Shopping and dancing Saturday

Chris is looking a little exasperated because modern parents are sat at the next table letting their little Josh and little Holly shout at the top of their little voices. The cafe is the new one at Venue Cymru in Llandudno and looks lovely even if the food is not up to much.

Did some shopping at Marks and Spencers and had a wander around the Promenade, the weather is still holding up so it was nice to amble around with the last of the day trippers.

Settled down at 6 pm to watch the first episode of Strictly Come Dancing, only to find out that tonight was the preview only! shame!! Anyhow I put the time to good use and completed the schedule on the Trelawnyd Flower Show blog site! see below!

No sleep

I am getting used to having no sleep after nights. After watering the hens and ducks, cleaning out their "swimming pool", feeding them and feeding the dogs it was nearly 9.30am when I crawled into bed. Typically the phone went just after 10 am, and it was an excited Pat from fat club offering me a job as trainer! I tried to sound positive about it all but all I wanted to do was drag myself back into my pit like a slug. at 10.15 two men were banging on the door wanted to repair the damaged wall .(My rant with the managing director the other day over his driver's stupidity seemed to have worked) and the two blokes made a passable job of the repairs. Minutes before they left another local turned up with a ton of logs for us. I had said in passing to his friend over an idle chat in the allotment that I wanted logs for winter and bingo! village gossip and chatter "made it so". I gave up the ghost at ever having a proper sleep by 11am, so took the dogs to the beach,then made a few pies and did the weeks shop at Salisbury's. How I did everything in Sheffield AND work full time bugger only knows!
I am slumped on the couch at the moment listening to the radio. The fire is lit, the dogs are quiet and I am not answering the phone or the door to anyone!

Happy Birthday George Bevan

lovely pic

Prestatyn allotment visit & fat club interview

Ann and her allotment colleagues all trouped to the allotment for a visit this morning which was great. We swapped eggs for firewood, had coffee and cake and chatted about the hens and the ducks. I would like to have some sort of smaller co-operative similar to their set up as the camaraderie they have set up is quite infectious. I have chased up the estate agents again today, so that I can officially sign for the field. I have been squatting since March and am getting a little sick of not being "the official tenant"; hopefully that piece of paper will be reaching me very soon.

This afternoon before night shift ( YES I am doing three 12 hour shifts this week!) went to Ewloe for the fat fighters interview. As they go it was the easiest and most relaxed interview I have ever been on. And the three ladies on the panel were all very corporate and sweet! who knows where it will lead but the relaxed nature of it all would suit me down to the ground.

The Flower show post mortem

I went to the Flower show post mortem at Auntie Gladys' tonight and the figures speak for themselves as we realised that we had over 200 visitors in the two hour show and the profits were over 900 £. The show is a real community based affair as proceeds fro this year's show will be put back into village conservation projects and the village hall upkeep and improvements and all parties agreed that this years show was the best ever!
I have been voted in as vice Chair (mum's tablecloths must have swung it) and as we munched into Gladys' scones and tea ( she left me a special package of scones in the Hall as an extra gift for a few fresh eggs) we organised the schedule for next year's show. great fun.

Got back to a house of invalids as George was laying weakly by the fire and Chris was laying weakly in bed after an early morning tumble off his moped!.Shutting up the Chickens tonight in the cold autumn dark, I watched two barn owls swooping over the field time and time again. suddenly it feels like winter

George and a blog request

Worked last night and couldn't crawl into a warm bed cos George needed to be taken to the vets for his op! Grabbed an hour after I had dropped him off before completing chores and walking the others on the beach. At three I collected him from the recovery "ward" and looking at him in his cage almost broke my heart. The nurse said he had been rather traumatised by another dog's hysterical post operation barking and George literally crawled up my jumper to get away shaking like a leaf.

As you can see he wasn't his usual self on the way home at at the moment is lying in William's crate in a state of nervous exhaustion.

Had a lovely e mail from a old friend from Spinal Injuries this morning (Hello Andrea!) and was asked to put a few pictures of the village on the blog so that she could get a sense of what Trelawnyd actually looks like.

So for those avid non local blog fans here they are! (above) Is a view of Well street taken from the village pond. This is the nearest we have to a village green. (lower right) is the tiny Ebeneezer chapel which is directly across from the memorial village hall.
(left and lower left) Is the church seen from Cwm road, my field is located behind and to the right.
The Village pub The Crown is the only pub, although there used to be an odd sounding Black Boy tavern just on the main street opposite the chapel.
There is around 100 houses in the village, I forgot to photograph the village school which is a thriving primary and the post office which are just right from the pub on the main road........blink and you will miss most of it

Sheffield, Maisie and the wall gets it yet again

Caught up with John and Bev in Sheffield last night which was great. All Bar One ( as usual) for a few wines and long chats and was back on the beach with the dogs at 10 am this morning, so it was a case of best of both worlds.

Caught up with Mike and Bev and a bonny Maisie beforehand. She is very well behaved and looks adorably like she will burst into the chorus of "The sun will come out tomorrow!"

Got back to the cottage just in time to see a low loader rip the top off the cottage wall YET again!! and the driver almost ran for it as I very nearly dragged him from his cabin in anger. I didn't half give his a roasting, as did his boss who has just arrived from Denbigh after I had insisted he come to review the damage. Hey ho!

Working tonight, which is a bummer, mind you George Has his nuts off tomorrow! which could be seen a bigger bummer!!!

The place where you want to be!....

Just finished two long, long days on ITU, and after 24 hours in the sterile aseptic environment of the hospital, I have just craved to be outside in the field and allotment. After a night of heavy rain, this morning is glorious and it was lovely to find out that village elder Steve has organised for the huge hedges of the field to be cut by a local farmer. I cleaned out the hens and hands on knees scraped out the duck house ( they are really dirty compared with the sweet smelling chickens)
and head stuck in the coops, covered in shit, I realised that I would not choose to be doing anything else!

This where I want to be theme seems to be prevalent at the moment. After a great deal of soul searching friend Nigel has up sticks and moved to Manchester which is a great new start for him and last night Aunt Judy rang to say that she was planning to move back to her family's home area of Lincoln after 40 years or so in North Wales.
Changing your life is often thought to be a terribly hard thing to do, and for some the hardships come in MAKING the decision rather than completing the actual deed. After the decision is made, I believe that everything else is pretty easy. Nige and Judy have made the brave choices. We will miss Judy; but will hopefully see more of Nige- swings and roundabout-swings and roundabouts! thats what life is all about! ITU-'s the same thing!

Off to Sheffield this afternoon for a catch up with John and will pop in to see Mike, Bev and Maisie! oh and their new patio! great stuff

Pic photo is of old Robina and the others !