I hate common tourists

The Children are now back to school and the coastal towns of North Wales are quietening down somewhat.......tomorrow I will go down to Prestatyn to do some shopping and banking and the usual seasonal gauntlet of trailer trash visitors will hopefully NOT be clogging up the pavements and shops with their awful plodding fat carcasses
The dying holiday towns here in North Wales ( and I am talking about the ones that have NOT survived by specialising in out door pursuits or elderly chic) still attract the trailer trash holiday makers of the UK and the towns' populations seem to have an uneasy alliance with visitors that spend most of their days in the Stalag 17 looking Pontins Holiday Camp or the faceless expanses of caravan camp social clubs that lie a stones throw from the sand dunes.
Apart from spending money in Home Bargains and the Clwydian ( a Wetherspoon-ish bar- which has been nicknamed the Chlamydian by local wags) I would question just what these holiday makers give to the local economy but perhaps I am being a little unfair when I say all this...perhaps the daily presence of the aimless and rude, the socially engineered disabled and the uncouth have pandered to my natural snobbishness..........anyhow suffice to say.......most of them from tomorrow HAVE GONE HOME!
Ok enough of the rant.....
Duckling news......update....... we now have 8!
four hatched yesterday and another four hatched this evening.....all runner ducks and runner duck crosses and all look health happy and all bordering on nervous exhaustion......

Dan's ducklings

Not the best of photos but you get the gist...Four duckling have hatched so far , with at least another three piping.......Dan from "All that Comes with It" (http://allthatcomeswithit.com/) will hopefully be very pleased as some of the new babies are earmarked for a life over in West Yorkshire!

New babies show the general characteristics of the parent animal....Turkey poults remain slow and rather depressed looking, whereas hen chicks and guinea fowl kleets remain vital bright and just a little bland. Goslings, even when a day old, exhibit bags of personality seen in the adult birds and Indian Runner ducks just look, well, mad as a box of frogs!!!

Hysteria is catching amongst baby ducks....in a matter of hours, when approached, they will start their screaming and shouting, and with stiff little wings outstretched in uncontrolled panic round and round they will run like little girls at a tea party!

Does Dan know what he has let himself ( and his long suffering wife) in for

tee hee

Back to normal

Cinderella's back from the ball.......those dainty wellingtons are now back on my feet and the sounds of the field await those first jobs of the day.
Chris sorted everything out very well..apparently Boris behaved himself (a sign that he remains "under par" and as Chris put it so succinctly last night "no one has died!"
It is nice to be home too.
As always there is plenty to do, even though I have only been away for two days....
The dogs are getting their haircuts today,
The runner duck eggs in the incubator need to have their humidity increased as they are due to hatch very soon
and I need to arrange to pick up 4 unwanted hens from a local pub....
...the field population grows.........

City Mooching and the Best Movie of the Year

It has been a lovely day.
After a leisurely breakfast ( Nu's hubby Jim missed out cos he had to jet off to Amsterdam for work) we caught the tube into town and suddenly became real tourists for an hour or two when we boarded one of the Thames clippers and took a trip from Embankment up to the London Dome and then back to Southwalk .
The weather was lovely.
At Southwalk we ambled around the cathedral then had a cracking seafood lunch at
The Wright Brothers Oyster Bar, which was filled to the gunnel's with suited and booted diners

