Table Manners


It’s a rainy day……after bagels, salami and scrambled eggs we are off to the village Coffee morning ( something that didn’t  faze Leo at all event though he was introduced to affable despot Jason and Claire, Mrs Trellis, Bridget, The Manley’s, velvet voiced Linda and Nick, and a score of others 

Seeing it’s raining we’re off to the cinema again to see his choice of The Bikeriders

Tonight we see Theatre Clwyd’s production of Rope


  1. Hope you have a great time, you're certainly packing his weekend with you with lots of fun things to do. 🙂

  2. I remember some very sniffy woman saying to me 'We never feed dogs at the table', to which I replied 'I always do'. That shut her up!

  3. Oh, those dogs are going to miss Leo when he goes home! You're packing so much in to his short visit. What a great uncle you are. I'm not surprised he loves you! xx

    1. What a delightful, confident young man Leo has become. A credit to his family. You must be bursting with pride, John. xx

    2. Anonymous9:59 pm

      Bursting with pride? Did you bring him up, child to adult, John? You didn't say anything about him having lived with you but that he was your exes nephew.

    3. Anonymous10:00 pm

      Sorry no name, it's Kelly

    4. John has been a big part of Leo's life. Why shouldn't he burst with pride?

    5. Exactly HH x💐

  4. How different Leo now appears compared with when you first showed pictures of him here on this humble Welsh blog. It's great that you have maintained your special relationship with him through the years.

  5. What a wonderful time Leo is having. So glad he came to see you.

  6. We walked out of Bikeriders half way through on Monday. It was in our opinion utter rubbish. I'd be interested in your thoughts.

  7. Suh a lovely, relaxed way of spending the weekend together.

  8. Family comes in many forms, enjoy the quality time.

  9. Sounds like you'll have a fun day and evening despite the rain.

  10. I notice Leo has an interest in a tee shirt like his Uncle John x

  11. Anonymous12:01 pm

    Everyone needs an Uncle John in their life - Jackie

  12. Leo is so lucky. I wish I had an uncle like you. (I never did).

  13. I am loving this visit of such a dear boy to his obviously beloved uncle.

  14. Anonymous2:06 pm

    Yes, an extra adult in your life growing up is often the support or valve that is needed.

  15. You and Leo are having a great time. What is the harm in sharing a little treat from the table? My dog has holiday dinners on a china plate. Why not?

  16. Yorkshire Liz2:48 pm

    You two are having the perfect packed weekend to remember! How lovely for you both. Ah, that allegedly contentious thing about not feeding animals at the table. It is the old "just an animal" versus "member of the family" thing again.
    I remember being at a b'n'b in North Wales where the owner was an animal rescuer, and her farmhouse tumbled with happy family animals. There was a very dislikeable couple staying ruining the ambience at the communal breakfast table. So the family ferret was called in to help by happily strolling along the tabletop. "Ve do not like ze animals at ze mealings" we were told as they left early. Peace and harmony restored. The phrase "ze animals at ze mealings" passed into family legend. Full marks to your happy Welsh. And Leo!

  17. Sounds like a perfect weekend of fun, John.

  18. Barbara Anne4:16 pm

    What a spwcial time for you and Leo, Mary and Roger, and what a great way to spend a rainy day.


  19. Sounds like you & Leo are having a wonderful visit! 😊
    Beautiful memories being made with loved ones are the best.

  20. Tracy5:11 pm

    It sounds like you are both having a great time and making some lovely memories.

  21. Anonymous5:30 pm


    Lee x

  22. How wonderful that you can share your life with Leo!

  23. Best be careful, that charming nephew might just take Mary home with him! Love the smile on his face in that photo.

  24. Anonymous5:10 am

    Best Uncle Ever!!!
    Carol in Atlanta


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