A change of personality

I won't bang on anymore about "the storm", bloody hell, it wasn't exactly a soddin tornado or anything, and the sympathy I received from you American readers humbled me somewhat into silence....I know, I know, I am an over dramatic Welsh queen with a flair for the Shelley Winters! Nuff said.
We are just about to go and see Frankie for the first time.We are taking George with us and will take things slow. If Frankie has not really grasped her name then if we take her, I would like to rename her if I can. Frankie just does not do it for me.....of course I have picked a name with a "similar " feel to it and that would be Connie ( Sunday name Constance)......Bulldogs look such an unlikely Constance, I kind of liked the slight irony of it.
Well, I will post some pictures of "Connie" later and of course Saturday is "Matt Cardle" day, so I will be frothing at the mouth and getting all girly over him later......be prepared for another Matt video later.....

from left to right Janet, Ann and the ex soap actor Frazer Hines
I must pause slightly from my usual Matt worship to praise my sister's continual efforts to raise money for Motor Neurone Disease Association. In a matter of weeks she has fronted several initiative and has raised nearly 4000£! not bad for a somewhat shy lady from Prestatyn who before all this was quite content to remain quietly in the background of any social event.

Now you could see her, celebrities have been buttonholed, reams of letters written and local businesses flattered, cajoled and encouraged to take part in scheme after scheme, without feeling pressurised or bullied.
Her transformation reminds me of  Tess McGill's in Working Girl
If you have a minute ,have a look at the above blog which outlines her work.
My brother ( who has a version of motor neurone) must be very proud of her 

Clean up

I won't bore you with the details but suffice to say that I have spent most of the morning cleaning up after last night's storm. Most but not all of my shed has been retrieved- one door has alluded me so far..bugger only knows where it ended up! I am shattered today, I was up four times during the night
BBC News (stormy weather)
Red and the five other quail have been released from the confines of the shed and have been set up in their own little run next to Bunny.
The geese have found these little scraps endlessly fascinating and have stood watching them for the past hour or so.


My shed literally exploded around 9pm

God only knows where the sides and the roof are......somewhere over at Pippa's house on the other side of the Church no doubt!
Dressed in Chris' pyjama bottoms and an anorak, I took my trusty wind up torch to survey the storm damage so far ( according to the met office , the wind is due to get worse!)
Not only had my shed sailed merrily over Trelawnyd, the duck house roof had almost peeled away and Bunny's enclosure ( for those that dont know Bunny is the hen that was crippled by the infamous dog attack of a couple of years ago)......has all but been destroyed ( Bunny was safe in her rabbit hutch which I had already weighted down with bricks)
Hughie, Ivy and Alf are still hanging on in there in the Elm tree

Armistice Day storm

The Memorial to the War dead in Trelawnyd
The North Wales coast is bracing itself to storm force winds due later today. Already we have had gales all morning and I have spent the time weighting down the coops with rocks and have cleared away anything that can be blown away.One of my egg customers dropped off a load of spare wood which I also sorted through this morning ( and which I will burn in the stove this evening)
The  unpalatable job of the day was to be the culling of the excess cockerels, and with some nifty footwork, one bantam cockerel out of the three earmarked for the chop, managed to escape my clutches and make a dash to freedom. I didn't try and chase the poor chap, kismet allowed his survival and so survive he will! The other two , more substantial males were not so lucky, they are presently hanging in the outhouse awaiting dressing tomorrow. Dressing chicken is something I quite enjoy and am good at

The two unlucky cockerels

Some of the thirteen runners being "jumpy"in the bad weather

The old hens wisely sheltering in the hawthorn
Chris has flown down to Southampton this afternoon with work....I am off to batten down the hatches

ps it's 18.29 pm and I have not known the wind to have ever been as strong! I have just ventured out to check on the hen houses...all ok at the moment but my heart skipped a beat when I caught sight of the three guinea fowl hanging on for grim death to their perches in the near hysterical churchyard elm

Break ups

Some animals bond for life. Winnie  and Jo, the geese ,already show this unique waterfowl trait, as do the slightly odd ménage à trois relationship between Hughie, Alf and Ivy the guinea fowl and strangely enough I was reminded today by villager Bob of the strange lifelong "friendship" between a terrier called Peter and a lonely lion called Mowgli in the early days of nearby Chester Zoo   (see pic)
Apparently nearly every animal, wild or domestic, needs a soul mate,
Human relationships by definition are much less black and white in their make up and it is with a much sadness that I have been a kind of witness to the recent break up of a long term relationship of two of my friends. 
Being a friend to someone going through a split has its rules.
You have to be there unconditionally with emotional and practical support,
You must try to be objective,
You listen and offer unambiguous advice,
You make sure you feed and water your friend regularly (they never eat properly!!!)

When you know both parties then all the rules remain but the important thing to remember is not to take sides, especially when there is no one really to blame.

Witnessing the pain of a break up of a previously "solid" couple  is awful. It is sobering, helpless and incredibly sad experience which makes you examine your own relationship (if you have one) and all you hold dear and the more distress that you see your friends battle through, the more thanks you give that your own relationship is doing..... pretty well ok.
There is no smugness in this feeling.
There is just an acknowledgement that , unlike the simple goose couple on my field, for some, a relationship is not always for life 

"Gay Gary".

I want one for Christmas

When the Shit,hits the fan

A wry entry on http://www.passiveaggressivenotes.com/
Trelawnyd is bisected by an A road which at times can be rather busy. The speed limit through the village is 30 miles an hour and an advisory speed limit is indicated next to the village school of 20 miles an hour.
As you can appreciate, there are many many people that abuse the law and I have become rather "anal" about the number of times I have had close shaves with speeding motorists when negotiating the village's single zebra crossing
This morning I took all three dogs out at 8.30am to deliver some eggs. We dropped the eggs off , walked around the village then made our way back towards the school as all the children were arriving for assembly.
As we got up to the zebra crossing a mother with a little boy appeared on the other side of the road and both she and I stopped to check the traffic before we crossed.
But the approaching 4 x 4 just didn't stop, it slowed down somewhat allowing me to step forward, then bloody well carried on driving past me as I stood there out on the crossing bubbling with indignant anger.
"Bastard!" I shouted  out rather too loudly and I found myself  instinctively lobbing a substantial plastic bag full of dog poo at the truck as it carried on its way.
It was a lucky shot!
The bomb landed quite nicely in the open trailer with a satisfying "plop"
Luckily the driver carried on seemingly unawares....
As I crossed towards home the mother gave me a smile... and I giggled at myself  all the way down to the cottage...
I am such an arse!


I have just received pics of frankie
what do you think?