Silence is golden (finding Ivy & Duckling update)

The one thing about dogs that I do like is that they cannot talk in the mornings.

I have never been a "chatty" person first thing and need time to come this morning's row was inevitable as Chris did his best Brian Blessed impersonation before it was time for me to get up to take him and my sister to the railway station.

I heard him banging around, at 6am and in that awful fugue state of being half asleep/half awake I staggered to the bathroom with my nerves jangling.....

Now, as I was sat there in all my glory, the bathroom door opened and Chris started to ask me questions about some receipt he had found in my over night bag!!!

It's dawn!!
I am half asleep!!!
I am sat on the loo!!!
I have had no coffee!!!!!
and he is asking me about a bloody £2 quid receipt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I could have turned into a serial killer!!

After a decade together, he still cannot understand that could rip a small child's arms off if engaged in mindless conversation as soon as I wake............the dogs understand this perfectly well........after their morning walk, they have always picked up on my non verbal communication and retire quietly next to me without fuss, and without noise .

Anyhow I feel more balanced now ( post bagel, coffee, quiet duckling feed and dog walk) Chris disappeared off with my sister to London ( they are having a girly day in the capital and are treating themselves to a matinee of Phantom Of The Opera) There is a tube strike in London today which is a bummer for them, but I know they should have a lovely if not a tiring day.

Me?..........I will be harvesting onions, runner beans, shallots, potatoes and artichokes

Last Night I found Ivy the guinea fowl (left). She was sitting on a huge mound of eggs on top of the Church wall and she blended in perfectly with the undergrowth and nettles which surrounded her. With difficulty I shooed her off the nest and with a heavy heart smashed the eggs for the hens to eat. It is just too late in the year for Ivy to be trying to raise 20 guinea fowl keets....

The seven ducklings are now a couple of days old now and the familiar screaming and tap dancing has started in the shed, much to the delight and excitement of William who will now be camped outside listening to the hysteria with partially hidden glee!
The little deformed black duckling thankfully died overnight


  1. LOL! Oh to be a fly on the loo wall!

  2. What a way to start the day John! I'm the same way, and for some reason it took Carl years to figure out that talking to me first thing isn't pretty...

    Sorry about the duckling and the eggs...

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I'm not a mornng talker..
    However, I must be a morning typer since it's the wee hours here and I'm willing to engage conversation.
    Go figure....
    Sorry about your little duckling, I was secretly hoping he'd make it.

  5. Dogs usually know what mood we're in and best of all you can tell them to shut up and they don't take it personal

  6. There you go again....telling a story so vividly that I can imagine it happening. Tee hee hee.

  7. It grates my nerves being "grilled" before I am fully awake. They have an unfair advantage - they are awake! I have been know to tell people, who bug me the first thing, to go to hell. Yah, I know, you probably can't picture it. Right?
    Well, anyway, I know exactly what you are talking about.

  8. Grumpy old homo!!! xxx

  9. that's rich comming from a sad old slapper

  10. Like you I want quiet in the morning. I would prefer no one talk to me until that first cup of coffee has been had. Which is one reason I get up so early. It's MY quiet time.

  11. I don't do mornings either. Mike likes to get lovey in the early mornings and will even wake me from time to time. I become an evil villian at that point. You have my deepest sympathy.

  12. a bit too much information randy!

  13. >post bagel, coffee, quiet duckling feed and dog walk

    You forgot to mention Jeremy Kyle.

    I won't tell anyone.


  14. Brave stand there with the eggs. I wouldn't have thought to let the chickens eat them. Good to know. One of the Brahmas has gone broody and like you said it is too late in the season. I'll have to try locking her out in the pen.

    My sympathy and understanding about not being a happy camper in the morning. Being a Mom I had to do them. I used to bribe myself with donuts and other pastry. Helped a little.

  15. Tough job for you with Ivy but you did what needed to be done! The "Duckling Dancing" sounds hilarious, I'm glad I do not have to raise them, but maybe you can mimic their behaviour and produce a new dance for one of your village festivals? LOL!

  16. I totally understand how you feel, because I do the same thing to my husband sometimes and he lets me know quickly that it is fruitless. I have learned not to ask about receipts if he is half asleep. It is just not worth the aggravation.
    And, I don't go rushing into the bathroom either. Anymore.But I still holler for him by the door...if a receipt REALLY needs an explanation.

  17. "Me?..........I will be harvesting onions, runner beans, shallots, potatoes and artichokes

    What, no fava beans to go with your nice whine, errr, I mean chianti?!

    Had to say that, since no one else did. x-c


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