Summer Storm

I am watching a storm unleash itself over the village.
It's a cracker
The estate agent is late to complete his paperwork  and I have just battled with a load of Samaritans admin which is a necessary chore as we have seven new volunteers starting soon
The thunder woke up Winnie from her slumbers and you can see she's slightly worried.
Mary has been banished to the car.
I cant unleash her paws on the estate agent's powder blue suit
I can see her looking over the garden back at the cottage. George and Albert are in the car with her for company.
I hope the estate agent comes soon
I am going to see the new Godzilla film
he wouldn't understand


  1. That's what it's been like here in Cleveland, lately.

    1. Hello Cleveland! We had roads washed out in NW PA yesterday. Hope we get some dry weather soon!

  2. i love storms like that. i could use one of those.

  3. Wonder if Winnie is worried because Mary, Albert and George aren't inside with you while it's storming outside. Guessing you don't have the agent's cell phone number, or a way to find out exactly when to expect the appointment to actually be kept and over with, seems very inconvenient for you and your animals to be kept waiting, hope it all goes well and quickly so a normal day can begin for you.-Mary

  4. Really, really hope no ones pees in your car out of spite. Cats seem particularly eager to train their owners. Maybe it's just our cats.

  5. I love rain even when it washes out my strawberry beds.

  6. Poor Winnie. She's wishing you would stop that weather for her, just like J.C. commanded the winds terrifying the apostles on the Sea of Galilee.
    When young and we had a house (as opposed to a flat) when it rained and the cats wanted to go out, on finding that it was raining at the front they'd want to go out the back way, obviously hoping that it wouldn't be raining there! I don't think they ever understood.

    1. Barbara Anne4:26 pm

      Your cats weren't the only ones to do that. Our cats always expected different weather outdoors if they went out a different door! Go figure.

    2. It's one of the many reasons why they are always so entertaining - and fascinating - and sweet.

  7. It's now hit Lancashire but it's not diminishing at all. Hail, rain and thunder too!

    1. Not hit this bit of Lancashire yet. No doubt it will arrive as I set off to walk the berry hound.

  8. Looks very similar to what we are having here today in Nova fools we went to the beach! Didn't last long.

  9. Blue sky no clouds and 100 + temperatures. Our monsoons have not started yet but they will soon.
    parsnip x

  10. Barbara Anne4:30 pm

    We had two bands of thunderstorms dump torrential rain yesterday along with lots of rumbling thunder but no lightening. More rain is forecast for tomorrow and tomorrow night.

    All the cats and dogs we've had over the years would be nuts if in a car during a noisy storm. Hope your crew who are in Bluebell are placid.


  11. Looks similar to the West Midlands earlier today, but no thunder for us.

  12. That's a cracker of a storm. Seems to have missed us even though we are not that far away.

  13. That is heavy rain. I hope your real estate agent has been and gone, your furry ones are back inside, and you made it to the film on time.

  14. I hope he came very rapidly. I hear that movie is fun.

  15. Winnie's looking at you like you're crazy for being so close to the outside. Hope it all works out. Good clip.

  16. Winnie looks as though she is saying "turn the bloody tap off" Glad the others are in the safety of the car as Winnie needs to supervise the Estate agent and get you out of the door in time for the film.Enjoy x

  17. Just very heavy rain here in the Dales - and we needed it.
    Estate Agent powder blue suit? Male or female one asks.

  18. Exciting. Get yer kit off and run out into it next time?

  19. In Texas, we call that "drizzle." :)

  20. I love rain showers like that! In Florida (as in Texas, as the commenter above said) that would be a light rain.

  21. The estate agents are a bit long winded aren't they?

  22. Lori Wong8:18 pm

    I am hoping to see Godzilla this weekend. I hope it's fun. I have been a Godzilla fan for ages! We get rain like that maybe once a year.

  23. That's exactly the weather we are having right now in my neck of the woods...very windy, chucking it down and drastic temperature drop. And I have to go out ...sigh... I will wait a while or will be wet before I even get in the car.

    Jo in Auckland

  24. Sound of rain is like a dance for me. Hot desert-y climate.

    We hated Godzilla, disappointed. I hope your experience is better.

  25. we have had plenty of those recently over here. thunder and lightning too.

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