sexing geese

Is it Winnie and Joe....or Winston and Jo?
Apparently it is nearly impossible to sex geese especially when they are young. The white goose (Winnie) has the deepest blue eyes of any animal I have ever seen (honestly he looks just like Paul Newman!!); whereas Jo has deep moody brown eyes...could that be a factor in sexing them? the internet information is not clear. Jo's "undercarriage" seems more pronounced than winnie's, so I suspect I may have a gander and a goose...but who cares.....
Whatever the sex of the geese, they and the three magpie ducks have formed themselves in to a tight knit little flock that go everywhere together.
I find this "crossing over " of species boundaries fascinating and rather moving. Only last year Hughie the lone guinea fowl spent all his waking hours shadowing the cockerel Rogo... and before this Boris would gallop to the "rescue" of the 22 Indian runner ducks when they continued their noisy hysteria when rounded up for the night.
The flock instinct and the innate goal to "belong" is a strong one.....and that is why I enjoy having the animals so much.......their demands and needs are so honest

The weather is glorious , but I just cannot get myself going at all. Night shift was quiet, (which probably made me more jaded today), and the dirty shed in the back garden desperately needs cleaning out after Hazel 's town hens have had their holiday in it over the past week....
But I just cannot be arsed!
So.....I will have another diet coke........then I will have an amble with the dogs around the sleepy village roads..................I almost forgot it is Bank Holiday Monday today....that means.......a few crap but ultimately satisfying TCM movies............thank goodness Chris is back tomorrow..I have had my fill of the single life


  1. I don't know how to sex birds, so glad I never had to even try! They aren't like kittens, Ha Ha. (imagining John holding a goose in his arms, trying to look) I imagine the only reason to sex them would be if you planned on eating one or the other first...

    How is Boris doing, anyway?

  2. I know exactly what you mean. It's funny to see one of our (too many) cats curl up with Max or Minnie. And the cats will bring home birds they've caught, but they don't mess with the baby chicks. I LOVE it. Don't know about geese at all. I sex my chickens by waiting to see if they grow a comb or not! LOL Even that doesn't even work 100%. I had 4 hens that started crowing and climbing on the other hens! They were delicious.

  3. I am forever calling girl birds boy names, and the opposite. Once they start crowing(if they are chickens) I adjust the names accordingly. I am still not sure if my turkey poult is a boy or a girl, and have no clue as to how to tell...

  4. i get blue when honeyman is gone a few days, let him be gone a week and i get down right depressed. i bet you perk right up when Chris gets home

  5. Hi John! You're not alone..we don't know the sex of our geese either. I still think they are named right but deep down I have a gut feeling they are both ganders. I don't care one way or the other. I wish they were as cute as they used to be though...this carrying a stick to keep Priscilla far enough away to keep from getting nipped is getting old and now Percy seems to be getting that way. I did read somewhere that African Geese are noisy but I must have missed the part about them being agressive. And here I spent so much time with them feeding and loving them and they followed me everywhere! Oh well such is life. Enjoy your time with Chris tomorrow and have a wonderful week! Maura :)

  6. Anonymous12:27 am

    No visual clues, eh? Any tactile ones? Hmmmm...

    I love hearing you describe the individual...what? Alliances? Relationships? Friendships?...that get forged within the shelter of the larger community. Your eyes are amazing. It's a joy to see your animals through them.

  7. A goose punched me in the balls once. Just sayin'.

  8. Love the goose/duck flocking!

  9. I've heard of "Chicken sexers" - check this out -


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