A depressing weekend

It has been stormy over the last 24 hours or so. The village of hen houses have taken the brunt of the weather as the wind gusts up the valley, and this morning the birds have congregated in the centre of the coops where they've escaped the worst of the gales.
It is interesting to note that only the heavy and plodding ghost hens seem unaffected by the inclement weather....obviously their bulk seems to shield them from the gusts of wind and rain.
Mind you the five of them,literally move as one so face the elements like a group of Roman soldiers
Last night the cottage seemed rather isolated. The wind was a blowing and it was dark as pitch outside! It didn't help me watching two mean and moody films, both with protagonists battling their own demons during bleak stormy weather! when you are home alone, the old imagination can run riot when all you can hear is the shriek of the wind in the trees.

Marin Scorsese's melodrama Shutter Island is somewhat of a heavy handed movie.Visually, its film noir -ish mise- en- scene coupled with the dark hurricane lashed psychiatric hospital mystery, makes for interesting viewing, but the very artificiality of the plot and style of the piece flagged up the main twist in the story for me only 30 minutes into the movie.
Leonardo de Caprio , is not a favourite actor of mine, but he does carry the movie with an assured and compelling performance. 7/10

Valhalla Rising is a glum, brutal and wholly depressing odyssey from Danish director Nicolas Winding. It follows the unending journey of a one eyed prisoner (Mads Mikkelsen) as he escapes some pagan oppressors to fall in with some viking warriors.....yeap not a bag of laughs.. but I must admit the movie was quite beautiful to look at in a chilling and depressive kind of way

I gave up after a hour...... and put on Mildred Pierce
......Working night shift tonight........this weekend has not been one of my best


  1. My girls have been looking very folorn & bedraggled in the rain - but when they dry out & preen they look so pretty.
    We've been putting on light hearted films recently -as I've not been well. Charlies Angels was a real tonic !

  2. I have to admit I love being home alone on nights like that--And have been. I watch a movie and if I don't have my favorite junk food around, I'll make a pan of brownies--Then go to bed and snuggle up with the dogs--Heaven!!...Then the noises start and my imagination takes over and I get scared... ;-))
    Enjoy your day John!! When does Chris come back?

  3. not till tuesday... at least he has good weather in kent...got sunburnt yesterday!

  4. Thank God for ol' Mildred...the weather sounds dreadful, nothing worse than a wet, ol', soggy, windy day and w/e!

  5. Maybe getting out and to work will help shake off the gloom a little bit, sometimes it is hard when the weather is against you. I haven't seen either off those movies,I tend to stay away from the gloomy ones!

  6. hope the sun comes out today for you.

  7. Maybe the last screening in the film fest should be another muppet movie, complete with Leo for company, and popcorn.

  8. Brrrrr, I wouldn't watch either of those movies on a bright, sunny day. They'd scare the bejaysus out of me on a stormy night. Hope that today has been better.

  9. Hmmm, we were going to get Shutter Island, now we won't - Thanks muchly!

    If it weren't for the dogs being afraid, I like a nice rain storm at night, accompanied by a chiller! (Not too scary though...)

    I hope you have an easy night of it and the people aren't in too bad of shape.


  10. Anonymous3:41 pm

    I'm still looking for someone to watch Shutter Island with. Too scared to see it alone...especially at night during a storm! You're a brave, brave man. Hope the day lifts!

  11. When I'm home alone, (which is always) I like to watch "An American President", with Annette Benning. It's light hearted fluff, but always makes me smile...

    I hope the sun shines for you soon!

  12. Gloomy is right. What you need is a little snow. Never saw (nor will see)those flicks. About 2 weeks ago I went into my bathroom in the loft at midnite and there was a little bat huddled on my floor near the toilet. I thought it was dead,but then saw an ear twitch. Sheese that scared me, so I left the light on and closed the door...Guess what was on the boobtube?? Some weird old vampire movie marathon. Yup, I never really got to sleep that night. Next morning opened the door and the bat was GONE. Now I always check out the room before sitting on the loo. Sheesh.
    BTW,I have a mental pic of the white chickens all moving in tandum. Quite funny actually like something I saw on an old Monty Python!

  13. nancy
    THE AMERICAN PRESIDENT is one of my fav films!
    cassie...no snow

  14. I am a sucker for such weather, and I love nothing more than being under a blanket, home alone, as it storms outside-knowing that my animals are safe first, of course. A good movie and a glass of wine and a homemade pizza and I am in heaven.


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