After walking the dogs ( Constance had to be manhandled out of her bed)
I broke all of the ice formed on the animal water feeders, set out the corn and layers pellets and let all the birds out to free range.
By the time I had caught Lilian ( a white buff with a rattle cough), given her some antibiotic, then treated Boris with some antibacterial spray ( he has a sore claw digit) and finally dabbed Vaseline on Constance's cracked nose (a job that has to be done outside as she has a tendency to be sick with stress after the treatment) I felt chilled to the bone, so right now I am warming up with coffee and some buttered scones!
The scones were a welcomed gift from Auntie Glad, and were left overs from the flower show meeting held at her house last night. (Half way through the proceedings she treats us to hot sweet tea and lashings of buttered, freshly baked scones)
The Flower Show meeting was brief . The committee had already thrashed out the new schedule for 2011 at a previous meeting, so we just needed to cross the T'S and dot the i's.
Next year's show will have more Trophy prize cups for the winners
The new Schedule can be seen at
I would be very interested to read your comments
and to all you Americans out there
Have a Peaceful and enjoyable