A Quiet Place Day One

 I had to laugh at the premise of A Quiet Place Day One where hospice resident Sam ( a luminous Lupita Nyong’o ) meets up with a man from Kent (Joseph Quinn) in a suddenly alien infested New York .

I work in a hospice and you’re from Kent I shared with Leo during the second reel 
He wasn’t impressed, lol
But I was impressed with the movie.
Shot for the most part without dialogue , 
The action ( and there’s lots of it) scares the shit out of you but doesn’t dominate a wonderful lead turn by Nyong’o who plays the terminally ill Sam, with intelligence, dignity and with great presence. 

Anyhow it’s been a nice day all told. Leo shared with his friends on Facebook that he’s staying with family in wales which I was moved by. 
He’s in bed now, tired after a travelling day, this time with Mary in tow. 
She followed him up to bed without a murmur


  1. You and Leo have a special bond. I love that. I can picture Mary snuggled up to Leo, watching over him. Sweet. xx

  2. You've done well with Leo and should be proud of yourself,Mary

  3. Chosen family comes in all configurations. xo

  4. I've heard lots of good things about her performance.

  5. Barbara Anne11:33 pm

    Just lovely. I'm so gald you and Leo have maintained your friendship over the years and that you've been a stable support person for him. Sweet, too, Mary and Roger know he's family!


  6. You and Leo are very good friends. I am a bit surprised the two of you did not see a Sci Fi film. I know you've done Sci Fi together before.

  7. Nyong'o is getting great reviews here too for her performance! Academy Award worthy perhaps? Glad you and Leo enjoyed the first of your movie outings.

  8. Leo must love coming to stay with you. It must be wonderful for him to be greeted so warmly by Mary; and by you of course!

  9. Great that you and Leo are enjoying time together and the dogs are loving it too. I can understand why his comment to his friends meant a lot to you.

  10. Anonymous5:35 am

    Thanks to yours and Leo's love of the Walking Dead I am now hooked! Only on series 2 but lucky me having all those episodes left to view. Enjoy your time together.

  11. It's lovely that you are having such a good time together. I saw the first two of these films so am looking forward to seeing this one too.

  12. This warms my heart!

  13. Yorkshire Liz8:18 am

    It is the little things that mean so much, and reveal so much more. And you are proud of each other - how good is that? Great reviews for this film all round. She is a very talented young actress. So glad it was worth seeing, and you didn't have to walk out!

  14. weaver8:44 am

    The right dog is better than a comfort blanket any day.

  15. The love between Mary and Leo is wonderful. That film premise sounds bizarre.

  16. We really enjoyed that at the cinema last night. Alan really jumped out of his skin a couple of times. And we were both impressed with the two cats playing the part of Frodo. 😀

  17. Anonymous1:36 pm

    Naughty John peeking at Leo's Facebook after he'd gone to bed!

    1. I assumed he was present when it happened. :)

  18. Traveller3:28 pm

    Thanks for the film review…Will check it out, sounds interestung

  19. Anonymous3:29 pm

    I hope you can see more of Leo and have some fun times together. He is good for both you and the dogs. You seem happier.

  20. I love to have a dog snuggle at bedtime. Enjoy your time. Sounds a good visit with family!


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