
We sang our lungs out at choir tonight.
We are giving a mini concert at the village Hall next Tuesday and went through our repertoire
1940's moustached RAF Pilot Jamie was almost in tears in surprised shock
We did so well.

The choir sang a late happy birthday to me and a tenor and Alto
They congratulated me on my new job....in song
Hattie had spilled the beans

Oh , I didn't say did I?
I have a new job! .......I found out at tea time!!!!

My whole nursing career  has been centred around people dealing with catastrophic change
I have worked with devastating mental illness', paralysis after spinal cord injury and multi organ failure on intensive care and so it seemed quite natural for me to be drawn to work in a hospice.
Last Wednesday I had an interview for a full time post at St David's Hospice in Llandudno.
Today I was accepted.
I cried when I received the home call.
Good luck has been a long time coming.

I can't tell you just how I feel tonight.
But I can share just how much my brittle self esteem has started to repair itself at last.
For too long I have felt somewhat discarded and ashamed, bruised and just sad.
Now I feel some control has been returned to me

I stood in the centre of the choir as they sang to me tonight
And I felt............happy


I had an interview for a new job last week.
I interviewed well.
I am now Waiting to hear if I've got the job and it has been a trial .
I now, won't know until next week , perhaps longer.

There is a lot riding on this new job.
Amongst other things my self esteem will take a considerable boost if I do get it..
I need that lift

Affable despot Jason sent his good wishes with this photo today
It's perky optimism is contagious

One Way Or T'other

I will be back tomorrow...

The video has nothing to do with things
But it's an enjoyable classic
I've just given a lecture to the Trelawnyd Women's Institute
I knew most of the ladies there
We had cake and tea and shared local history stories
I handed over my history blog to the village history group


Day Off

Going Gently is taking a couple of days off
Not much to say......xx

Grayson Perry's Cottage?

Summer Storm

I am watching a storm unleash itself over the village.
It's a cracker
The estate agent is late to complete his paperwork  and I have just battled with a load of Samaritans admin which is a necessary chore as we have seven new volunteers starting soon
The thunder woke up Winnie from her slumbers and you can see she's slightly worried.
Mary has been banished to the car.
I cant unleash her paws on the estate agent's powder blue suit
I can see her looking over the garden back at the cottage. George and Albert are in the car with her for company.
I hope the estate agent comes soon
I am going to see the new Godzilla film
he wouldn't understand


Alice (Bethan Cullinane) and Fiona ( Lucy Jane Parkinson) are lesbian lovers living in Rotterdam
Alice wants to come out to her parents. Fiona is secretly feeling that she was born a male
As Alice's former boyfriend ( and Fiona's brother ) look on the couple's relationship begins to change under the strain

This sounds complicated and the play ROTTERDAM  performed at Theatr Clwyd tonight is indeed intricate, witty and at times an incredibly moving exploration of a very complex issue.

The small audience were at their feet at the curtain call
I loved it

What Goes Around

Last year the old Flower Show Committee met for the last time in order to divide up monies to the village good causes. It was a bitter sweet meeting for sure but with me leaving the village, it was deemed time for the entire committee to resign with me, a change I was very moved by.
Now,  with the New Community Association going from strength to strength, a new Flower Show Committee has resurrected our old format and the show will go on this August!
How wonderful is that
Looking through the schedule I was rather moved to see that I have had a trophy named after me!
Thank you , it was a lovely surprise!

I'm typing this on my phone
another day
another early morning vet visit!
what goes around!