When Turkey attacks

Humm, I have only one reservation about leaving for London today, and that is the fact that Chris will have 36 hours alone with Boris!

For some obscure reason Boris HATES Chris....and to be honest, Chris is not that crazy about Boris either. It is a relationship well seated in mutual loathing and mistrust.. which, I suspect has its roots firmly fixed in jealously over little old me!

Despite being "in recovery" after his collapse, I suspect Boris will rally somewhat when he sees Chris offering him the off bowl of corn and mayhem may ensue.............

hey ho


  1. Hey Boris, take a look at your calendar and you'll see there are only 16 more weeks to Christmas! Its time to start sucking up to people buddy, not attacking them!

  2. Poor Chris! I'd love to get pissed with you too!!! xxx

  3. It was like a scene from Jaws!

  4. Hi John I have some info for you, I have tried your email but it bounced back, my email is on Georges blog can you send me one as in just say ok and I can send you the info for you.
    PS Hope Chris and Boris can make up, mind you it looks like Boris can look after himself!!!

  5. Just tell the kids that they need to get along and not fight while Mom is gone and if they do, you'll have a special present for them when you return...That's what my Mom used to tell us when she left us! :-)

  6. They used to have a scarey turkey at our local kids farm when mine were littel - we stopped going because uit used to terrify us all!!! We enjoyed our Christmas turkey that year. xxx

  7. Tell Chris to protect his jugular!

  8. Holy Smokes! That was scary! Chris better just put down the food and run!

  9. Boris must be a 'one man' turkey.....too cute!

  10. Boris must have what I like to call the only child syndrome.
    Maybe they will do well if they stay out of each other's way.

  11. Oh my! Boris has a hair trigger.

  12. My...Chris has a high pitched scream! (goatie wink and tee hee since I know it's not really him...)

  13. Hi John I have sent the email again, silly me left the S out you should get it this time!!

  14. okay I admit it, I would love to be there to see the encounter rofl, rofl. :O). Of course I would not want Chris nor Boris injured.

  15. Well, er. I think I should have my in-laws feed that turkey, they would never complain about my llamas again!


  16. Boy! Those suckers are FAST!
    I'm sure that Chris, with his vastly superior human intellect, will be able to devise a strategy that will enable him to feed Boris in such a manor as to not disturb him. And if he does disturb Boris? Well, then I guess he deserves his punishment...


    I'm glad that Boris is feeling well enough to be considered a threat!

  17. I'm late - you're gone, sorry. I hope you have a great time and don't worry about Boris and Chris, they will be fine...........

    ..... if not, I want to hear all about it when you get home!

  18. come on Mr. Turkey...attack...again!

  19. That wasn't Boris was it?? If so, he's lost a ton of weight since being ill.

  20. no cassie not boris........
    he has a bigger kick!!!

  21. Boy, that really is one very angry turkey isn't it! Probably worring about Christmas!!!!S x

  22. Well, if you watch the birds actions he gave plenty of warning of what he intended if you didn't take that camera out of his face! LOL!


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