Late Babies

Seven of the ducklings are viable, vital and healthy. One black baby (foreground) has a hatching injury and doesn't have the strength to straighten his neck, he will not survive, but I will give the little fella a chance of sorts today to see if things may improve, sadly it won't.

I have learnt from bitter experience NOT to house ducklings in a cage in the kitchen. They are dreadfully dirty little devils and have an awful habit of pooing on their webbed feet and flinging it around the worktops!

A couple of years ago we had 16 of the little shysters on the kitchen table and Chris and I nearly got divorced because of it all! I will always remember hearing Chris bellowing from the kitchen on his way out to work "Shut up you dirty bastards!!!!!!" at the cacophony of 32 tap dancing little feet as the ducklings ran back and forth in the cage, following his every movement.

From then on , all ducklings have been banished to the shed and the latest babies seem to be happy under their heat lamp It is a little late in the season for babies as the weather is changing to an Autumnal chill, but baby runners are plucky little chaps, and I am sure they will be alright.

Ivy, the female guinea fowl has gone broody late in the season which is a little worrying. She is hidden away somewhere in the Graveyard and pops up briefly every day to have a feed and a drink before disappearing again....Guinea fowl keets hatching in late September is not good

The weather is changing again this week. Gale force winds and driving rain are due today. I snapped this photo of Meg this morning when she sat in the cottage window watching the Churchyard elms whipping back and forth as the weather deteriorates.....William of course, has disappeared...he knows the ducklings are in the shed and has now set up a vigil by the shed door

George is no mug..... he is asleep under our duvet


  1. No doubt about the intelligence of dogs - read and article in NewsWeek today in the doctors room that rated animals by intelligence - fowl are way down the list - dogs (listed with carnivores, which I thought was unkind) were in the top third of animals with cetaceans at the top of the order.

    Dogs and horses were the first animals man domesticated - is that "sense" on their part? LOL!

  2. Fingers crossed for the back duckling, although as you say it's probably inevitable.

    When I hatched out my chickens one was born with a deformed foot. It had one too many toes and his foot was curled over on it's self. After consulting with the internet I made a sort of corrective shoe for it out of masking tape and a bit cut out of a margarine tub lid.

    It worked and after a couple of weeks the foot was corrected so it could walk without it's shoe. Then after all that effort the little bugger turned out to be male and had to be culled.

    Still, I got to feel like James Herriot for a while.

    Do you mind if I steal that photo for my blog?

  3. all your dan!!!

    is your missus comming around to ducks yet?

  4. The ducklings are so cute, I don't care if they are goofy at all. Too bad about the black one.

    Our mornings are 20 degrees cooler now, so Fall is coming, the days still get pretty hot, I could stand a couple good days of rain, it's been a while.

    I hope you are having a good day otherwise..............

  5. The ducklings are adorable and so is Meg! Sorry about the little black duckling. I guess nature has to take its course sometimes, but still...

  6. What cute babies! I've got broody hens hatching chicks like crazy out in the barn. Our weather has finally cooled as well. Such a welcome treat!

    I think you need some SHEEP, John...


  7. We are expecting thunderstorms late tonight all through tomorrow. I have been hunting too for our female guinea's nest. Oh no joke on ducks being too dirty for the house. I don't blame your husband for not liking them inside. I know when the hummingbirds show back up for their migration south; the weather is going soft here. Take care, Mal

  8. Those ducklings are so cute. I'm so sorry about the black one.

  9. I have only raised ducklings once, I didn't hatch them I bought them and mercy me yes they were dirty! I have to agree the kitchen is no place for ducklings ... ewww lol...

    They are so cute.

  10. Its been very windy here today but no rain as yet. Hope the ducklings go on ok.

  11. Hi, as a thank you for being a follower of my blog I have sent you an invite to view a private blog I have in which you can view some pictures of the big house where I work. Just check your email and follow the instructions.

  12. I laughed out loud reading about your ducklings in the kitchen, and then I read it to David, and we laughed all over again.

  13. I must say that you are very good as describing situations so that we here can imagine them happening! I laughed too about Chris's reaction on the kitchen ducks! Tee hee hee. I guess he wouldn't like kitchen goats?

  14. Cute little Duckies!!!!

  15. Oh my goodness! I would have to hug all those little duckies and kiss the tops of their heads.
    I don't have much experience with fowl so I'm curious if the black duck's condition is genetic, or the unfortunate way he was laying in the egg. How often does this happen? Is it a common occurrence, or a rare one?

  16. oh, a deformed baby duck. I had the hardest time watching our two turkey poults who had hatching trouble and didn't make it. The hardest part is not knowing what to do and praying they go quickly with no suffering...

  17. Bwahahaha. Still laughing! And tha pic of Meg is soooo cute. I love her. Makes me miss my pooches, but this is the first time I've been able to sleep in in comfort in over 3 years, so am making the most of it. Soon enough I'll be at the beck & call of my "kids" wanting to get let out at all hours.


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