Armistice Day storm

The Memorial to the War dead in Trelawnyd
The North Wales coast is bracing itself to storm force winds due later today. Already we have had gales all morning and I have spent the time weighting down the coops with rocks and have cleared away anything that can be blown away.One of my egg customers dropped off a load of spare wood which I also sorted through this morning ( and which I will burn in the stove this evening)
The  unpalatable job of the day was to be the culling of the excess cockerels, and with some nifty footwork, one bantam cockerel out of the three earmarked for the chop, managed to escape my clutches and make a dash to freedom. I didn't try and chase the poor chap, kismet allowed his survival and so survive he will! The other two , more substantial males were not so lucky, they are presently hanging in the outhouse awaiting dressing tomorrow. Dressing chicken is something I quite enjoy and am good at

The two unlucky cockerels

Some of the thirteen runners being "jumpy"in the bad weather

The old hens wisely sheltering in the hawthorn
Chris has flown down to Southampton this afternoon with work....I am off to batten down the hatches

ps it's 18.29 pm and I have not known the wind to have ever been as strong! I have just ventured out to check on the hen houses...all ok at the moment but my heart skipped a beat when I caught sight of the three guinea fowl hanging on for grim death to their perches in the near hysterical churchyard elm


  1. It is getting to be chicken soup weather! We have quiet a few we will be doing soon and a nice turkey too!

  2. I hope the weather doesn't get too bad for you!

    Love the memorial, beautiful!

    Ahh, fresh chicken, straight from the farm, they taste so good!

    Those goofy ducks! LOL!

  3. Why is it called dressing John?...more like un-dressing.
    Stay safe.

  4. Maybe you are getting the storm that we have had for the past week!
    It is the first Remembrance Day in years in which the sun is shinning.....yeah!!!
    Now go get 'dressed'. lol

  5. You'll probably think I'm very wasteful but I can't kill my cockerels and end up giving them away. I always seem to have more cockerels than hens from a hatching and sod's law when Mr Fox comes calling he takes the hens first -especially the good layers!

  6. OOh I live near Southampton !!! But Mum lived in North Wales & I fully know what it can be like.

    Regds your comment - The cowboy turned out to be a real cheating git but was fun at the time and married to the Native American in the pic ( My friend )
    ( My hubby wouldn't join in - shame as have been the sailor !!! )

  7. >Dressing chicken is something I quite enjoy

    Steady on. Nx

  8. you MUST do a post on dressing chickens! We have thought many times about raising meat hens, but haven't decided we can do it, yet. I would love to know how you process yours.

  9. Anonymous4:49 am

    Well, I already know the guinea fowl survived the storm. Otherwise I'd be very nervous for them right about now.
    You put such fantastic photos in your posts btw. You've got quite an eye and a feeling for matching pics to words. They amplify each other nicely.
    Crafty little escapee...will he survive forever now or just until the end of the storm?


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