We took our time over lunch, talked and laughed some more and then made our way to the Curzon Cinema in Mayfair where we indulged ourselves with probably the best film I have seen all year- the Argentinian movie The Secrets in their Eyes
Now Romantic movies have a tendency to leave me rather cold but The Secrets in their Eyes combines an absorbing and rather affecting generational love story with a well written and pacy crime thriller.
Benjamin Esposito (Ricardo Darin) is a retired criminal court Investigator, whose efforts to write a novel are frustrated when he finds himself unable to shake the memories of a 25 year old rape and murder case. After visiting his ex-supervisor (Soledad Villamil), who is now a judge, Benjamin decides to re investigate the case, and the audience is transported back and forth from his memories of the investigation to more recent twists and turns relating to it and in the course of this unravelling mystery Benjamin examines his own romantic history with Irene and his friendship with his drunken best friend and colleague Pablo ( a wise cracking Guillermo Francella)
Darin, with his hangdog charm and mature sexiness is wonderful in the lead role of Benjamin but his scenes with the sassy and luminous Villamil catapult this movie into something much more than your entertaining crime camper.
The couple's chemistry (portrayed over a twenty five year period) is at times terribly moving and their will-they-won't-they relationship literally reduced both Nuala and me to tears..... not a mean feat I can tell you!
Having said all this, there is much , much more to enjoy in this absolute cracker of a movie. The cinematography is superb ( a swooping tracking shot over a football stadium is just one particular standout) and the musical score by Federico Jusid re enforces the film's themes of loss,memory, fantasy and fiction.
Nuala loved the film as much as I did, and after a brief but thoroughly enjoyable narrative post mortem of what they did and why, I just had time to say my emotional goodbyes before I caught my train home.
It has been a lovely, lovely day.


I thought I would indulge myself with a very quick blog before we have a sunny breakfast of papers, smoked salmon and bagels! (bliss)
Nuala took me to the Palm Court at Langham's Hotel for afternoon tea, so thank God I had scrubbed up for the event,we ate miniature pastries to die for, weird gin flavoured tea and scones that would make Auntie Glad weep....and it was delightful.
We mooched around Leicester Square , drank wine in the sunshine and chatted non stop , then went to see Sweet Charity at the Haymarket, which was a real and rather surprising tonic.
I absolutely loved the chorus of girls in the Fan-Dango Ballroom, who are all beautifully played, full of weariness, bitterness and savage wisecracks by a troupe of talented long legged but somewhat shopworn looking actresses............their rendition of Big Spender was a real riot....
I loved Dorothy Field's biting and at times rather moving lyrics and of course the other famous numbers such as Rhythm of Life and There's gotta be something better than this.." were real show stoppers............
Anyhow today we are fitting in a river trip , lunch out and a cinema visit ( I KNOW I am in London what the hell am I doing going to the cinema?- well you have to remember me and Nu love the movies, a trip together to a discussable film is something of a treat for both of us!)....
and all before I catch the train home
Back to wellington boots covered in chicken shit

When Turkey attacks

Humm, I have only one reservation about leaving for London today, and that is the fact that Chris will have 36 hours alone with Boris!

For some obscure reason Boris HATES Chris....and to be honest, Chris is not that crazy about Boris either. It is a relationship well seated in mutual loathing and mistrust.. which, I suspect has its roots firmly fixed in jealously over little old me!

Despite being "in recovery" after his collapse, I suspect Boris will rally somewhat when he sees Chris offering him the off bowl of corn and mayhem may ensue.............

hey ho

Check it out

My sister's blog is developing nicely
for those that have not seen it check it out.....
Nice to have Chris back today
Looking forward to my city break tomorrow!


There is no place like home Dorothy!........but........

Tomorrow, I am off to London for a flying visit to see Nuala.
It will be lovely to catch up with her, we are going to see a show for her birthday and she has something else nice for us to do even though I am only visiting for a day and a half ( she has already given me the strict instructions to "look nice" which is exciting in itself). so after a somewhat quiet week here in the village, the country mouse will be entering the big city--I am so looking forward to it!

The six new hens have settled down in their somewhat grand newly repaired hen house. I have nicknamed the coop "The Memorial Hall" as it resembles the village hall in size and stature.

All hens need is a 24 hour period locked inside their new home and they will always return to that house forever! It is a fascinating part of their peanut brain Psyche that they have this ability....and it never fails them. Last night like the big wuss I am, I still camped out on the field to ensure that the six newcomers made it back to the memorial Hall, but I need not have worried. As soon as the light changed from day to dusk, back they trotted and despite being a newly formed flock already the alpha female (one of the Barnevelders) took her place in the choice spot before her juniors followed her to bed.

I must also note that in comparison the turkeys remain thick as mince........every night I have to herd them all into their sleeping quarters and STILL they have no idea what I am doing and why.