There is no place like home Dorothy!........but........

Tomorrow, I am off to London for a flying visit to see Nuala.
It will be lovely to catch up with her, we are going to see a show for her birthday and she has something else nice for us to do even though I am only visiting for a day and a half ( she has already given me the strict instructions to "look nice" which is exciting in itself). so after a somewhat quiet week here in the village, the country mouse will be entering the big city--I am so looking forward to it!

The six new hens have settled down in their somewhat grand newly repaired hen house. I have nicknamed the coop "The Memorial Hall" as it resembles the village hall in size and stature.

All hens need is a 24 hour period locked inside their new home and they will always return to that house forever! It is a fascinating part of their peanut brain Psyche that they have this ability....and it never fails them. Last night like the big wuss I am, I still camped out on the field to ensure that the six newcomers made it back to the memorial Hall, but I need not have worried. As soon as the light changed from day to dusk, back they trotted and despite being a newly formed flock already the alpha female (one of the Barnevelders) took her place in the choice spot before her juniors followed her to bed.

I must also note that in comparison the turkeys remain thick as mince........every night I have to herd them all into their sleeping quarters and STILL they have no idea what I am doing and why.


  1. You were just saying you'd had enough of the single life and now you're running away when Chris has just gotten home? I think YOU maybe need to be locked inside your "coop" so you will remember where home is!! :-)) John, I do so hope you have a wonderful time!! I know you work very hard, and I'm glad you're getting a break!!! ~Enjoy!!~

  2. kim...we will catch up tonight!
    and he is working from home tomorrow with an animal care plan all written down as long as your arm!!!

  3. So glad you are getting OUT! You need a dash of city life and get out of those icky footwear! You will feel renewed! Have a great time, you deserve it! I figured Chris would farm sit, he'll do fine, so don't worry!

    Have the best time!

  4. Wow, I learnt something new again today...about chickens...I had no idea that's how they brain works...very interesting. Hope you have a great time in London...I would be excited to for that . :) Enjoy!-Tina

  5. Have a nice time. Hi to Nuala.

    Ask Chris to "dress you", a far safer strategy.

    Oh I'm so cheeky.


  6. Yep....turkeys..haha!Some times mine go in fine and sometimes they just trot aimlessly around the yard,lost! Hope you have a fabulous time in the big city!

  7. Have fun in the big city! Take pictures, and be prepared to tell us all about it.

  8. I love that about hens.
    Have a FUN trip!!!I can't, can't imagine Chris in charge of your chores, he he, while you go out on the town. That oughtta be good.

  9. yes polly
    the fact that Boris hates the ground chris walks on ( and shows it) perhaps will complicate issues!!!

  10. have a wonderful time.

    after reading the other comments, i can just see Boris and Chris facing it off lol, lol.

  11. Well Dorothy I hope you wear your best ruby slippers! xxx

  12. I have sucessfully trained hens to take to a new coop after destroying their own. It takes awhile but possible. I have also trained hens to lay in a particular spot so, I did not have to go egg hunting.


    'If you lead a person to knowledge; he may not begin to think.'

    ENJOY your time in London, I too am longing for a break in the Big City.

    Take care,

  13. I'v always been partial to the 'slower' creatures amongst us....thus 30 years of teaching. Give me a day with those turkeys!
    Have a blast in London John and a good rest?

  14. Sure ain't Kansas, mate!


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