
I thought I would indulge myself with a very quick blog before we have a sunny breakfast of papers, smoked salmon and bagels! (bliss)
Nuala took me to the Palm Court at Langham's Hotel for afternoon tea, so thank God I had scrubbed up for the event,we ate miniature pastries to die for, weird gin flavoured tea and scones that would make Auntie Glad weep....and it was delightful.
We mooched around Leicester Square , drank wine in the sunshine and chatted non stop , then went to see Sweet Charity at the Haymarket, which was a real and rather surprising tonic.
I absolutely loved the chorus of girls in the Fan-Dango Ballroom, who are all beautifully played, full of weariness, bitterness and savage wisecracks by a troupe of talented long legged but somewhat shopworn looking actresses............their rendition of Big Spender was a real riot....
I loved Dorothy Field's biting and at times rather moving lyrics and of course the other famous numbers such as Rhythm of Life and There's gotta be something better than this.." were real show stoppers............
Anyhow today we are fitting in a river trip , lunch out and a cinema visit ( I KNOW I am in London what the hell am I doing going to the cinema?- well you have to remember me and Nu love the movies, a trip together to a discussable film is something of a treat for both of us!)....
and all before I catch the train home
Back to wellington boots covered in chicken shit


  1. hehe. Sounds like you are having a deserved break with Nu. Enjoy! Now, back to the chicken #*!!

  2. John, seeing a post from you this morning is an unexpected treat! It's wonderful that you're having such a great time--I hope Chris and Boris are as well!! ~Enjoy your day!!~

  3. It's great having some "city" time isn't it John, I love going up to see my daughter, but I'm always glad to get back to the country. Once again I'm looking enviously at the shot of your field, I'm wondering how you keep foxes away, as you don't appear to have fenced runs or anything - maybe you have electric fencing round the outside that isn't obvious from the photo. Anyway it looks great.

  4. Sounds like a fun time ya'll are having!

    but I know you will be glad to see your crew back at the farm. Chicken Sh** and all :O)...

  5. I am so glad you have had this "change of view", if only for a short time, I hope you return, gloriously tired and happy to be home!

  6. John, you'll have to get back home to'catch your breath'!
    Sounds like a great time is being had by all.
    M-M-M.....scones sound delightful! That place isn't bad looking either!

  7. Talk about culture shock!!!

  8. Sounds like a great time, with places and sights we tourists would never get to see.

  9. Yep the shit is waiting for you! In the meantime 'live it up' be able to say' 'I'm in London' would be a wonderful thing to say!

  10. Glad you are having a great time, sure sounds and looks like a lot of fun. Enjoy the rest of it!

  11. It all sounds lovely.

  12. Wow. Sounds like a wonderful day. :)

  13. Love High Tea - we have to go back to Sydney on 23rd September to see the specialist and we are booked into our favourite hotel Sheraton-on-the-Park in Sydney, so 'High Tea' is part of our treat!


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