A change of personality

I won't bang on anymore about "the storm", bloody hell, it wasn't exactly a soddin tornado or anything, and the sympathy I received from you American readers humbled me somewhat into silence....I know, I know, I am an over dramatic Welsh queen with a flair for the Shelley Winters! Nuff said.
We are just about to go and see Frankie for the first time.We are taking George with us and will take things slow. If Frankie has not really grasped her name then if we take her, I would like to rename her if I can. Frankie just does not do it for me.....of course I have picked a name with a "similar " feel to it and that would be Connie ( Sunday name Constance)......Bulldogs look such an unlikely Constance, I kind of liked the slight irony of it.
Well, I will post some pictures of "Connie" later and of course Saturday is "Matt Cardle" day, so I will be frothing at the mouth and getting all girly over him later......be prepared for another Matt video later.....

from left to right Janet, Ann and the ex soap actor Frazer Hines
I must pause slightly from my usual Matt worship to praise my sister's continual efforts to raise money for Motor Neurone Disease Association. In a matter of weeks she has fronted several initiative and has raised nearly 4000£! not bad for a somewhat shy lady from Prestatyn who before all this was quite content to remain quietly in the background of any social event.

Now you could see her, celebrities have been buttonholed, reams of letters written and local businesses flattered, cajoled and encouraged to take part in scheme after scheme, without feeling pressurised or bullied.
Her transformation reminds me of  Tess McGill's in Working Girl
If you have a minute ,have a look at the above blog which outlines her work.
My brother ( who has a version of motor neurone) must be very proud of her 


  1. Well done to your sister.
    I love the scene in working girl where the wonderful Joan Cusack cuts Tess's hair for her transformation then notices just how much the dress cost that Jess is about to " borrow " from her boss - Then gives Tess Valium !

  2. And Frazer Hines is making a very good job of impersonating Elton John too - thanks to Elton for donating a wig. Your Sis certainly pulled some strings.

  3. What a wonderful sister.

    Didn't mean to make you feel badly because we have tornadoes...The death of a shed is a loss as big as any.

    In any disaster it is the loss of things we treasure and the loss of control that make it so difficult.

    Never apologize for what your write, it is your blog and quite enjoyable.

    Write about anythng you want to write.

  4. Didn't intend to minimize your situation. I envisioned the storm like the one in "Ladies In Lavender", with you playing the part of Maggie Smith (Dame).

  5. Good Saturday, John!
    A storm is a storm is a storm, and when a roof takes flight, it's traumatic!
    Yes, Janet has surely blossomed and come out of her quiet shell. I see it every day. Your family must be very proud of her! She is doing a good work and is very good at it, she just needed to find her "voice".


  6. Good Luck with Connie! I'm anxious to hear how the introductions and homecoming go...

    I think that more than one brother is quite proud of your sister! ;-)

  7. Good luck with the "meet and greet". Connie is a great name! Made me think of the old 50s singer, Connie Francis. Now you know I am old!

    Lovely sister, blessings to her xo

  8. I am amazed with your sister's work. Very inspiring.
    Keep us posted on Connie. If you are anything like me, that dog is going to be sleeping in your bed tonight.
    That's my usual MO-I say I am going to "just go look" and I end up driving home with an animal in the back seat. My poor husband, he had no idea what he was getting into when he married a city girl turned farm chick.

  9. While the weather remains a very warm and slightly humid spring, so typical of Australia at this time of year, we are getting the regular eveing showers and the occassional afternoon thunderstorm. Still, we managed a BBQ last night at 7pm, after Rhonda got home from a 'back-to-back' evening/morning shift. We have a bureau 'early warning' of a potential 'super cell storm' developing towards the end of November .... Nice!

    Saw you images of Frankie/Connie - she looks a Miss Marple delight! LOL!

  10. Anonymous4:34 am

    What's her goal? 9000 wasn't it? She's almost halfway there then! Your sister's amazing John. I can't believe how fast she's making it happen. I haven't been over to her blog in a while so thanks for the reminder.
    Dane was picked up off the street and named "Zeus" for his month's stay in the shelter. He changed over to Dane pretty quickly though. I just couldn't call him Zeus with a straight face. :-)


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