Back to normal

Cinderella's back from the ball.......those dainty wellingtons are now back on my feet and the sounds of the field await those first jobs of the day.
Chris sorted everything out very well..apparently Boris behaved himself (a sign that he remains "under par" and as Chris put it so succinctly last night "no one has died!"
It is nice to be home too.
As always there is plenty to do, even though I have only been away for two days....
The dogs are getting their haircuts today,
The runner duck eggs in the incubator need to have their humidity increased as they are due to hatch very soon
and I need to arrange to pick up 4 unwanted hens from a local pub....
...the field population grows.........


  1. I had to smile when you said that nothing had died. It reminded me of when I was on the farm, you felt it was going to be a good day if you got back from doing the rounds and nothing was dead or trying to be dead. Sheep were the best at dying, I don't think there is a way to die that they didn't invent.

  2. as soon as your back is turned something ALWAYS SEEMS TO GO WRONG rob I agree.,..... last time I took an afternoon off and one of the turkeysnearly garrotted herself

  3. the words "The eggs are about to hatch" are very exciting indeed!

  4. the words "The eggs are about to hatch" are very exciting indeed!

  5. So, what kind are these new hens?

  6. old ones louise!!!old ones

  7. Unwanted hens? I take it nobody eats chicken in your village. (or owns a pressure cooker)

    I'll bet it feels good to be back in your boots! So glad that no one died, and Boris is still hanging around.

  8. Boris looks like a proud indian chief!

  9. I can arrange to SEND ALL of our humidity to you, asap, if you so desire!

  10. ahhh feels good to get the farm clothes and muck boots back on :O)... oh now admit it :O).

  11. Hey John...For Whom the Bell/Chime
    Jim wanted it first...then can be turned off...see 'off' button. A little tinkle never hurt anyone. ;-)))

  12. Yay, Boris is feeling better.
    I have to catch up what has been going on with you. Sounds like you had some 'me' time. Good for you.
    More hens!!!

  13. I can see you 'at tea' in London with those wellingtons!

  14. Luv those 'Wellies' LOL!


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