Clean up

I won't bore you with the details but suffice to say that I have spent most of the morning cleaning up after last night's storm. Most but not all of my shed has been retrieved- one door has alluded me so far..bugger only knows where it ended up! I am shattered today, I was up four times during the night
BBC News (stormy weather)
Red and the five other quail have been released from the confines of the shed and have been set up in their own little run next to Bunny.
The geese have found these little scraps endlessly fascinating and have stood watching them for the past hour or so.


  1. Good to hear that you made it through the storm as did your critters. I'm sure someone will find the shed door - in cases like last nights storm, you should have a "Found it" center, or do you already have?
    The little quail are surely sturdy little guys, so small and ready for the outside (sort of)


  2. That must have been some storm! Glad everyone survived (I'm assuming the three in the elm tree are ok.)

  3. Blimey - that clip from Port Talbot was a bit extreme. We missed most of it here in Somerset, though Bristol Airport didn't, by the sound of it. I love the idea of the geese staring at the quail.

  4. The guinea fowl are a bit bad tempered today ( I put this down to no sleep)
    I have given them an extra ration of corn today....
    Ralph ( the gentlemman farmer) has just stopped by to see how we all were!....he put's the bad weather down to global warming.......
    "storms are getting worse" he observed!!!

  5. So happy to hear everyone is okay, John. Bad storms always scare me to death, mainly because I'm so worried about the animals.

  6. I hope someone finds the door to your shed! Glad Red and the rest made it thru. :O) ... sounds like a nap might be in order for you!

  7. Hello John!
    Wow that was quite the storm you had over there and I'm so sorry to read about that woman who was killed by the falling tree. I'm glad all your critters were ok other than some of their housing getting blown apart and your storage cupboard. We had a storm here last night with wind and rain but it was nothing compared to what you had. I hope you find your bits and pieces today...good luck! Enjoy what's left of your day. Maura :)

  8. Storms are scary, glad everyone is OK!

  9. So glad you and the critters are all fine. The quail look like nice birds. That was quite the storm. What a terrible death for that poor woman, and how awful for the driver.

  10. Storms are so disheartening.

    One year we had a tornado and had not cleared from that when a terrible ice storm hit and there was more damage, every where.

    Glad no one was hurt.

  11. I think I cant really complain much especially as you guys in the states have tonadoS!!!

  12. It's been blowing like mad up here in Ayrshire too for a couple of days. But today is calm and as we're both west facing (why do we punish ourselves!) I hope that it's also much calmer with you.

  13. Anonymous4:44 am

    It sounds like it was a hurricane John. Are they called hurricanes in your neck of the woods? You're near the ocean aren't you? The BBC article said the winds in North Wales were clocked at 78 mph and 73mph is the beginning measurement for a hurricane. No wonder your frigging shed blew away. Thank God all your animals are safe.

    So the geese have switched over from staring at the runner ducklings to the baby quail eh? They're very interesting birds, these geese. I wonder what in the world is going on in their heads?!


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