "Fallen Angel" it was one of those sweet flavoured "shake before you pour" drinks served with lemonade! Designed to lead teens into temptation!

  8. What a fun weekend. Brilliant.

  9. A good time had only uncle tends to appear out of the blue..I love his visits!

  10. It's not just the dogs who will miss Leo. His visits will have to become a regular thing. Can't have you all pining! How grown up Leo has become. I'm sure it was only a couple of years ago he was a small boy. Probably says much more about me than him. I'm at the age where I wonder if police officers/doctors/bank managers etc have got their parent's permission to be out of school! Oh, dear, I'm getting old. xx

  11. Sounds like a busy and fun packed visit. You and the dogs will miss when he goes home.

  12. <3 Sounds like you've both had a great weekend!

  13. Such an exceptional relationship. Leo looks great!

  14. Not sure that Mary's going to survive his leaving.

  15. Mary will be sad when her new pal leaves, won't she? Leo looks very good in the specs he wears now - much nicer than the black-framed ones he wears in your side photo. He's so grown up!


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