I hate common tourists

The Children are now back to school and the coastal towns of North Wales are quietening down somewhat.......tomorrow I will go down to Prestatyn to do some shopping and banking and the usual seasonal gauntlet of trailer trash visitors will hopefully NOT be clogging up the pavements and shops with their awful plodding fat carcasses
The dying holiday towns here in North Wales ( and I am talking about the ones that have NOT survived by specialising in out door pursuits or elderly chic) still attract the trailer trash holiday makers of the UK and the towns' populations seem to have an uneasy alliance with visitors that spend most of their days in the Stalag 17 looking Pontins Holiday Camp or the faceless expanses of caravan camp social clubs that lie a stones throw from the sand dunes.
Apart from spending money in Home Bargains and the Clwydian ( a Wetherspoon-ish bar- which has been nicknamed the Chlamydian by local wags) I would question just what these holiday makers give to the local economy but perhaps I am being a little unfair when I say all this...perhaps the daily presence of the aimless and rude, the socially engineered disabled and the uncouth have pandered to my natural snobbishness..........anyhow suffice to say.......most of them from tomorrow HAVE GONE HOME!
Ok enough of the rant.....
Duckling news......update....... we now have 8!
four hatched yesterday and another four hatched this evening.....all runner ducks and runner duck crosses and all look health happy and all bordering on nervous exhaustion......


  1. Cant wait to see pictures of the runner ducks.
    As for the rude tourists i live in a very touristy area in south Florida. Nuff said on that we have our share of spring breakers here every year and i want to gag sometimes. lol

  2. I guess we all are tourists at one time or another........

    Look like any more ducks to hatch? They do have cute going for them!

    BTW, I cannot keep up with the snot on the windows...

  3. Living around Washington DC we are always bombarded with the tourists, especially this time of the year--They drive me crazy too with their poking along the roads and not watching where they're going--I just want to run them off the road!
    Glad your ducks are hatched--How are you feeling about being a Mom again? :-)))

  4. Ahhhh, another advantage of living in the 'burbs, near a very mundane city -- no hoards of tourists. Can't wait to see more pictures of the duckies.

    You asked me how long it took me to mow my lawn. The answer is -- no time at all -- the neighbor does it for $20 a pop. It's not all that much anyways, only an acre, which is around .4 hectare.

  5. I'm afraid I've done my share tourist trolling...
    Funny though, I truly ALWAYS wanted live in the REAL part of the Welsh countryside, the part where the tourists rearely venture.
    My true love was up on the Horseshoe Pass. From my first visit, I left a piece of my heart up there on that mountain terrain.
    Do show us pictures of your newly hatched ducks, they make me smile ;)

  6. Hallo! Came in via your link :)

    I LOVE Runner Ducks! I volunteer at a Bird Sanctuary that does rehab, research and education. For a few years the Sanctuary had a flock of Runner Ducks. I just loved them. I couldn't resist hugging one or two on occasion.

  7. Hello John! Oh boy do I know what you mean about certain tourists. When I lived in a small ski village in British Columbia I had a little gift shop. It is a beautiful area and town and so we had MANY tourists in the summer and then the skiers from all over the world in the winter. Most of them were very nice BUT...there were some who drove me up the wall. They were rude and had a tendency to talk down to you..some even said how much better their country was than Canada. I won't say what I was thinking and I didn't tell them what I was thinking but I SURE WANTED TO! It was nice when we were in between seasons and all was calm for a while. Congrats on your new ducklings...glad you hear they're all healthy and quacking away. Enjoy the rest of your weekend....Maura :)

  8. I have to agree that some tourists really are quite rude and expect the locals to bend over backwards for them. But thankfully they are tourists and do move on.
    Looking forward to seeing pics of all the babies.
    I really do have to catch up with your postings. I just know I have missed so much.
    And John, thanks for the hug. I needed it. :)

  9. OMG I so FLOPPING love that note. LOL My kind of store owner! Nice to see ya back. SMOOCHES

    Oh and a box of frogs comment to measure my missing being online.

    You can partake of breakfast, repast at lunch, or dine on supper with me anytime! ~;>

  10. I've been called everything, but NEVER a tourist!

  11. Congrats on the ducklings. As for the tourists, I'm afraid to say anything since I'll be a tourist at the end of this month. I promise, though, not to put one of those flutes/recorders in my mouth . . . unless it's been sanitized first.

  12. I hate it when the tourist flock in to your own private little space and turn it into bedlam - we get it during the holiday season up at the camp when the Canberran fisher and water ski folk arrive - they just crawl all over your space! No respect! (And they will not step aside, they walk straight over you!)

  13. I believe there are villages in Devon and Cornwall, and no doubt other places too that become virtual ghost towns out of holiday season which makes me think the people who now own the houses who presumably go there to get away from it all really take it all with them and then take it away again when they all leave. Its funny how ethnic cleansing is frowned up on yet social cleansing goes unchecked. I guess holiday homes are different to holiday camps so we may be talking about different things but I think the end result is something similar.

  14. Love the photo. I'll be sure to behave when I one day visit Wales!!

  15. From round the corner at Anchor House, I'm really enjoying your blog! Can't agree enough about the tourists here, just don't get my other half Peter on the subject! Nice to see your picture of him on our astroturf on an earlier page.

  16. thanks val! you are my second OFFICIAL trelawnyd follower!!!
    Geoff at Maes Offa is the first!!!
    glad you like this mindless rubbish!!!

  17. no tourists here, thankfully.

  18. The name curmudgeon comes to mind...that's from one to another mind you. The picture is a good one. I'm passing that on.


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