Dan's ducklings

Not the best of photos but you get the gist...Four duckling have hatched so far , with at least another three piping.......Dan from "All that Comes with It" (http://allthatcomeswithit.com/) will hopefully be very pleased as some of the new babies are earmarked for a life over in West Yorkshire!

New babies show the general characteristics of the parent animal....Turkey poults remain slow and rather depressed looking, whereas hen chicks and guinea fowl kleets remain vital bright and just a little bland. Goslings, even when a day old, exhibit bags of personality seen in the adult birds and Indian Runner ducks just look, well, mad as a box of frogs!!!

Hysteria is catching amongst baby ducks....in a matter of hours, when approached, they will start their screaming and shouting, and with stiff little wings outstretched in uncontrolled panic round and round they will run like little girls at a tea party!

Does Dan know what he has let himself ( and his long suffering wife) in for

tee hee


  1. Oh, how cute! Mad as a box of frogs, eh? When is Dan going to come pick them up? Er... I mean, how long will it be before they are torn away from you? Hee Hee! Good that they didn't hatch on Chris' watch!

  2. I want one! I want 6! Oh, coyotes here. Never mind.

  3. oh my gosh cuteness I tell you! I so wish we could have ducks here.. uggg but like Terry Coyotes here as well and owls, BIG owls... have lost 5 ducks here... so no more ducks... :O(

  4. Aww, sweetness !
    They look extremely healthy...

  5. Almost makes me want to get some ducks, but I think I will enjoy them from afar. Love your descriptions. P.S. Now I don't feel so bad... because your boots look like mine.

  6. Cute! But I do have to say I am glad you have those cutie ducklings and not me. When I was a kid we had several ducks and all I remember is how downright filthy they were. Always pooping in their pool pond. Looking forward to watching yours grow up.


  8. Baby ducks are just so cute! They grow so fast though.


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